8275 NWAYS management for models 322,326,416

ITEM: RTA000157712

Topic thread:                                                                   
RALEIGH NETWORKING SYSTEMS CENTER (RALY - NA/ATS)                               
 NWAYS CAMPUS MANAGER SUITE FOR AIX                                             
  NWAYS CAMPUS MANAGER LAN AIX                                                  
We are investigating installing these in our network and am currently           
testing a model 322.  From NV6000 when NWAYS opens it reports "NO               
Picture Available"  Should I be able to manage it this way and should I         
have a picture.    Should the model 326 and 416 react the same?                 
I loades mibs from the WEB and loaded them in NV6000 as file name=              
ibm82753xx.mib      Is this the correct name?  THANKS                           
The 8275 is managed with the Java Mgmt Application(JMA) rather than the         
Product Specific Module(PSM) from previous versions of Nways Manager.          
What this means is that the screen view seen with the former PSMs is no         
longer seen. The view with the JMA is similar but contained within a            
window along with a "Navigation Tree" section providing point-n-click           
access to specific device information.                                          
The message you get when double-clicking the device of "No Picture              
Available" is indicative of the PSM application. You are apparently             
running Nways v1.2.x since no PSMs are in Nways V2.                             
You can correct the application association of this device by selecting         
the icon, using the right mouse button to see the "Context Menu" and            
choosing "Edit...Modify/Describe...Symbol" and then choosing the                
application "openJavaDeviceView" along with setting the "Target ID" in          
this same window. The JMA window should now come up for this device.            
The 8275 model 416 is not supported until Nways Manager for AIX V2.             
The other models should be supported in Nways V1.2.3 and all the JMAs          
contain their own MIB for managing the device.                                  
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
JMA ethernet                                                                    

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000157712 ITEM: RTA000157712
Dated: 07/1999 Category: NWAYSAIX
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