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Commands Reference, Volume 5

svmon Command


Captures and analyzes a snapshot of virtual memory.


Global Report

svmon -G [ -i Interval [ NumIntervals ] ] [ -z ]

User Report

svmon -U [ LogName1...LogNameN ] [ -r ] [ -n | -s ] [ -w | -f -c ] [ -t Count ] [ -u | -p | -g | -v ] [ -i Interval [ NumIntervals ] ] [ -l ] [ -j ] [ -d ] [ -z ] [ -m ] [ -q ]

Command Report

svmon -C Command1...CommandN [ -r ] [ -n | -s ] [ -w | -f | -c ] [-t Count ] [ -u | -p | -g | -v ] [ -i Interval [ NumIntervals] ] [ -l ] [ -j ] [ -d ] [ -z ] [ -m ] [ -q ]

Workload Management Class Report

svmon -W [ ClassName1...ClassNameN ] [ -e ] [ -r ] [ -n | -s ] [ -w | -f | -c ] [-t Count ] [ -u | -p | -g | -v ] [ -i Interval [ NumIntervals]] [ -l ] [ -d ] [ -z ] [ -m ] [ -q ]

Workload Management Tier Report

svmon -T [ Tier1...TierN ] [ -a SupClassName ] [ -x ] [ -e ] [ -r ] [ -u | -p | -g | -v ] [ -n | -s ] [ -w | -f | -c ] [ -t Count ] [ -i Interval [ NumIntervals ] ] [ -l ] [ -z ] [ -m ]

Process Report

svmon -P [ PID1... PIDN ] [ -r [ -n | -s ] [ -w | -f | -c ] [ -t Count ] [ -u | -p | -g | -v ] [ -i Interval [ NumIntervals] ] [ -l ] [ -j ] [ -z ] [ -m ] [ -q ]

Segment Report

svmon -S [ SID1...SIDN ] [ -r ] [ -n | -s ] [ -w | -f | -c ] [ -t Count ] [ -u | -p | -g | -v ] [ -i Interval [ NumIntervals] ] [ -l ] [ -j ] [ -z ] [ -m ] [ -q ]

Detailed Report

svmon -D SID1..SIDN [ -b ] [ -i Interval [ NumIntervals] ] [ -z ] [ -q ]

Framed Report

svmon -F [ Frame1..FrameN ] [ -i Interval [ NumIntervals] ] [ -z ] [ -q ]


The svmon command displays information about the current state of memory. The displayed information does not constitute a true snapshot of memory, because the svmon command runs at user level with interrupts enabled.

The segment is a set of pages and is the basic object used to report the memory consumption. So the statistics reported by svmon are expressed in terms of pages. A page is a 4K block of virtual memory while a frame is a 4K block of real memory. Unless otherwise noted, all statistics are in units of 4096-byte of memory pages.

On large page systems, some pages may have a different size. Yet, the reports are always expressed in 4KB unit. There are two exceptions:

The memory consumption is reported using the inuse, free, pin, virtual and paging space counters.

For some reports (-P, -U, -C, -W, -T), the heading lines display the global memory consumption for the entity (It summarizes the memory consumption of the segments used by this entity). On large page systems this memory consumption is followed by the distribution between the different page sizes.

   PageSize      Inuse    Pin    Pgsp   Virtual
      4 KB        6086   2000    1000      6080
     16 MB           1      1       0         1

The Column headings are:

The size of the pages considered.
Indicates the total number of pages of PageSize in real memory in segments that are used by the user.
Indicates the total number of pages of PageSize pinned in segments that are used by the user.
Indicates the total number of pages of PageSize reserved or used on paging space by segments that are used by the user.
Indicates the total number of pages of PageSize allocated in the process virtual space.

The different values are expressed in the PageSize pages unit.

A segment can be used by multiple processes. Each page from such a segment is accounted for in the inuse, pin, virtual or pgspace fields for each process that uses the segment. Therefore, the total of the inuse, pin, virtual and pgspace fields over all active processes may exceed the total number of pages in memory or on paging space.

VMM manages virtual page counters for statistical purpose only, which means they are not always up-to-date and their values may be less than the corresponding inuse counters.

A segment belongs to one of the five following types:

persistent Segments used to manipulate files and directories
working Segments used to implement the data areas of processes and shared memory segments
client Segments used to implement some virtual file systems like Network File System (NFS) and the CD-ROM file system
mapping Segments used to implement the mapping of files in memory
real memory mapping Segments used to access the IO space from the virtual address space.

Implementation Specifics

This command is valid only on the PowerPC platform.


The svmon command creates nine types of reports:

Each report type is described here.

Global Report

The global report is printed when the -G flag is specified. The column headings in a global report are:

Specifies statistics describing the use of real memory, including:
Number of real memory frames (size of real memory)
This includes any free frames that have been made unusable by the memory sizing tool, the rmss command.
Number of frames containing pages
On a large page system, this value includes the frames reserved for the large page pool.
Number of frames free of all memory pools
Number of frames containing pinned pages
On a large page system, this value includes the frames reserved for the large page pool.
Number of pages allocated in the system virtual space
Number of frames stolen by rmss and maked unusable by the VMM
in use
Specifies statistics on the subset of real memory in use, including:
Number of frames containing working segment pages
Number of frames containing persistent segment pages
Number of frames containing client segment pages
Number of frames used in the large page pools.
This value represents the amount of memory used from the Large Page Pool, expressed in 4KB pages. Beware that this is not the number of pages included in the memory/inuse count because the entire Large Page Pool is pinned and, therefore, in use.
Specifies statistics on the subset of real memory containing pinned pages, including:
Number of frames containing working segment pinned pages
Number of frames containing persistent segment pinned pages
Number of frames containing client segment pinned pages
Number of pinned frames allocated for large page pools.
This value represents the size of the large page pool expressed in 4KB pages.
pg space
Specifies statistics describing the use of paging space.
Size of paging space
Number of paging space pages used
lpage pool
Specifies statistics describing the Large Page Pool:
Large page size plus its unit (MB or KB)
Number of large pages allocated at boot time for the large page pool (expressed in pgsize unit)
Number of large pages chained in the large page free lists (expressed in pgsize unit)
The lpage pool section is not reported on a system where no large page pool is defined.

