Unique Type |
Identifies the class-subclass-type name of the device to which this
attribute is associated. This descriptor is the same as the Unique Type descriptor
in the PdAt object class. |
Attribute Name |
Identifies the device attribute. This is the name that can be passed
to mkdev and chdev configuration commands and device methods in the attribute-name
and attribute-value pairs. |
Classification |
Identifies the device attribute's classification. The followings characters
are valid values:
- B
- Indicates a basic attribute.
- A
- Indicates an advanced attribute.
- R
- Indicates a required attribute.
Sequence |
Identifies the number used to position the attribute in relation to
others on a panel/menu. This field is identical to the 'id_seq_num' currently
in the sm_cmd_opt (SMIT Dialog/Selector Command Option) object class. |
Operation |
Identifies the type of operation associated with the unique device
type. Operation and attribute name fields are mutually exclusive. The following
operation names are used by Web-based System Manager Device application:
- assign_icon
- Indicates that an icon is to be assigned to the unique device type.
- add_device type
- Indicates that the unique device type can be manually added to the system
via the Web-based System Manager Device Application's 'New' Device action. device type is a user chosen name that will identify the
type or class of device that can be added via the Web-based System Manager
Device Application. This name will be sorted in alphabetical order, therefore,
to have all similar type or class of devices be grouped together in the Web-based
System Manager device selection panel, choose the name accordingly. Example:
will allow the selections for adding ISA adapters (token
ring and ethernet) be together, but
will cause the selection for adding tty to be inserted
in between the two ISA adapters selections.
- move_device type
- Indicates that the unique device type can be moved to another location
via the Web-based System Manager Device Application's Move action
- list_parent
- Indicates that the unique device type has a special method to obtain
the list of parent devices that it can be connected to. The method must be
listed in the list_cmd field.
- show_apply_option
- Indicates that a selection will appear on the device properties panel,
to allow the user to apply change(s) to devices' properties immediately, or
defer the change(s) until the next System Restart.
Operation Value |
Identifies the value associated with the Operation field. For Web-based
System Manager Device Application, when the operation is 'assign_icon', the
value in operation_value will be the name of the icon associated with the
unique device type. The icon name is the first extension of the icon file
name under /usr/websm/codebase/images directory.
When the operation is
'add_<device>', the operation_value field may contain the command used
to make the device, if the 'mkdev' command cannot be used. However, Web-based
System Manager Device Application will invoke the command stored in this field
with the same arguments normally passed to the 'mkdev' command. |
Description |
Identifies the attribute's description. Web-based System Manager Device
Application expects this field to be of the following format: message file,set
id,msg id,default text |
List Cmd |
Identifies the command to issue to override the attribute's current
value, except when operation field is set, then it will be the command to
issue to return information associated with the operation. For example:
In the case of 'add_tty' operation, the list_cmd field contains the following
lsdev -P -c tty -s rs232 -Fdescription
string returned from executing this command will be put on the Web-based System
Manager device selection panel. |
List Values Cmd |
Identifies the command to issue in order to obtain the possible values
of an attribute. The values returned will override the values field in the
Predefined Attribute object class. |
Change Cmd |
Commands used to change the attribute value if 'chdev' cannot be used.
When commands (stored in <field>_cmd) are executed to obtain
information for an attribute, Web-based System Manager Device Application
will always pass the device name as an argument to the command. Therefore,
it is essential that the command stored in these <field>_cmd, handle
this fact. Otherwise, a script can be stored in these fields in the following
list_cmd = "x()\n\
<run some command>\n\
x "
In the case of the change_cmd field, Web-based System Manager
Device Application will also pass in the attribute=value pair after the first
argument. |
Help |
Help text associated with the attribute. This could be of the form:
message file,set id,msg id,default text
a numeric string equal to a SMIT identifier tag. |
Nls Values |
Identifies the text associated with the attribute's values. These values
will be displayed in place of the values stored in the Predefined Attribute
object class. This field should be of the form:
message file,set id,msg id,default text
The ordering of values should match the ordering in the Predefined
Attribute values field. |