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Technical Reference: Kernel and Subsystems, Volume 1

vfs_umount Entry Point


Unmounts a virtual file system.


int vfs_umount ( vfsp, crp)
struct vfs *vfsp;
struct ucred *crp;


vfsp Points to the vfs structure being unmounted. This structure is defined in the /usr/include/sys/vfs.h file.
crp Points to the cred structure. This structure contains data that the file system can use to validate access permission.


The vfs_umount entry point is called to unmount a virtual file system. The logical file system performs services independent of the virtual file system that initiate the unmounting. The logical file system services:

The logical file system assumes that, if necessary, successful vfs_umount entry point calls free the root v-node. An error return from the vfs_umount entry point causes the mount point to be re-established. A 0 (zero) returned from the vfs_umount entry point indicates the routine was successful and that the vfs structure was released.

Execution Environment

The vfs_umount entry point can be called from the process environment only.

Return Values

0 Indicates success.

Nonzero return values are returned from the /usr/include/sys/errno.h file to indicate failure.

Related Information

The umount subroutine, uvmount subroutine, vmount subroutine.

Virtual File System Overview, Virtual File System Kernel Extensions Overview, Virtual File System Kernel Extensions Overview, Understanding Data Structures and Header Files for Virtual File Systems, Logical File System Overview, Understanding Virtual Nodes (V-nodes) in AIX 5L Version 5.2 Kernel Extensions and Device Support Programming Concepts.

List of Virtual File System Operations.

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