User Report

The user report is printed when the -U flag is specified. The column headings in a user login report are:

Indicates the user name
Indicates the total number of pages in real memory in segments that are used by the user.
Indicates the total number of pages pinned in segments that are used by the user.
Indicates the total number of pages reserved or used on paging space by segments that are used by the user.
Indicates the total number of pages allocated in the process virtual space.
Indicates if the user has the right to use large pages.

If a large page pool is defined and the user has large page capabilities (LPageCap is "Y"), these statistics are followed by the distribution between the different page sizes.

If the -d flag is specified, these statistics are followed by the information about all the processes run by the specified login user name. This information is similar to the one described in Process Report.

Then svmon command displays information about the segments used by those processes. This set of segments is separated into three categories:

For each category, there is a report on the page consumption for the related segments. If the LPageCap is "Y" (see above), a report on the use of the different page sizes is added. Then segment specific metrics are listed.

If the -l flag is specified, each segment in the last category is followed by the list of process identifiers that use the segment. Beside the process identifier, the login user name which started it, is also displayed. See the -l flag description for special segments processing.

If the -r flag is specified, each segment is followed by the ranges, within the segment, where pages have been allocated.

If the -q flag is specified, only users with the large page capability (LPageCap) are reported. Note that all of the segments for this user are reported. If a list of users is specified, an error is reported for each user without large page capability.

Command Report

The command report is printed when the -C flag is specified. The column headings in a command report are:

Indicates the command name.
Indicates the total number of pages in real memory in segments that are used by the command (for all process running the command).
Indicates the total number of pages pinned in segments that are used by the command (for all process running the command).
Indicates the total number of pages reserved or used on paging space by segments that are used by the command.
Indicates the total number of pages allocated in the virtual space of the command.

If a large page pool is defined, these statistics are followed by the distribution between the different page sizes.

If the -d flag is specified, these statistics are followed by the information about all the processes running the specified command. This information is similar to the one described in Process Report.

Next svmon displays information about the segments used by those processes. This set of segments is separated into three categories:

For each category, there is a report on the page consumption for the related segments. If the machine has large page capabilities, a report on the use of the different page sizes is added. Then segment specific metrics are listed.

If the -l flag is specified, each segment in the last category is followed by the list of process identifiers that use the segment. Beside the process identifier, the command name it runs is also displayed. See the -l flag description for special segments processing.

If the -r flag is specified, each segment is followed by the ranges, within the segment, where pages have been allocated.

If the -q flag is specified, only information related to large page segments are reported.

Workload Management Reports

svmon provides the ability to report workload management related activity with the following 2 types of report:

These reports are available when the workload manager is running. Otherwise, the message WLM must be started displays and no statistics are reported. When the workload manager is running in passive mode, svmon displays the following message: WLM is running in passive mode before displaying the statistics.

Refer to Workload Management in AIX 5L Version 5.2 System Management Guide: Operating System and Devices.

Class Report

The class report prints when the -W flag is specified. The column headings in a class report are:

Class or Superclass
Indicates the class or superclass name.
Indicates the total number of pages in real memory from segments belonging to the class.
Indicates the total number of pages pinned from segments belonging to the class.
Indicates the total number of pages reserved or used on paging space by segments belonging to the class.
Indicates the total number of pages allocated in the virtual space of the class.

If a large page pool is defined, these statistics are followed by the distribution between the different page sizes.

After these statistics are displayed, svmon displays information about the segments belonging to the class.

If the -e flag is specified, the statistics of the subclasses of the class are displayed and the segments statistics are reported per subclass. In this case, the class parameter must be a superclass name.

If the -l flag is specified, each segment is followed by the list of process identifiers which are using it. Besides the process identifier, the workload class which the process belongs to is also displayed. See the -l flag description for special segments processing.

If the -r flag is specified, each segment is followed by the ranges, within the segment, where pages have been allocated.

If the -q flag is specified, only large page segments are reported. In that case, global metrics are only related to these large page segments.

Tier Report

The tier report prints when the -T flag is specified. The column headings in a tier report are:

Indicates the tier number.
Optional column heading. Indicates the superclass name when tier applies to a superclass (when the -a flag is used).
Indicates the total number of pages in real memory from segments belonging to the tier.
Indicates the total number of pages pinned from segments belonging to the tier.
Indicates the total number of pages reserved or used on paging space by segments belonging to the tier.
Indicates the total number of pages allocated in the virtual space of the tier.

If a large page pool is defined, these statistics are followed by the distribution between the different page sizes.

After these statistics are displayed, svmon displays information about the classes belonging to the tier.

If the -e flag is specified, the statistics of the subclasses of each superclass belonging to the tier, are reported.

If the -x flag is specified, svmon displays information about the segments belonging to each class.

The -r and -l flags can only be used in conjunction with -x.

If the -l flag is specified, each segment is followed by the list of process identifiers which are using it. Besides the process identifier, the tier number and class which the process belongs to are also displayed. See the -l flag description for special segments processing.

If the -r flag is specified, each segment is followed by the ranges, within the segment, where pages have been allocated.

If the -q flag is specified, only large page segments are reported. In that case, global metrics are only related to these large page segments.

Process Report

The process report is printed when the -P flag is specified. The column headings in a process report are:

Indicates the process ID.
Indicates the command the process is running.
Indicates the total number of pages in real memory in segments that are used by the process.
Indicates the total number of pages pinned in segments that are used by the process.
Indicates the total number of pages reserved or used on paging space by segments that are used by the process.
Indicates the total number of pages allocated in the process virtual space.
Indicates if the process is a 64 bit process (Y) or a 32 bit process (N).
Indicates if the process is multi-threaded (Y) or not (N).
Indicates if the large page status of the process. "M" stands for mandatory, "Y" means that the process uses or have used large page segments and "N" means that the process does not use large pages.

If a large page pool is defined, these statistics are followed by the distribution between the different page sizes.

After process information is displayed, svmon displays information about all the segments the process uses. Information about segment are described in the paragraph Segment Report

If the -q flag is specified, only processes marked as large page processes (LPage) are reported. Note that all of the segments for these processes are reported. If a list of processes is specified, an error is reported for each process not marked large page.

