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Commands Reference, Volume 5

splat Command


Simple Performance Lock Analysis Tool (splat).
Provides kernel and pthread lock usage reports.


splat -i file [ -n file ] [ -o file ] [ -k kexList ] [ -d [ bfta ] ] [ -l address ] [ -c class] [ -s [ acelmsS ] ] [ -C cpus ] [ -S count ] [ -t start] [ -T stop]

splat -h [topic]

splat -j


splat (Simple Performance Lock Analysis Tool) is a software tool which post-processes AIX trace files to produce kernel simple and complex lock usage reports. It also produces pthread mutex read-write locks, and condition variables usage reports.


-i inputfile AIX trace file (REQUIRED).
-n namefile File containing output of gennames command.
-o outputfile File to write reports to (DEFAULT: stdout).
-k kexList Comma delimited list of kernel extensions (DEFAULT: all).
-d detail Detail can be one of:
[b]asic: summary and lock detail (DEFAULT)
[f]unction: basic + function detail
[t]hread: basic + thread detail
[a]ll: basic + function + thread detail
-c class If the user supplies a decimal lock class index, splat will only report activity for locks in that class.
-l address If the user supplies a hexadecimal lock address, splat will only report activity for the lock at that address. splat will filter a trace file for lock hooks containing that lock address and produce a report solely for that lock.
-s criteria Sort the lock, function, and thread reports by the following criteria:
percent CPU hold time
percent elapsed hold time
lock address, function address, or thread ID
miss rate
spin count
percent CPU spin hold time (DEFAULT)
percent real wait time
average waitq depth
-C cpus Specify the number of CPUs present for this trace.
-S count The maximum number of entries in each report (DEFAULT: 10).
-t starttime Time offset in seconds from the beginning of the trace.
-T stoptime Time offset in seconds from the beginning of the trace to stop analyzing trace data. (DEFAULT: the end of the trace.)
-h [topic] Help on usage or a specific topic. Valid topics are:
  • all
  • overview
  • input
  • names
  • reports
  • sorting
-j Print a list of trace hooks used by splat.


The following is a list of available help topics and a brief summary of each:

OVERVIEW This text.
INPUT AIX trace hooks required in order to acquire useful output from splat.
NAMES What name utilities can be used to cause splat to map addresses to human-readable symbols.
REPORTS A description of each report that splat can produce and the formulas used to calculate reported values.
SORTING A list of all the available sorting options and how they are applied to splat's output.

Splat Trace

Splat takes as primary input an AIX trace file which has been collected with the AIX trace command. Before analyzing a trace with splat, you will need to make sure that the trace is collected with an adequate set of hooks, including the following:

112 LOCK

Capturing these lock and unlock trace events can cause serious performance degradation due to the frequency that locks are used in a multiprocessor environment. Therefore, lock trace event reporting is normally disabled. In order to enable lock trace event reporting, the following steps must be taken before a trace can be collected which will include lock trace events that splat requires (KornShell syntax):

  1. bosboot -ad /dev/hdisk0 -L

  2. shutdown -Fr

  3. (reboot the machine)

  4. locktrace -S

  5. mkdir temp.lib; cd temp.lib

  6. ln -s /usr/ccs/lib/perf/libpthreads.a


Steps 1 through 3 are necessary for activating the kernel-lock instrumentation; please refer to bosboot(1) for more information on bosboot and its flags. Steps 4 through 6 are necessary for activating the user pthread lock instrumentation; the temp.lib subdirectory can be put anywhere. Steps 1 through 7 are necessary in order for the report to be complete.

Splat Names

Splat can take the output of gennames as an optional input and use it to map lock and function addresses to human-readable symbols. The gennames system utility began shipping with AIX 4.3.1.

If gennames output is not available, splat will use the local file /usr/include/sys/lockname.h to identify lockclass symbols. Lockclasses and offsets can be used to identify a lock broadly, but not as specifically as the actual symbol. Additionally, this mapping may not be completely accurate if the AIX trace file is post-processed on a machine installed with a different version of AIX.

Splat Reports

The report generated by splat consists of a report summary, a lock summary report section, and a list of lock detail reports, each of which may have an associated function detail and/or thread detail report.

Report Summary
 The report summary consists of the following elements:

 - The trace command used to collect the trace.
 - The host that the trace was taken on.
 - The date that the trace was taken on.
 - The duration of the trace in seconds.
 - The estimated number of CPUs
 - The combined elapsed duration of the trace in seconds;
   ( the duration of the trace multiplied by the number of
     CPUs identified during the trace ).
 - Start time, which is the offset in seconds from the beginning of the
   trace that trace statistics begin to be gathered.
 - Stop time, which is the offset in seconds from the beginning of the
   trace that trace statistics stop being gathered.
 - Total number of acquisitions during the trace.
 - Acquisitions per second, which is computed by dividing
   the total number of lock acquisitions by the real-time
   duration of the trace.
 - % of Total Spin Time, this is the summmation of all lock spin hold
   times, divided by the combined trace duration in seconds, divided by 100.
   The current goal is to have this value be less than 10% of the total
   trace duration.

