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Technical Reference: Kernel and Subsystems, Volume 1

d_mask Kernel Service


Disables a direct memory access (DMA) channel.


#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <sys/dma.h>

void d_mask ( channel_id)
int channel_id;


channel_id Specifies the DMA channel. This parameter is returned by the d_init service.


The d_mask kernel service disables the DMA channel specified by the channel_id parameter.

The d_mask kernel service is typically called by a device driver deallocating the resources associated with its device. Some devices require it to be used during normal device operation to control DMA requests and avoid spurious DMA operations.

The d_mask service, like all DMA services, should not be called unless the d_init service has allocated the DMA channel.
The d_mask kernel service is not supported on the 64-bit kernel.

Execution Environment

The d_mask kernel service can be called from either the process or interrupt environment.

Return Values

The d_mask service has no return values.

Related Information

The d_init kernel service, d_unmask kernel service.

I/O Kernel Services and Understanding Direct Memory Access (DMA) Transfers in AIX 5L Version 5.2 Kernel Extensions and Device Support Programming Concepts.

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