Segment Report

The segment report is printed when the -S flag is specified. The column headings in a segment report are:

Indicates the virtual segment ID. Identifies a unique segment in the VMM.
Indicates the effective segment ID. The Esid is only valid when the segment belongs to the address space of the process. When provided, it indicates how the segment is used by the process. If the vsid segment is mapped by several processes but with different esid values, then this field contains '-'. In that case, the exact esid values can be obtained through the -P flag applied on each of the process identifiers using the segment. A '-' also displays for segments used to manage open files or multi-threaded structures because these segments are not part of the user address space of the process.
Identifies the type of the segment:
Gives a textual description of the segment. The content of this column depends on the segment type and usage (see the segment tables).

If the segment is a persistent segment and is not associated with a log, then the device name and i-node number of the associated file are displayed, separated by a colon. The device name and i-node can be translated into a file name with the ncheck command or by using the -j flag. If the segment is the primary segment of a large file, then the words large file are prepended to the description.

Mapping device name and inode number to file names can be a lenghtly operation for deeply nested filesystems. Because of that, the -j option should be used with caution.

If the segment is a persistent segment and is associated with a log, then the string log displays. If the segment is a working segment, then the svmon command attempts to determine the role of the segment. For instance, special working segments such as the kernel and shared library are recognized by the svmon command. If the segment is the private data segment for a process, then private prints out. If the segment is the code segment for a process, and the segment report prints out in response to the -P flag, then the string code is prepended to the description.

If the segment is mapped by several processes and used in a different way (for example, a process private segment mapped as shared memory by another process), then the description is empty. The exact description can be obtained through -P flag applied on each process identifier using the segment.

If a segment description is too large to fit in the description space, then the description is truncated. The truncated part can be obtained through the -S flag (without -l) on a given segment.

Segment Tables

Description Table

Segment Type Segment usage Description
persistent log files log
persistent files and directories device name : inode number
persistent large files large file device name : inode number
mapping files mapping mapped to sid source sid

no longer mapped

working data areas of processes and shared memory segments dependent on the role of the segment based on the VSID and ESID
client NFS and CD-ROM files dependent on the role of the segment based on the VSID and ESID
rmapping IO space mapping dependent on the role of the segment based on the VSID and ESID

Description Table Based on vsid for a 32-bit Kernel

Segment Type Description
segment table segment table
kernel segment kernel seg
kernel extension segment kernel ext seg
software page frame segments page frame table
ram disk segment ram disk
user's shadow of kernel segment kernel shadow
paging space disk map segment page space disk map
base config segment base config seg
software hat segment software hat
file structures segment misc kernel tables
kernel pinned heap segment kernel pinned heap
address map entry segment ame segment
page table area segment page table area

Description Table Based on vsid for a 64-bit Kernel

Segment Type Description
kernel segment kernel segment
VMMs private segment vmm data segment
segment table segments vmm scb segment
page table area segment page table area
paging space disk map segment page space disk map
software hat segments software hat
software page frame segments page frame table
real memory heap segment rmalloc heap
address map entry segments ame segment

Description Table Based on esid for 32-bit Processes on a 32-bit Kernel

ESID value or ranges Description
0x0 kernel
0x1 code
0x2 process private
  • unused segment
  • shared memory segment
  • mapped file
  • file mapped read write
  • defered update
  • mmap segment
  • working storage
  • RMMAP region segment
  • ther segments
  • extended shm segments
  • text or shared-lib code segment
  • shmat/mmap
0xD shared library text
0xE shared library ovfl
0xF shared library data

Description Table Based on esid for 64-bit Processes on a 32-bit Kernel

ESID value or ranges Description
0x0 kernel
0x2 process private
0xD shared library text
0x10 - 0x6FFFFFFF text data BSS heap
0x70000000 -0 x7FFFFFFF
  • unused segment
  • shared memory segment
  • mapped file
  • file mapped read write
  • defered update
  • mmap segment
  • working storage
  • RMMAP region segment
  • ther segments
  • extended shm segments
  • text or shared-lib code segment
  • shmat/mmap
0x80000000 - 0x8FFFFFFF private load
0x90000000 - 0x90010009 shared library text
0x9001000A - 0x90020013 shared library data
0x90020014 - 0x9FFFFFFE shared library
0xA0000000 - 0xEFFFFFFF rsvd for system use
0xF0000000 - 0xFFFFFFFF application stack

Description Table Based on esid for 32-bit Processes on a 64-bit Kernel

ESID value or ranges Description
0x0 kernel
0x1 code
0x2 process private
  • unused segment
  • shared memory segment
  • mapped file
  • file mapped read write
  • defered update
  • mmap segment
  • working storage
  • RMMAP region segment
  • ther segments
  • extended shm segments
  • text or shared-lib code segment
  • shmat/mmap
0xD shared library text
  • unused segment
  • shared memory segment
  • mapped file
  • file mapped read write
  • defered update
  • mmap segment
  • working storage
  • RMMAP region segment
  • ther segments
  • extended shm segments
  • text or shared-lib code segment
  • shmat/mmap
0xF shared library data
0x9FFFFFD0-0x9FFFFFDF 32 bit user alias
0x9FFFFFF0-0x9FFFFFFF 32bit loader alias

Description Table Based on esid for 64-bit Processes on a 64-bit Kernel

ESID value or ranges Description
0x0 kernel
0x2 process private
  • unused segment
  • shared memory segment
  • mapped file
  • file mapped read write
  • defered update
  • mmap segment
  • working storage
  • RMMAP region segment
  • ther segments
  • extended shm segments
  • text or shared-lib code segment
  • shmat/mmap
  • unused segment
  • shared memory segment
  • mapped file
  • file mapped read write
  • defered update
  • mmap segment
  • working storage
  • RMMAP region segment
  • ther segments
  • extended shm segments
  • text or shared-lib code segment
  • shmat/mmap
0x10-0x6FFFFFFF text data BSS heap
0x70000000-0x7FFFFFFF default shmat/mmap
0x80000000-0x8FFFFFFF private load
0x90000000-0x9FFFFFFF shared library text
0xF0000000-0xFFFFFFFF application stack
Indicates if this segment uses large pages.
Indicates the number of pages in real memory in this segment.
Indicates the number of pages pinned in this segment.
Indicates the number of pages used on paging space by this segment. This field is relevant only for working segments.
Indicates the number of pages allocated for the virtual space of the segment. (Only for working segments).