 Lock Summary

 The lock summary report has the following fields:

 Lock		         The name, lockclass or address of the lock.

 Acquisitions     The number of successful lock attempts for this lock, minus
                  the number of times a thread was preempted while holding
                  this lock.

 Spins            The number of unsuccessful lock attempts for this lock,
                  minus the number of times a thread was undispatched while

 Wait             The number of unsuccessful lock attempts that
                  resulted in the attempting thread going to
                  sleep to wait for the lock to become available.

 %Miss            Spins divided by Acquisitions plus Spins, multiplied by 100.

 %Total           Acquisitions divided by the total number of all
                  lock acquisitions, multiplied by 100.

 Locks/CSec       Acquisitions divided by the combined elapsed
 	               duration in seconds.

 Percent HoldTime 
 CPU              The percent of combined elapsed trace time that
                  threads held the lock in question while dispatched.
                  DISPATCHED_HOLDTIME_IN_SECONDS divided by combined
                  trace duration, multiplied by 100.

 Elaps(ed)        The percent of combined elapsed trace time that
                  threads held the lock while dispatched and sleeping.
                  by combined trace duration, multiplied by 100.

 Spin             The percent of combined elapsed trace time that
                  threads spun while waiting to acquire this lock.
                  SPIN_HOLDTIME_IN_SECONDS divided by combined trace
                  duration, multiplied by 100.

The lock summary report defaults to a list of ten locks, sorted in descending order by percent spin hold time ( the tenth field ). The length of the summary report can be adjusted using the -S switch. The sorted order of the summary report ( and all other reports ) can be set with the -s switch whose options are described in the SORTING help section, splat -h sorting.

Lock Detail

 The lock detail report consists of the following fields:

 LOCK             The address (in hexadecimal) of the lock.

 NAME             The symbol mapping for that address (if available)

 CLASS            The lockclass name (if available) and hexidecimal offset,
                  used to allocate this lock ( lock_alloc() kernel service ).

 KEX              The kernel address space that splat thinks that this
                  lock belongs in ( generated if name data is available ).

 Acquisitions     The number of successful lock attempts for this lock.

 Miss Rate        The number of unsuccessful lock attempts divided by
                  Acquisitions plus unsuccessful lock attempts, multiplied
                  by 100.

 Spin Count       The number of unsuccessful lock attempts.

 Wait Count       The number of unsuccessful lock attempts that resulted in
                  the attempting thread going to sleep to wait for the lock
                  to become available.

 Busy Count	      The number of simple_lock_try() calls that returned busy.

 Seconds Held
 CPU              The total time in seconds that this lock was held by
                  dispatched threads.

 Elapsed	         The total time in seconds that this lock was held by
                  both dispatched and undispatched threads.

NOTE: neither of these two values should exceed the
      total real elapsed duration of the trace.

 Percent HoldTime 
 CPU              The percent of combined elapsed trace time that
                  threads held the lock in question while dispatched.
                  DISPATCHED_HOLDTIME_IN_SECONDS divided by trace
                  duration, multiplied by 100.

 Elaps(ed)        The percent of combined elapsed trace time that
                  threads held the lock while dispatched and sleeping.
                  by trace duration, multiplied by 100.

 Spin             The percent of combined elapsed trace time that
                  threads spun while waiting to acquire this lock.
                  SPIN_HOLDTIME_IN_SECONDS divided by trace duration,
                  multiplied by 100. 

 %Enabled         The ratio of acquisitions of this lock that occurred
                  with interrupts enabled to the total number of acquisitions.
                  The number in parenthesis is the number of enabled

 %Disabled	      The ratio of acquisitions of this lock that occurred
                  with interrupts disabled to the total number of acquisitions.
                  The number in parenthesis is the number of disabled

 SpinQ            Splat keeps track of the minimum, maximum and average
                  depth of the spin queue (the threads spinning, waiting
                  for a lock to become available).

 WaitQ            As with the spin queue, splat also tracks the minimum,
                  maximum and average depth of the queue of threads waited
                  waiting for a lock to become available).

