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Technical Reference: Kernel and Subsystems, Volume 1

kra_getrset Subroutine


Gets the resource set to which a work component is attached.


#include <sys/rset.h>
int kra_getrset (rstype, rsid, flags, rset, rset_type)
rstype_t rstype;
rsid_t rsid;
unsigned int flags;
rsethandle_t rset;
unsigned int *rset_type;


The kra_getrset subroutine returns the resource set to which a specified work component is attached.

The work component is an existing process identified by the process ID. A process ID value of RS_MYSELF indicates the resource set attached to the current process is requested.

Upon successful completion, one of the following types of resource set is returned into the rset_type parameter:


rstype Specifies the type of the work component whose resource set attachment is requested. This parameter must be the following value, defined in rset.h:
  • R_PROCESS: existing process
rsid Identifies the work component whose resource set attachment is requested. This parameter must be the following:
  • Process ID (for rstype of R_PROCESS): set the rsid_t at_pid field to the desired process' process ID.
flags Reserved for future use. Specify as 0.
rset Specifies the resource set to receive the work component's resource set.
rset_type Points to an unsigned integer field to receive the resource set type.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the kra_getrset subroutine returns a 0. If unsuccessful, one or more of the following are true:

EINVAL One of the following is true:
  • The flags parameter contains an invalid value.
  • The rstype parameter contains an invalid type qualifier.
EFAULT Invalid address.
ESRCH The process identified by the rstype and rsid parameters does not exist.

Related Information

The krs_getpartition Subroutine.

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