If the -r flag is specified, the ranges within the segment pages which have been allocated. A working segment may have two ranges because pages are allocated by starting from both ends and moving towards the middle.

If the -l flag is specified, the list of process identifiers which use that segment is displayed. See the -l flag description for special segments processing.

If the -q flag is specified, only large page segments are reported. If a list of segments is specified, an error is reported for each segment that does not have the large page flag.

Segment reports can only be generated for primary segments.

Detailed Report

The detailed report is printed when the -D flag is specified.

Several fields are presented before the listing of the used pages:

The segment identifier.
The type of the segment.
Tells if the segment uses large pages.
Address Range
Ranges in which frames are used by this segment.

For working segments, the following additional fields are also present:

Size of page space allocation
Number of pages paged out.
Number of pages used by this segment.
Number of frames used by this segment.

Column headings in a detailed report.

Same segment information as described in the segment report and additionally for each frame:

Relative page number to the virtual space. This page number can be higher than the number of frame in a segment (65535) if the virtual space is larger than a single segment (large file).
Frame number in the real memory
Indicates if the frame is pinned or not
Indicates if the frame has been referenced by a process (-b flag only).
Indicates if the frame has been modified by a process (-b flag only).
Extended segment identifier. This field is only set when the page number is higher than the maximum number of frames in a segment.
Extended page number. This field is only set when the page number is higher than the maximum number of frames in a segment and indicates the page number within the extended segment.
Extended segment identifier. This field is only set when the page number is higher than the maximum number of frames in a segment.
Extended page number. This field is only set when the page number is higher than the maximum number of frames in a segment and indicates the page number within the extended segment.
Detailed reports can only be generated for primary segments.

Frame Report

The frame report prints when the -F flag is specified.

When no argument is specified, the frame report returns the percentage of real memory used for 4KB pages and also for large pages.

When frame numbers are specified, the column headings in the report are:

Frame number in real memory.
Indicates the virtual segment ID that the frame belongs to (the primary segment ID in case of extended segment).
Indicates if the frame has been referenced by a process.
Indicates if the frame has been modified by a process.
Indicates the long term pincount and the short term pincount for the frame.
Indicates the state of the frame (Bad, In-Use, Free, I/O, PgAhead, Hidden).
Indicates the status of the frame in the Software Page Frame Table.
Extended segment identifier. This field is only set when the frame belongs to an extended segment.
Indicates if the frame belongs to a large page segment.
To generate a Segment or Detailed report for the segment a frame belongs to, always use Segid, because those reports cannot be generated for extended segments.


If no command line flag is given, then the -G flag is the default.

-a SupClassName Restricts the scope to the subclasses of the SupClassName class parameter (in the Tier report -T). The parameter is a superclass name. No list of class is supported.
-b Shows the status of the reference and modified bits of all the displayed frames (detailed report -D). When shown, the reference bit of the frame is reset. When used with the -i flag, it detects which frames are accessed between each interval.
Use this flag with caution because of its impact on performance.
-c Indicates that only client segments are to be included in the statistics. By default all segments are analyzed.
-C Command1...CommandN Displays memory usage statistics for the processes running the command name Commandnm1...CommandnmN. Commandnm is a string. It is the exact basename of an executable file.
-d Displays for a given entity, the memory statistics of the processes belonging to the entity (user name or command name).
-D SID1...SIDN Displays memory-usage statistics for segments SID1...SIDN, and a detail status of all frames of each segment. Segment ids specified must be of primary segments.
-e Displays the memory usage statistics of the subclasses of the Class parameter in the Workload Class report -W and in the Tier report -T. The class parameter of -W or -a needs to be a superclass name.
-f Indicates that only persistent segments (files) are to be included in the statistics. By default all segments are analyzed.
-F [ Frame1...FrameN ] Displays the status of frames Frame1...FrameN including the segments to which they belong. If no list of frames is supplied, the percentage of memory used displays.
-g Indicates that the information to be displayed is sorted in decreasing order by the total number of pages reserved or used on paging space. This flag, in conjunction with the segment report, shifts the non-working segment at the end of the sorted list.
-G Displays a global report.
-i Interval [ NumIntervals] Instructs the svmon command to display statistics repetitively. Statistics are collected and printed every Interval seconds. NumIntervals is the number of repetitions; if not specified, svmon runs until user interruption, Ctrl-C.
Because it may take a few seconds to collect statistics for some options, the observed interval may be larger than the specified interval.
-j Shows, for each persistent segment, the file path referred.
This flag should be used with caution because of its potential performance impacts (especially with svmon -S).
-l Shows, for each displayed segment, the list of process identifiers that use the segment and, according to the type of report, the entity name (login, command, tier, or class) to which the process belongs. For special segments, a label is displayed instead of the list of process identifiers.
System segment
This label is displayed for segments that are flagged system
Unused segment
This label is displayed for segments which are not used by any existing processes. For example, persistent segments relative to files no longer in usage.
Shared library text
This label is displayed for segments that contain text of shared library, and that may be used by most of the processes (for example, libc.a). This is to prevent the display of a long list of processes.
-m Displays information about source segment and mapping segment when a segment is mapping a source segment. The default is to display only information about the mapping segment.
-n Indicates that only non-system segments are to be included in the statistics. By default all segments are analyzed.
-p Indicates that the information to be displayed is sorted in decreasing order by the total number of pages pinned.
-P [ PID1... PIDN] Displays memory usage statistics for process PID1...PIDN. PID is a decimal value. If no list of process IDs (PIDs) is supplied, memory usage statistics are displayed for all active processes.
-q Filters results regarding wether they deal with large pages or not. Additionaly, it displays large page metrics.
-r Displays the ranges within the segment pages which have been allocated. A working segment may have two ranges because pages are allocated by starting from both ends and moving towards the middle.
-s Indicates that only system segments are to be included in the statistics. By default all segments are analyzed.
-S [ SID1...SIDN ] Displays memory-usage statistics for segments SID1...SIDN. SID is a hexadecimal value. Segment IDs specified must be of primary segments. If no list of segment IDs (SIDs) is supplied, memory usage statistics are displayed for all defined segments.
-t Count Displays memory usage statistics for the top Count object to be printed
-T [ Tier1...TierN ] Displays memory usage statistics of all the classes of the tier numbers Tier1...TierN. If no list of tier is supplied, memory usage statistics displayed for all the defined tiers.
-u Indicates that the information to be displayed is sorted in decreasing order by the total number of pages in real memory. It is the default sorting criteria if none of the following flags are present: -p, -g and -v.
-U [ LogName1...LogNameN ] Displays memory usage statistics for the login name LogName1...LogNameN. LogName is a string, it is an exact login name. If no list of login identifier is supplied, memory usage statistics are displayed for all defined login identifiers.
-v Indicates that the information to be displayed is sorted in decreasing order by the total number of pages in virtual space. This flag, in conjunction with the segment report, shifts the non-working segment at the end of the sorted list.
-w Indicates that only working segments are to be included in the statistics. By default all segments are analyzed.
-W [ Clnm1...ClnmN ] Displays memory usage statistics for the workload management class Clnm1...ClnmN. Clnm is a string. It is the exact name of a class. For a subclass, the name should have the form superclassname.subclassname. If no list of class name is supplied, memory usage statistics display for all defined class names.
-x Displays memory usage statistics for the segments for every class of a tier in the Tier report -T.
-z Displays the maximum memory size dynamically allocated by svmon during its execution.


