Automatic Discovery on NetView/6000

ITEM: RTA000073516

I'd like to know about the automatic discovery function of                      
The manual(SC31-6196-00) says, "However, if a few node never                    
communicates with a gateway or other nodes on the network that supports         
SNMP, NetView/6000 may not find it.", in its page 88.                           
Q. Does NetView/6000 read the ARP cache of gateways and some MIB values         
   of SNMP agents to run the automatic discovery function?                      
   If not, how does it come to know the existence of nodes beyond               
The discovery algorithms and approaches are not all published by HP and        
Based upon my experience: yes, the ARP cache is read; how, exactly,             
the discovery algorithms use this information is not published.                 
AIX NetView/6000 does use MIB values to see (for example) if a node is          
a gateway (for example, if SNMP is not up,                                      
the node is not identified as a gateway).                                       
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
AIX NETVIEW/6000 DISCOVERY                                                      

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000073516 ITEM: RTA000073516
Dated: 05/1996 Category: ITSCSAIXNV6
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