See the Field Descriptor section for a list of the valid field descriptors that are allowed with the date command.
Enter the ping MachineName command to determine the availability of a particular machine on the network. Press the Ctrl-C key combination to stop the pingcommand. If the ping command indicates that the machines are not communicating or that data is being lost, a network problem exists. See the "Network Overview" in AIX Version 4.3 System Management Guide: Communications and Networks for information on how to resolve it.
Note: The timed daemon should be controlled using the System Resource Controller (SRC) or the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT). Entering the timed daemon at the command line is not recommended.
The vmstat command requires a positive, nonzero interval value. Reenter the command, specifying a valid interval value.
The vmstat command requires a positive, nonzero integer for a count value. Reenter the vmstat command, specifying valid interval and count values.
Reenter the vmstat command, specifying a valid interval value and no count value. When no count value is specified, the vmstat command generates output at the specified interval until you stop the command by entering the Ctrl-C key combination.
Note: The getlvodm command is an internal command. InfoExplorer currently contains no information about this command.
Using the sar command, you cannot open /usr/adm/sa/FileName for one of the following reasons:
Use the env command to determine if the TERM environment variable is set correctly. If the variable is not set to a terminal type that has status line capability, enter export TERM=TerminalType to reset the variable.
If the error message is still displayed, the terminal does not have screens to display the status line. See the terminfo file in AIX Files Reference for more information on terminal types.