Sends secret mail in a secure communication channel.
xsend User
The xsend command sends messages that can be read only by the intended recipient. This command is similar to the mail command, but the mail sent with this command is intended to be secret.
The xsend command is used with the enroll command and the xget command to send secret mail. The enroll command sets up the password used to receive secret mail. The xget command uses that password to receive the mail.
The xsend command reads standard input until an EOF (Ctrl-D) or a . (period) is entered. It then encrypts this text along with some header information and sends it. After sending the encrypted message,the xsend command mails a standard mail message to the recipient informing them they have received secret mail.
Note: Secret mail can only be sent to local users.
xsend ron
When you have issued the xsend command with the recipient's name, the mail system is used to enter the text of the message. When you finish entering the message to user ron, press the Enter key, then Ctrl-D or a . (period) to exit the mail editor and send the message. The xsend command encrypts the message before it is sent.
xsend lance <proposal
In this example, the file proposal is sent to user lance.
/var/spool/secretmail/*.keys | Contains the encrypted key for User. |
/var/spool/secretmail/*.[0-9] | Contains the encrypted mail messages for User. |
/usr/bin/xsend | Contains the command executable files. |
The bellmail command, enroll command, mail command, xget command.
Mail Overview, Sending and Receiving Secret Mail in AIX 5L Version 5.2 System User's Guide: Communications and Networks.