Generic device driver for the EXB-10e's tape drive

ITEM: RTA000073313

I found in a SETI ITEM that we can use the generic device driver                
(Other SCSI Tape) in AIX to pilot the EXB-10e's tape drive.                     
As we haven't this exabyte model in our department, I can't test                
it ... I need to know if this generic device driver allows to                   
access the tape drive and to control the robot (to insert a tape,               
store a tape in a specific slot, etc....). I think that this generic            
DD allows to access the tape but I'm not sure for the robot.                    
Could you say me how it works ? Is this generic DD enough ?                     
Unfortunately, the robotic device driver to support the EXB-10e tape            
cartridge system is not included with the hardware. If the robotic              
device driver is not on the system, the EXB-10e tape drive will use             
the generic device driver in AIX and much of the functionality of the          
EXB-10e will be wasted (no autoloading). It is recommended that the             
robotic device driver be used in conjunction with the EXB-10e. This             
robotic device driver is obtained by ordering the Jukebox Module of             
Legato Networker or UniTree software package. Device drivers are also           
available from the IBM AIX Storage Management Group at (214) 280-1320           
 or DALVMIC1(STORMGT).                                                          
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
GENERIC DEVICE DRIVER EXB-10E LEGATO                                            

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000073313 ITEM: RTA000073313
Dated: 06/1996 Category: ITSAI6000HW
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