AIX RISC S/6000 9trks 6250 bpi STK 2925

ITEM: RTA000068320

I try to add an old tape 9tracks 6250 bpi: STK 2925 to my RS6K.                 
This tape is currently connected to a SUN with a dedicated SCSI card.           
The SUN command "probe-scsi-all" says that this tape unit is:                   
target 4 unit 0 removable tape STKL 2925 CS04                                   
So I try                                                                        
mkdev -c tape  -t 'ost' -s 'scsi' -p 'scsi0' -w '40'                            
but I receive:  0514-047 Cannot access a device.                                
may be it's 04 instead of 40                                                    
This address is hard coded and I can't change it.                               
My questions: what is the correct address: 40 or 04 ?                           
Is there any special device driver required to use this STK tape?               
Is it possible to describe this tape as :  9trk        scsi ?                   
How can I address 1600 or 6250 bpi ?                                            
   I am not familiar with the SUN command or its usage.  But, I would           
   tend to view the output in either of two ways, where the SCSI                
   Address is either 4 or 0.  Chances are it is 4.  You should use              
   the following command on the RISC System/6000 if the address is 4:           
      mkdev -c tape -t 'ost' -s 'scsi' -p 'scsi0' -w '04'                       
   Less likely, but if the address is 0:                                        
      mkdev -c tape -t 'ost' -s 'scsi' -p 'scsi0' -w '00'                       
   You may wish to check the tape drive documentation to verify the             
   information on the "hardcoded" SCSI address.                                 
   Usually the error 0514-047 is a hardware or configuration problem.           
   Did you "hot plug" the tape drive to the RISC System/6000?  Meaning,         
   did you attach the drive to the system unit without shutting down            
   the system?  Supported attachment method requires powering down the         
   RISC System/6000.  When the system reboots, it may try to                    
   autoconfigure the OEM tape drive, which would mean you would not             
   have to run the above commands, since the "cfgmgr" does that for you.        
   Also, is the tape drive powered up when it is being configured?              
   Is the tape drive SCSI id unique, that is, is it the only device             
   on the bus which has address "0" or "4" or whatever the Tape                 
   Drive documentation states is the SCSI id.  One last thing to                
   check, make sure that the device is properly terminated, and that            
   all SCSI cables are firmly attached to their connections.                    
   Now, please understand that IBM does not support the STK 2925 Tape           
   drive on the RISC System/6000.  However, AIX level 3.2 does provide          
   a generic device driver (OST, other SCSI tape) for the attachment            
   and use of OEM tape drives.  However, this driver cannot be                  
   guaranteed to provide the same functionality for OEM tape drives,           
   as it would for IBM supported tape devices.  IBM does not guarantee          
   that this driver will work will all OEM SCSI tape devices.  The              
   only way to verify that it will work is to test it.  Otherwise,              
   your only other option is to contact the STK vendor, and try to              
   obtain a device driver for this tape drive.                                  
   Lastly, for your final questions, I have appended a response                 
   from another item which you may find helpful in configuring your             
   OEM 9-Track tape drive.                                                      
  ADDING OEM TAPE DRIVES                                                        
  The parameters (Density setting) values depends entirely on the type          
  of tape drive being used.  I am guessing that you have an OEM 1/2"            
  9-track tape drive from your statement about "1600/6250 density".            
  Therefore, I will provide the default parameters for IBM's 1/2"               
  9-track tape drive:                                                           
  BLOCK size (0=variable length)                      1024                      
  Use DEVICE BUFFERS during writes                    yes                       
  DENSITY setting #1                                  3                         
  DENSITY setting #2                                  2                         
  DENSITY SETTING 1:  (high density)                                            
  Sets the density value, as provided by the MODE SELECT parameters of          
  the tape drive, that the tape drive will write when using special             
  files /dev/rmt*, /dev/rmt*.1, /dev/rmt*.2, and /dev/rmt*.3. This              
  value is one byte in length and is represented using decimal                  
  notation. Refer to the specific tape drive SCSI specification to             
  obtain this value. For most SCSI tape drives, the default value for           
  this attribute is the value for the drive's high density setting.             
  Setting this value to 0 (zero) causes the drive to write with its             
  default density setting.                                                      
  DENSITY SETTING 2:  (low density)                                             
  Sets the density value, as provided by the MODE SELECT parameters of          
  the tape drive, that the tape drive will write when using special             
  files /dev/rmt*.4, /dev/rmt*.5, /dev/rmt*.6, and /dev/rmt*.7. This            
  value is one byte in length and is represented using decimal                  
  notation. Refer to the specific tape drive SCSI specification to              
  obtain this value. For most SCSI tape drives, the default value for           
  this attribute is the value for the drive's low density setting.              
  Setting this value to 0 (zero) causes the drive to write with its            
  default density setting.                                                      
  IMPORTANT NOTES:                                                              
  1.  The DENSITY value (bytes per inch) is ignored when using a                
  magnetic tape device that does not support multiple densities. (Such          
  as IBM's 1/2" 9-track, which has either LOW (1600 bpi) or HIGH                
  (6250 bpi) density.  Thus, you should not need to alter the DENSITY           
  Settings once this OEM 1/2" 9-track tape drive is set up, since the           
  density will be switchable through the rmt special files.                     
  Examples of commands used to perform a backup on an IBM 9-track               
  tape drive are listed below:                                                  
      o  To backup a directory to a 9-track tape drive with a density           
         of 1600 bpi, you would use the following command (| = pipe             
            find . -print | backup -ivf /dev/rmt0.4                             
      o  To use the tape drive with the density set to 6250 bpi, you            
         would use this command:                                                
            find . -print | backup -iv /dev/rmt0                                
  2.  For tape drives that do support multiple densities:                       
      o  Density value only applies when writing to the tape.  When             
         reading, the drive defaults to the density at which the tape           
         is written.                                                            
      o  DENSITY values can be altered in SMIT to permit different              
         definitions/formats of High (DENSITY setting 1) or Low                 
         (DENSITY setting 2).  For instance, the IBM 7207-012, or              
         the 7208-011 do support multiple densities.                            
  3.  Below is a listing of the RMT Special Files, and associated tape          
  drive activity:                                                               
     |Drive Activity Applied with |   Drive Activity Applied with |             
     |         DENSITY 1          |            DENSITY 2          |             
     | rmt0    no retension       | rmt0.4     no retension       |             
     |         rewind             |            rewind             |             
     | rmt0.1  no retension       | rmt0.5     no retension       |             
     |         no rewind          |            no rewind          |             
     | rmt0.2  retension          | rmt0.6     retension          |             
     |         rewind             |            rewind             |             
     | rmt0.3  retension          | rmt0.7     retension          |             
     |         no rewind          |            no rewind          |             
   Thank you.                                                                   
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
9-TRACK OEM                                                                     

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000068320 ITEM: RTA000068320
Dated: 05/1996 Category: ITSAI6000HW
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