Nways campus manager

ITEM: RTA000157541

**Tivoli Solutions Center (TSC) Generated Call **                               
Operating System and Version               AIX 4.2.1                            
Machine Model Type                         rs6000                               
Product Name                               Nways Campus Manager                 
Product Version                            1.2.3                                
Framework Version                          3.6                                  
Multiple TMR (Y/N/NA)?                     No                                   
Is this a reproducable problem (Y/N)?      Yes                                  
Any AEF modifications in your environment? No                                   
Preferred Method of Contact                Telephone/VM                         
What are your preferred business hours?    pacific 8-5                          
Customer's Email Address:                  No Email Access Available            
Caller Type (if identified):               CustomerCalling                      
-just upgraded to 1..2.3 and having problems seeing the ATM view                
Error Message? no                                                               
just doesn't show the right info                                                
Customer has no further information at this time.                               
NWAYS camaus manager - caller upgraded to 1.2.3 and now there are               
-I apologize on this PMR, the text in the first entry just showed up and        
has nothing to do with the PMR.                                                 
requeuing PMR to NWAYS, 172 per compID                                         
 Customer Rep: Yvonne Ho                                                        
 Problem: ATM problems after upgrade 1.2.3                                      
 Action Taken: I told customer about www.networking.ibm.com/suppor              
        t.  map for atm will not function.  she said atm installed              
         without any problemms.  also campus manager loads without              
         any errors.  customer has aix v4.2.1  Netview v5.1 and ca              
        mpus manager 1.2.3                                                      
 Action Plan : there were no hits in web search for this problem.               
         sending call to L2.                                                    
Called and left message taht I would call back in a few minutes.                
Called and left message to call back at my number.                              
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _60__  mins.                                                    
Customer machine on internal network...telnet to customer machine:             
Found the ahmdbserver daemon NOT_RUNNING but all others seemed to be OK.        
The ATM Campus map does not have executable icons nor connections               
Had customer stop NV EUIs and clear ATM topology then ovstop cmld and           
then ovstart to get all the ATM daemons started again.                          
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _60__  mins.                                                    
Customer called back to indicate that the same problem exists following         
the clearing of the ATM DB.                                                    
Inspection further of the CML install logs indicate that NV security            
was on and prevented some fields updates....will need to be addressed           
after getting system and maps running ok.                                       
Also, logged into customer machine and with customer online, performed          
clear of all NWays DBs...the HUB topo clear failed with a library               
error. The install may need to be redone in some fashion based on               
call back Monday.                                                               
Also, performed inconsistency check on NV DB...OK.                              
Performed "osconfig server" for OStore...OK.                                    
Daemons started back OK. Customer bringing up NV EUI. Customer                  
will call back on Monday with status update.                                    
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _75__  mins.                                                    
Customer still has ATM applications not showing up and ATM icons are            
not executable.                                                                 
Logging into customer machine.                                                  
Customer installed with NV security enabled and did not respond correctl        
y during to install for security login....some symbol/field files did           
not get updated based on nv6000.log messages on startup of EUI.                 
Customer also has umask 077 which is very restrictive. This umask               
setting has caused install problems.                                            
On NV EUI startup, the ahmeui process does not start even though                
registered seemingly.                                                           
I recommended that customer stop NV EUI and daemons and perform a               
force install of ahm6000 from media and see if the situation improves.          
I indicated that customer could call me when ready to do this even thoug       
h I described the steps for performing.                                         
Wait for customer call.                                                         
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _20__  mins.                                                    
Customer called and left msg that force install of ahm6000 resolved the         
problem. Customer is pleased.                                                   
Called customer who had some questions remaining. SOme cmld daemons             
failed to run and wondering why. I explained that some map operations          
among other things could cause this condition. I explained the best             
way to handle map operations to avoid Nways daemon problems.                    
PMR closed.                                                                     
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
ahm6000 force                                                                   

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000157541 ITEM: RTA000157541
Dated: 07/1999 Category: NWAYSAIX
This HTML file was generated 2000/11/30~13:34:11
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