DLSw uses default community

ITEM: BDC000013574

Topic thread:                                                                   
 NWAYS CAMPUS MANAGER SUITE FOR AIX                                             
  NWAYS CAMPUS MANAGER LAN AIX                                                  
The DLSw is using the public community causing a flood of authentication        
failures. (we do not use PUBLIC, we use getall for read community)              
I have entered /usr/OV/bin/dlswmap -c getall  but nothing changed.              
looking at /usr/OV/conf/dlsw.conf it has not changed¢¢                          
Check the file /usr/OV/registration/C/dlsw.reg for the dlswmap                  
application that starts when the NetView EUI is started.                        
(Search for "public"). Change the community to your desired DEFAULT             
community name string...this should resolve your problem but will               
be effective on your next NetView EUI invocation. (The NetView                 
community default is used for this application if no community string           
is specified here).                                                             
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  

WWQA: ITEM: BDC000013574 ITEM: BDC000013574
Dated: 06/1999 Category: NWAYSAIX
This HTML file was generated 2000/11/30~13:34:01
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