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Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions, Volume 2

wlm_get_procinfo Subroutine


Retreives per-process Workload Manager information.


Workload Manager Library (libwlm.a)


#include <sys/wlm.h>

int wlm_get_procinfo (pid, wlmpinfop)
pid_t pid;
struct wlm_procinfo *wlmpinfop;


The wlm_get_procinfo subroutine returns Workload Manager information for the process associated with the pid parameter, into the buffer pointed to by the wlmpinfop parameter. If process total accounting is disabled, the related fields (totalconnecttime, termtime, totalcputime, and totaldiskio) are set to -1. When WLM is on, the class name of the process is set in the classname field of the wlm_procinfo structure. When WLM is off, this field is set to Unclassified.


pid Indicates from which process to retrieve the Workload Manager information.
wlmpinfop Points to the buffer where the Workload Manager information is stored.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the wlm_get_procinfo subroutine returns a zero. If the wlm_get_procinfo subroutine is unsuccessful, a nonzero value is returned.

Error Codes

For a list of the possible error codes returned by the WLM API functions, see the description of the wlm.h header file.

Related Information

The wlm.h header file.

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