Access Control: You must have root authority to run this command.


  1. To print out global statistics, type:

    svmon -G
                   size      inuse       free        pin    virtual
    memory       786432      99980     686452      61545      86822
    pg space      16384       1084
                   work       pers       clnt      lpage
    pin           45164          0          0      16384
    in use        70261      13335          0       8192
                 pgsize       size       free
    lpage pool    16 MB          4          2

    The memory size of the system is 786432 frames i.e. 786432*4*1024 bytes (3 GB). This size is split into the inuse frames (99980 frames) and the free frames (686452 frames).

    61545 frames are pinned in memory.

    The number of pages allocated in the system virtual space is 86822.

    The inuse and pin values include the pages reserved for the large page pool.

    The size of the paging space is 16384 pages i.e. 16384*4*1024 bytes (64 MB).

    The number of paging space pages used is 1084.

    The pinned frames (61545 frames) is composed of working segment pinned pages (45164 frames) and large pages pages (16384 frames i.e. 4*16*256 = the large page pool size expressed in 4KB pages).

    The number of frames containing pages (99980 frames) is composed of working segment pages (70261 frames), persistent segment pages (13335 frames) and large page pages (8192 frames i.e. 2*16*256 = the large page used expressed in 4KB pages).

    The sum of the pinned counters (work, pers, clnt, lpage) may be different from the memory pin counter and the sum of in use counters (work, pers, clnt, lpage) may be different from the memory inuse counter due first to the statistical purpose of these counters, and second to the fact that the size of the large page pool is included in the memory in use, and the in use lpage represents only the large pages used.

    The large pages pool is composed by 4 large pages of 16 MB. 2 of them are free. The values are expressed in pgsize unit. The large page pool is equivalent to 16384 pages of 4KB.

  2. To print out global statistics each minute during 1/2 hour, type:

    svmon -G -i 60 30
  3. To print out the memory statistics for the user steve, type:

    svmon -U steve
    User                                 Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual  LPageCap
    steve                                16309    11269     1083    16304         Y
               PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
                   4 KB       8117       3077       1083       8112
                  16 MB          2          2          0          2
    SYSTEM segments                     Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual       
                                         5828     3074     1083     5823
               PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
                   4 KB       5828       3074       1083       5823
                  16 MB          0          0          0          0
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              LPage  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual 
           0         0 work kernel segment               -   5823  3074 1083  5823
    EXCLUSIVE segments                   Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
                                          8686     8195        0     8686
               PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
                   4 KB        494          3          0        494
                  16 MB          2          2          0          2
         Vsid      Esid Type Description              LPage  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
        4d093  70000000 work default shmat/mmap           Y   8192  8192    0  8192
        5ceb7         2 work process private              -    494     3    0   494
        44ed1         - pers /dev/hd9var:4228             -      0     0    -     -
        64e79         - pers /dev/hd9var:37               -      0     0    -     -
     SHARED segments                      Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
                                           1795        0        0     1795
          PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
              4 KB       1795          0          0       1795
             16 MB          0          0          0          0
          Vsid      Esid Type Description              LPage  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
         289aa         d work shared library text          -   1795     0    0  1795

    The user steve has 16309 pages in real memory. 11269 frames are pinned.

    The number of pages reserved or used in paging space is 1083. The number of pages allocated in the virtual space is 5823.

    The user steve has the the right to use large page segment. Among the pages used by the user steve, there are 2 of them that pertain to the large page pool.

    The large page size is 16MB.

    The segments used by the processes run by the user steve are separated into three categories: The global statistics for the user steve is the sum of each field (Inuse, Pin, Pgsp, Virtual) of these three categories (SYSTEM, EXCLUSIVE, SHARED).
  4. To print out the memory usage statistics for the users root and steve taking into account only working segments, type:

    svmon -U root steve -w
  5. To print out the top 10 users of the paging space, type:

    svmon -U -g -t 10
  6. To print out the memory usage statistics for the user steve, including the list of the process identifiers, type:

    svmon -U steve -l
    User                                 Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual  LPageCap
    steve                                16309    11269     1083    16244         Y
         PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
             4 KB       8117       3077       1083       8052
            16 MB          2          2          0          2
    SYSTEM segments                      Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
                                          5828     3074     1083     5823
         PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
             4 KB       5828       3074       1083       5823
            16 MB          0          0          0          0
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              LPage  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
           0         0 work kernel segment               -   5823  3074 1083  5823
    EXCLUSIVE segments                   Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
                                          8686     8195        0     8686
         PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
             4 KB        494          3          0        494
            16 MB          2          2          0          2
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              LPage  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
       4d093  70000000 work default shmat/mmap           Y   8192  8192    0  8192
       5ceb7         2 work process private              -    494     3    0   494
       44ed1         - pers /dev/hd9var:4228             -      0     0    -     -
       64e79         - pers /dev/hd9var:37               -      0     0    -     -
    SHARED segments                      Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
                                          1795        0        0     1735
         PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
             4 KB       1795          0          0       1735
            16 MB          0          0          0          0
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              LPage  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
       289aa         d work shared library text          -   1735     0    0  1735
        8050         1 pers code,/dev/hd2:4204           -     58     0    -     -   
                       pid:12374    user: steve
                       pid:11194    user: root
                       pid:10870    user: root
                       pid:10574    user: root
                       pid:10000    user: root
                       pid:6544     user: root
        1863         - pers /dev/hd2:12837               -      2     0    -     -   
                       pid:12374    user: steve
                       pid:11194    user: root
                       pid:10870    user: root
                       pid:10574    user: root
                       pid:10000    user: root
                       pid:6544     user: root
    Since the -l flag is specified, each segment of the SHARED segments category is followed by the list of process identifiers and user names which are using it.
  7. To print out the memory usage statistics for the user steve including the processes belonging to steve, type:

