7137 shared between RS/6000

ITEM: RTA000088452

I need to run HACMP mode 2. Using the new multi-LUN feature of the              
7137, is it possible to define three LUNs of two disks, and then                
define three vg (one for each LUN), each vg being accessed by a                 
different RS/6000?  EVEN if the 7137 is configured in RAID-5?  I have           
6 disks in the 7137.                                                            
   To AIX, 7137 LUNs are seen as regular hdisks. Therefore, you                 
   can define multiple volume groups which can be owned by different            
   systems with no problems (even with RAID-5).                                 
QUESTION :                                                                      
I need to run HACMP mode 2                                                     
 Using the new multi-LUN feature of the 7137, is it possible to define          
 three LUNs of two disks, and then define three vg ( one for each               
LUN ), each vg being accessed by a different RS/6000 ?                          
 ( I have 6 disks in the 7137)                                                  
EVEN if the 7137 is configured in RAID-5 ?                                      
Thank you                                                                       
ANSWER :                                                                        
R: To AIX, 7137 luns are seen as regular hdisks. Therefore, you                 
   can define multiple volume groups which can be owned by different            
   systems with no problems. ( Even with RAID-5 )                               
   Thank you.                                                                   
 QUESTION :                                                                    
   Except for HACMP mutual takeover what is the interest for a                  
  RS/6K for example of the multi LUN feature ?                                  
   Will I gain in performance ?                                                 
  I understand that the RAID-5 technology is the same, and data and             
 parity stripped the same manner with and without multi LUn , am I              
Thank you                                                                       
R: You are correct that performance will not be affected by using the           
   multi-lun feature with a single system. The only benefit from having         
   several luns and volume groups is data organization. All the apples          
   go in this volume group, all the oranges in that one, etc.                   
        Thank you.                                                              
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
7137 SHARED BETWEEN RS/6000'S                                                   

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000088452 ITEM: RTA000088452
Dated: 05/1996 Category: ITSAIHA6000
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