Nways Manager V2: psmStatProp Interface icon

ITEM: RTA000157554

Topic thread:                                                                   
RALEIGH NETWORKING SYSTEMS CENTER (RALY - NA/ATS)                               
 NWAYS CAMPUS MANAGER SUITE FOR AIX                                             
  NWAYS CAMPUS MANAGER LAN AIX                                                  
   RALY NWAYSAIX                                                                
I have a question about Nways Manager for AIX V2.                               
I manage 2210s by JDM in our test lab.                                          
Nways Manager seems to add psmStatProp interface in the                         
interface submap of 2210.  Then the status of psmStatProp                       
 interface is changed by JDM, when a trap comes from 2210.                     
The problem I had is that psmStatProp interface icon                            
sometimes remains Green status nevertheless node goes down.                     
That makes node icon yellow ( not red ), when node is down.                     
In the previous version Nways didn't behave like that.                          
I'd like to stop status changing of psmStatProp interface.                      
Do you have any good idea?                                                      
AIX V4.3.2                                                                      
NetView for AIX V4.1.2                                                          
Nways Manager for AIX V2                                                        
  Element Manager                                                               
The status propagation characteristics with Nways V2 is different from          
Nways V1.2.x as you noted. The basic reason for the difference is that          
in the previous versions of Nways the PSM daemon for the device(one             
PSM daemon for each device type) polled the device and for its traps.           
The PSM daemon could then present status changes as well as refined             
trap response handling even when the NetView EUI was not running.               
In Nways V2, there is no daemon that is always running to perform this          
operation. The JMA, when started by the user, can perform these                 
operations but it cannot if not started by the user.                            
For the case that you make, when the device is down(not reachable or            
out of service), NetView is aware but, with the JMA not running, the            
psmStatProp effect will not change(remains GREEN), thereby resulting           
in a propagated status of YELLOW.                                               
One could go to the interface submap for a device, e.g., 2210, and              
UNManage the psmStatProp which would cause a propagated RED status              
when the device goes down(instead of YELLOW), however, the status from          
the JMA when running would not be reflected.                                    
It is realized that the change in status propagation using Nways is not         
the same as in previous versions, and it has been noted.                        
We can seek additional information as to how psmStatProp changes state          
for the device in question if you would like.                                   
Thanks a lot.                                                                   
I'd like to discuss more about this.                                            
First of all, I cannot understand clearly what is JMA you mentioned.            
Is it Java GUI of nways devices? or any background service of                  
Nways Manager?                                                                  
And the UNMANAGED solution seems to be not acceptable.                          
In our test lab, when unmanaging psmStatProp interface icon, upper              
Node icon happened to be also unmanaged. The node icon and psmStatProp          
interface icon are connected strongly.                                          
In fact, our customer don't want node icon to change its status                 
automatically when some trap happened. He'd like to control the                 
rule of changing status. I guess most of customer don't want                    
interface icon that is changed its status by some event he don't care.          
If you have a communication pass with nways development people,                 
please ask following.                                                           
1) About JMA's changing status architecture; when it change                     
psmStatProp's status?                                                           
Can the customer control that? For examples,                                    
Cold Start Trap     -> unchanged                                                
Link Down Trap      -> Yellow                                                   
Authentication Trap -> Yellow                                                   
ELS Trap            -> Red                                                      
Node down( NetView internal Event) -> Red                                       
Is the customization like this possible?                                        
2) How to disable JMA's changing status; (without unmanaging symbol)            
As similar story, in previous version of Nways, we could disable                
JPM polling by editing /usr/CML/JMA/java/properties/                           
Customer wants same thing at this JMA behavior.                                 
Best regards                                                                    
The specific conditions you note and corresponding status colors can            
be accomplished even with Nways(psmStatProp) icon. The only point of            
"exposure" is when a NODE DOWN trap occurs for a device and the NetView         
EUI is NOT running(no sessions). Otherwise, you should be able to               
get the status color reflected that you desire.                                 
For NODE DOWN traps, if you change the Event Configuration in NetView           
(the NetView enterprise) to Severity "Critical", then when the                  
trap(event) occurs, the ICON should turn RED because NetView "marks"            
the device RED and NWays "marks" the psmStatProp RED as well since             
Nways will refer to the same NetView Event Configuration Severity.              
IF the NetView EUI session is NOT running when the NODE DOWN event              
occurs, then the resulting color will likely be YELLOW because the              
NWays process is not running to reflect RED for psmStatProp.                    
I would assume that, given your change to the NODE DOWN configuration,          
your exposure to missing the NODE DOWN event would be very small since          
your NetView EUI would normally be running.                                     
For the assumed limited case of missing the NODE DOWN event, you could          
check your event log for any of these events.                                   
The difference between events in NWays V2 and previous versions is not          
as severe as I first presented. Just keep in mind that while the NetView        
EUI is running, the Nways process managing psmStatProp will change the          
psmStatProp icon color according to the Event Configuration for the            
type of trap received.                                                          
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  120__  mins.                                                    
The concept of my previous response is correct, however, there is a             
problem in the NWays code that prevents the psmStatusProp from showing          
the proper status. A work-around solution has been demonstrated and             
I would recommend it to you.                                                    
In the NetView for AIX(NV) Event Configuration for Enterprise                   
netView6000 (                                               
1) edit the NODE DOWN(IBM_NVNDWN_EV) event configuration, OR the                
  Interface DOWN event(IBM_NVIDWN_EV) if this would be of more                  
  interest as following:                                                        
  a.  in the "Event Log Message" field, enter:  $2  $3                          
  b.  in the "Command for Automatic Action" field, enter:                       
 /usr/OV/bin/snmptrap  .  $2 6 1999999999 0         
                    (1999999999 is arbitrary)                                   
2) In Event Configuration for this same enterprise, add a new event             
  with specific trap number 1999999999 to match previous snmptrap, and          
 "Event Category" = "Log Only", "Severity" = "Critical", and                    
  "Source Character" = u                                                        
This setup will allow the NWays function to turn "psmStatusProp" RED            
when the event occurs along with the NetView interface icon including          
the device icon in the Internet map.                                            
To reset the "psmStatusProp" status, use the pull-down menu                     
"Tools...IBM Nways Java...Clear Nways Status".                                  
This should be a good work-around solution for your problem.                    
Let me know through email:  vddohays@us.ibm.com                                 
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
Java propagation status                                                         

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000157554 ITEM: RTA000157554
Dated: 07/1999 Category: NWAYSAIX
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