    svmon -U steve -d
    User                                 Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual  LPageCap
    steve                                16309    11269     1083    16304         Y
         PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
             4 KB       8117       3077       1083       8112
            16 MB          2          2          0          2
         Pid Command          Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual 64-bit Mthrd LPage
     1032304 shm_lgpg64       16309    11269     1083    16304      Y     N     Y
    SYSTEM segments                      Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
                                          5828     3074     1083     5823
         PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
             4 KB       5828       3074       1083       5823
            16 MB          0          0          0          0
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              LPage  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
           0         0 work kernel segment               -   5823  3074 1083  5823
    EXCLUSIVE segments                   Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
                                          8686     8195        0     8686
         PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
             4 KB        494          3          0        494
            16 MB          2          2          0          2
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              LPage  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
       4d093  70000000 work default shmat/mmap           Y   8192  8192    0  8192
       5ceb7         2 work process private              -    494     3    0   494
       44ed1         - pers /dev/hd9var:4228             -      0     0    -     -
       64e79         - pers /dev/hd9var:37               -      0     0    -     -
    SHARED segments                      Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
                                          1795        0        0     1795
         PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
             4 KB       1795          0          0       1795
            16 MB          0          0          0          0
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              LPage  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
       289aa         d work shared library text          -   1795     0    0  1795

    Since the -d flag is specified, the global statistics are followed by the information about all the processes run by steve. (In this case, only the ksh).

  8. To report only user having large page capability, type:
    svmon -U -q
  9. To print out the memory usage statistics for the command login, including the address ranges, type:

    svmon -C login -r
    Command                              Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    login                                 7092     3130     1083     6844
         PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
             4 KB       7092       3130       1083       6844
            16 MB          0          0          0          0
    SYSTEM segments                      Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
                                          5025     3127     1083     5025
         PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
             4 KB       5025       3127       1083       5025
            16 MB          0          0          0          0
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              LPage  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
           0         0 work kernel segment               -   5025  3127 1083  5025 
                       Addr Range: 0..23941
    EXCLUSIVE segments                   Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
                                           103        3        0      103
         PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
             4 KB        103          3          0        103
            16 MB          0          0          0          0
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              LPage  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
       3ad9d         2 work process private              -     54     3    0    54 
                       Addr Range: 0..35 : 65310..65535
       3cd9e         f work shared library data          -     49     0    0    49 
                       Addr Range: 0..1080
    SHARED segments                      Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
                                          1964        0        0     1716
         PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
             4 KB       1964          0          0       1716
            16 MB          0          0          0          0
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              LPage  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
       149aa         d work shared library text          -   1716     0    0  1716 
                       Addr Range: 0..2800
       3eb9f         - pers /dev/hd2:202789              -    194     0    -     - 
                       Addr Range: 0..947
       10ba8         - pers /dev/hd2:202790              -     36     0    -     - 
                       Addr Range: 0..35
         d80         1 pers code,/dev/hd2:297192         -     15     0    -     - 
                       Addr Range: 0..14
       24c32         - pers /dev/hd4:8200                -      3     0    -     - 
                       Addr Range: 0..2

    The commands login use 7092 pages in real memory. 3130 frames are pinned.

    The number of pages reserved or used in paging space is 1083.

    The number of pages allocated in the virtual space is 6844. The login commands do not use large pages.

    The segments used by the processes running the command login are separated into three categories:

    The global statistics for the user steve is the sum of each field (Inuse, Pin, Pgsp, Virtual) of these three categories (SYSTEM, EXCLUSIVE, SHARED).

    The address range for each segment is displayed after its statistics.

  10. To print out memory usage statistics for the commands oracle, xemacs and cc, type:

    svmon -C oracle xemacs cc
  11. To print out the memory usage statistics for the superclass System, type:

    svmon -W System
    Superclass                           Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    System                                2111      465     1128     2394
       Vsid      Esid Type Description              LPage  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual 
      700e         - work kernel pinned heap            -   1235   460 1128  1638   
      af90         - work                               -    391     1    0   391   
      9f76         - work                               -    223     0    0   214   
      a771         - work                               -     67     1    0    67   
        80         - pers /dev/hd2:3                    -     61     0    -     -   
      cf7c         - work                               -     47     0    0    35   
      f79b         - work                               -     21     0    0    14   
      9052         - pers /dev/hd3:4                    -     17     0    -     -   
      37a3         - work                               -     15     2    0    15   
       7a5         - work                               -     15     0    0     8   
      9797         - work                               -     12     1    0    12   
      52aa         - pers /dev/hd2:4196                 -      3     0    -     -   
      786f         - pers log                           -      2     0    -     -   
      ca1a         - pers /dev/hd2:12817                -      1     0    -     -   
      89b1         - pers /dev/hd4:761                  -      1     0    -     -

    The class System uses 2111 pages in real memory. 465 frames are pinned.

    The number of pages reserved or used in paging space is 1128.

    The number of pages allocated in the virtual space is 2394.

    Information about each segment belonging to the class System is then displayed.

    This report is made on a system without any large page pool, no distribution between the different page sizes is displayed.

