Locates proxy services.
xfindproxy -manager ManagerAddress -name ServiceName -server ServerAddress [ -auth] [ -host HostAddress ] [ -options Options ]
xfindproxy is a program used to locate available proxy services. It utilizes the Proxy Management Protocol to communicate with a proxy manager. The proxy manager keeps track of all available proxy services, starts new proxies when necessary, and makes sure that proxies are shared whenever possible.
If xfindproxy is successful in obtaining a proxy address, it will print it to stdout. The format of the proxy address is specific to the proxy service being used. For example, for a proxy service of LBX, the proxy address would be the X display address of the proxy (e.g, blah.x.org:63).
If xfindproxy is unsuccessful in obtaining a proxy address, it will print an error to stderr.
The proxymngr command.