  12. To print out the memory usage statistics for the superclass default and developer, type:

    svmon -W default developer
  13. To print out the memory usage for the superclass Mysupclass with its subclasses, type:

    svmon -W Mysupclass -e
    Superclass                           Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    Mysupclass                            1128       14        0      596
         PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
             4 KB       1128         14          0        596
            16 MB          0          0          0          0
    Class                                Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    Mysupclass.Default                    1128       14        0      596
         PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
             4 KB       1128         14          0        596
            16 MB          0          0          0          0
       Vsid      Esid Type Description              LPage  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
       f9bf         - pers /dev/hd2:6386                -    123     0    -     - 
       6fcd         - work                              -     81     2    0    79 
       d1da         - work                              -     79     2    0    77 
        260         - work                              -     77     2    0    75 
       ea5d         - work                              -     77     2    0    75 
       3fe7         - work                              -     66     2    0    64
       d7da         - work                              -     66     2    0    64 
       87d0         - work                              -     66     2    0    64 
       3867         - pers /dev/hd2:4205                -     57     0    -     - 
       522a         - pers /dev/hd2:4392                -     47     0    -     - 
       1a23         - pers /dev/hd2:24764               -     42     0    -     -
    Class                                Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    Mysupclass.Shared                        0        0        0        0
         PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
             4 KB          0          0          0          0
            16 MB          0          0          0          0
    Class                                Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    Mysupclass.subclass                      0        0        0        0
         PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
             4 KB          0          0          0          0
            16 MB          0          0          0          0
    As -e flag is specified, the statistics of the superclass Mysupclass are reported with the statistics of its subclasses.
  14. To print out the memory usage for all defined tiers, type:

    svmon -T
    Tier                                 Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
       0                                 58740    28140     1083    46875
         PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
             4 KB      50548      19948       1083      38683
            16 MB          2          2          0          2
    Superclass                           Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    System                               52565    28095     1083    43705
    Shared                                3097        0        0     3097
    Unclassified                          3078       45        0       73
    Unmanaged                                0        0        0        0
    Default                                  0        0        0        0
    Tier                                 Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
       1                                  1128       14        0      596
         PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
             4 KB       1128         14          0        596
            16 MB          0          0          0          0
    Superclass                           Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    Mysupclass                            1128       14        0      596
    All the superclasses of all the defined tiers are reported.
  15. To print out the memory usage for the tier 0, type:

    svmon -T 0
    Tier                                 Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
       0                                 58740    28140     1083    46875
         PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
             4 KB      50548      19948       1083      38683
            16 MB          2          2          0          2
    Superclass                           Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    System                               52565    28095     1083    43705
    Shared                                3097        0        0     3097
    Unclassified                          3078       45        0       73
    Unmanaged                                0        0        0        0
    Default                                  0        0        0        0
  16. To print out the memory usage for the tier 0 subclasses of the superclass Mysupclass, type:

    svmon -T 0 -a Mysupclass
    Tier Superclass                      Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
       0 Mysupclass                       1129       14        0      596
         PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
             4 KB       1129         14          0        596
            16 MB          0          0          0          0
    Class                                Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    Mysupclass.Default                    1129       14        0      596
    Mysupclass.Shared                        0        0        0        0
    Mysupclass.subclass                      0        0        0        0

    All the subclasses, belonging to the tier 0, of the superclass Mysupclass, are reported.

  17. To print out the memory usage for the tiers 0 and 1, including the segment statistics, type:

    svmon -T 0 1 -x
  18. To print out the memory usage for the tier 1, including the subclasses statistics, type:

    svmon -T 1 -e
    Tier                                 Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
       1                                  1129       14        0      596
         PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
             4 KB       1129         14          0        596
            16 MB          0          0          0          0
    Superclass                           Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    Mysupclass                            1129       14        0      596
    Class                                Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    Mysupclass.Default                    1129       14        0      596
    Mysupclass.Shared                        0        0        0        0
    Mysupclass.subclass                      0        0        0        0
    Each superclass belonging to the tier 1 is reported with its subclass statistics.
  19. To print out the memory usage for the subclasses, in the tier 0, of the superclass Mysupclass, including the segment statistics and the list of process identifiers, type:

    svmon -T 0 -a Mysupclass -x -l
    Tier Superclass                      Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
       0 Mysupclass                       4152     4118        0     4152
         PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
             4 KB         56         22          0         56
            16 MB          1          1          0          1
    Class                                Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    Mysupclass.Default                    4152     4118        0     4152
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              LPage  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
        1140  70000000 work default shmat/mmap           Y   4096  4096    0  4096 
                       pid:827620   tier:0 class:Mysupclass.Default
       a9135         - work                              -     27    22    0    27 
                       Unused segment
       6910d  9001000a work shared library text          -     16     0    0    16 
                       Shared library text segment
       99133  8fffffff work private load                 -      5     0    0     5 
                       pid:827620   tier:0 class:Mysupclass.Default
       7112e  80020014 work private load                 -      4     0    0     4 
                       pid:827620   tier:0 class:Mysupclass.Default
       7912f  ffffffff work application stack            -      3     0    0     3 
                       pid:827620   tier:0 class:Mysupclass.Default
       89131        11 work text data BSS heap           -      1     0    0     1 
                       pid:827620   tier:0 class:Mysupclass.Default
    Class                                Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    Mysupclass.Shared                        0        0        0        0
    Class                                Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    Mysupclass.subclass                  0        0        0        0

    The statistics of all the subclasses, in the tier 0, of the superclass Mysupclass are reported.

    Then, because a large page pool is defined on the machine, the distribution between the different page sizes is displayed.

    Then, as -x is specified, the subclass statistics are followed by its segments statistics.

    Finally, as -l is specified, for each segment, the list of process which uses it, is displayed.

    In this list, the process identifier followed by its tier number and its class name are given.

  20. To print out the memory usage statistics for the process 278620, type:

     svmon -P 278620
         Pid Command          Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual 64-bit Mthrd LPage
      278620 shm_lgpg64       13781    11319     1083    13769      Y     N     Y
         PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
             4 KB       5589       3127       1083       5577
            16 MB          2          2          0          2
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              LPage  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
       1cf8e  70000000 work default shmat/mmap           Y   8192  8192    0  8192 
           0         0 work kernel segment               -   5025  3127 1083  5025 
       1a9ad  90000000 work shared library text          -    420     0    0   420 
       20cf0  90020014 work shared library text          -     96     0    0    96 
       18f8c  9001000a work shared library text          -     16     0    0    16 
       16d0b  9fffffff pers ,/dev/hd2:309263             -     10     0    -     - 
       30af8  9ffffffe work                              -      7     0    0     7 
        ef87  8fffffff work private load                 -      5     0    0     5 
       1af8d  80020014 work private load                 -      4     0    0     4 
       10f88  ffffffff work application stack            -      3     0    0     3 
       16f8b        10 pers text data BSS heap           -      2     0    -     - 
       14f8a        11 work text data BSS heap           -      1     0    0     1

    The process 278620 is running the shm_lgpg64 command. It is a 64 bits process, not a multi-threaded process and is a process using large page.

    This process uses 13781 pages in real memory. 11319 frames are pinned.

    The number of pages reserved or used in paging space is 1083.

    The number of pages allocated in the virtual space is 13769.

    Within these pages, this process uses 2 large pages of 16MB (witch are equivalent to 8192 pages of 4KB).

    Information about each segment belonging to the process is then displayed.

    The segment 1cf8e is a large page one.

  21. To print out the memory usage statistics for processes 6746 and 10078 taking into account only working and persistent segments, type:

    svmon -P 6746 10078 -wf
  22. To print out the memory usage statistics of the top 10 process according to the number of pinned pages, enter

    svmon -P -t 10 -p
  23. To print out the memory usage statistics of all the process taking into account only non-system working segments and sorting the process by the number of virtual pages, type:

    svmon -P -n -w -v
  24. To print out the memory usage statistics of segments 700e 8811 and bed7, type:

    svmon -S 700e 8811 bed7 1cf8e
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              LPage  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
        700e         - work kernel pinned heap           -   1236   460 1128  1638
        8811         - work                              -    379     0   26  1757
        bed7         - pers /dev/hd2:41146               -      0     0    -     -
       1cf8e         - work                              Y   8192  8192    0  8192

    Information about each segment of the list is displayed.

    Esid is not provided because this field is valid only when the segment belongs to address space of the process.

    The segment 700e is the kernel pinned heap.

    The segment bed7 is relative to a file whose device is /dev/hd2 and whose inode number is 41146.

    The segment 8811 has no special characteristics.

    The Paging space and Virtual fields of the segment bed7 are not meaningful (persistent segment).

    The segment 1cf8e is a large page segment, and the memory reserved for them is equivalent to 8192 pages of 4KB.

  25. To print out the memory usage statistic of segments e00e and 15015, result sorted by the number of reserved paging space blocks, type:

    svmon -S e00e 15015 -g
  26. To print out the memory usage statistics of the top 5 working segment according to the number of virtual pages , type:

    svmon -S -t 5 -w -v
  27. To sort system segments by the number of pages in real memory, and print out the top 10 system segments of the resulting list, type:

    svmon -S -s -u -t 10
  28. To print only large page segments, type:
    svmon -S -q
  29. To display the address ranges of the segment 30138, type:

    svmon -S 30138 -r
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              LPage  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
       30138         - work page frame table             -  10752 10752    0 10752 
                       Addr Range: 0..10751 : 0..65535
  30. To display the file path the persistent segment 60218 refers to, type:
    svmon -S 60218 -j
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              LPage  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual    
       60218         - pers large file /dev/hd9var:214   -    328     0    -     -   
  31. To print out the frames belonging to the segment 36cfb type:

    svmon -D 36cfb
    Segid: 36cfb
    Type:  persistent
    LPage: N
    Address Range: 0..4
               Page      Frame    Pin  ExtSegid    ExtPage
                  0      62861     N          -          -
                  1      70594     N          -          -
                  2      24204     N          -          -
                  3      46339     N          -          -
                  4      23868     N          -          -
             122070      78191     N     208831         dcd6

    The segment 36cfb is a persistent segment with 5 pages. None of them is pinned.

    The page 122070 is physically the page dcd6 in the extended segment 208831.

  32. To print out the frames belonging to the segment 36cfb with the status bit of each frame, type:

    svmon -D 36cfb -b
    Segid: 36cfb
    Type:  persistent
    LPage: N
    Address Range: 0..5
               Page      Frame    Pin        Ref        Mod  ExtSegid    ExtPage
                  0     392948     N          Y          N         -          -
                  1     393187     N          Y          N         -          -
                  2     392968     N          Y          N         -          -
                  3     392825     N          Y          N         -          -
                  4     392890     N          N          N         -          -
                  5      23651     N          Y          N         -          -

    As the -b flag is specified, the referenced and modified bits of each frame of the segment 36cfb are displayed.

  33. To print out the frames belonging to the segment 36cfb including the maximum memory size dynamically allocated by svmon during its execution, type:

    svmon -D 36cfb -z
    Segid: 36cfb
    Type:  persistent
    LPage: N
    Address Range: 0..5
               Page      Frame    Pin  ExtSegid    ExtPage
                  0     392948     N          -          -
                  1     393187     N          -          -
                  2     392968     N          -          -
                  3     392825     N          -          -
                  4     392890     N          -          -
                  5      23651     N          -          -
    Maximum memory allocated = 916
  34. To print out the percentage of memory used, type:

    svmon -F
     Processing.. 100%
     percentage of memory used:   22.83%
     percentage of large page memory used:   50.00%

    The percentage of analyzed memory is provided in order to keep the user aware of the processing.

    The percentage of memory used (that means frames with the reference flag set) is 22,83%.

    The percentage of large page memory used (that means pages used by a segment) is 50.00%.

  35. To print out the status of the frames 94072 and 672914, type:

    svmon -F 94072 672914
          Frame  Segid Ref Mod    Pincount   State   Swbits ExtSegid LPage
          94072   e6fd   N   N     0/0      In-Use 88000004        -     N
         672914  784de   Y   Y     0/0      In-Use 88100004   250054     

    The frame 94072 belongs to the segment e6fd.

    The frame is not referenced and not modified, it is in the In-Use state, it does not pertain to an extended segment nor to a large page segment.

    The frame 672914 belongs to the extended segment 250054 that is linked to the 784de primary segment.

Related Information

The ncheck command, rmss command.

Logical Volume Storage Overview, Paging Space Overview in AIX 5L Version 5.2 System Management Concepts: Operating System and Devices.

Workload Management in AIX 5L Version 5.2 System Management Guide: Operating System and Devices.

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