Lock Activity w/Interrupts Enabled (mSecs)
Lock Activity w/Interrupts Disabled (mSecs)

These two sections of the lock detail report are dumps of the raw data that splat collects for each lock, times expressed in milliseconds. The five states: LOCK, SPIN, WAIT, UNDISP(atched) and PREEMPT are the five basic states of splat's simple_lock finite state machine. The count for each state is the number of times a thread's actions resulted in a transition into that state. The durations in milliseconds show the minimum, maximum, average and total amounts of time that a lock request spent in that state.

   LOCK:    this state represents a thread successfully acquiring a lock.

   SPIN:    this state represents a thread unsuccessfully trying to acquire
            a lock.

   WAIT:    this state represents a spinning thread (in SPIN) going to sleep
            (voluntarily) after exceeding the thread's spin threshold.

   UNDISP:  this state represents a spinning thread (in SPIN) becoming
            undispatched (involuntarily) before exceeding the thread's
            spin threshold.

   PREEMPT: this state represents when a thread holding a lock is

Function Detail

 The function detail report consists of the following fields:

 Function Name   The name or return address of the function which
                 called simple_lock, simple_lock_try, simple_unlock,
                 disable_lock or unlock_enable.

 Acquisitions	  The number of successful lock attempts for this lock.

 Miss Rate      The number of unsuccessful lock attempts divided by
                Acquisitions, multiplied by 100.

 Spin Count     The number of unsuccessful lock attempts.

 Wait Count     The number of unsuccessful lock attempts that resulted in
                the attempting thread going to sleep to wait for the lock
                to become available.

 Busy Count	     The number of simple_lock_try() calls that returned busy.

Seconds Held
 CPU             The total time in seconds that this lock was held by
                 dispatched threads.

 Elapsed	        The total time in seconds that this lock was held by
		           both dispatched and undispatched threads.

NOTE: neither of these two values should exceed the
      total real elapsed duration of the trace.

 Percent HoldTime 
 CPU              The percent of combined elapsed trace time that
                  threads held the lock in question while dispatched.
                  DISPATCHED_HOLDTIME_IN_SECONDS divided by trace
                  duration, multiplied by 100.

 Elaps(ed)	      The percent of combined elapsed trace time that
                  threads held the lock while dispatched and sleeping.
                  by trace duration, multiplied by 100.

 Spin             The percent of combined elapsed trace time that
                  threads spun while waiting to acquire this lock.
                  SPIN_HOLDTIME_IN_SECONDS divided by combined trace
                  duration, multiplied by 100. 

 Return Address   The calling function's return address in hexidecimal.

 Start Address	   The start address of the calling function in hexidecimal.

 Offset           The offset from the function start address in hexidecimal.

Thread Detail

The thread detail report consists of the following fields:

 ThreadID        Thread identifier.

 Acquisitions    The number of successful lock attempts for this lock.

 Miss Rate       The number of unsuccessful lock attempts divided by
                 Acquisitions, multiplied by 100.

 Spin Count      The number of unsuccessful lock attempts.

 Wait Count      The number of unsuccessful lock attempts that resulted in
                 the attempting thread going to sleep to wait for the lock
                 to become available.

 Busy Count      The number of simple_lock_try() calls that returned busy.

 Seconds Held
 CPU             The total time in seconds that this lock was held by
                 dispatched threads.

 Elapsed         The total time in seconds that this lock was held by
                 both dispatched and undispatched threads.

NOTE: neither of these two values should exceed the
      total real elapsed duration of the trace.

 Percent HoldTime 
 CPU              The percent of combined elapsed trace time that
                  threads held the lock in question while dispatched.
                  DISPATCHED_HOLDTIME_IN_SECONDS divided by trace
                  duration, multiplied by 100.

 Elaps(ed)        The percent of combined elapsed trace time that
                  threads held the lock while dispatched and sleeping.
                  by trace duration, multiplied by 100.

 Spin             The percent of combined elapsed trace time that
                  threads spun while waiting to acquire this lock.
                  SPIN_HOLDTIME_IN_SECONDS divided by combined trace
                  duration, multiplied by 100. 

Splat Sorting

splat allows the user to specify which criteria is used to sort the summary and lock detail reports using the -s option. The default sorting criteria is to sort by percent spin hold time, which is the ratio of time that threads spent spinning for a lock compared to the combined duration of the trace. Using -s, the sort criteria can be changed to the following:

a Acquisitions; the number times a thread successfully acquired a lock.
c Percent CPU hold time; the ratio of CPU hold time with the combined trace duration.
e Percent Elapsed hold time; the ratio of elapsed hold time with the combined trace duration.
l location; the address of the lock or function, or the ID of a thread.
m Miss rate; the ratio missed lock attempts with the number of acquisitions.
s Spin count; the number of unsuccessful lock attempts that result in a thread spinning waiting for the lock.
S Percent CPU spin hold time (default).
w Percent elapsed wait time; the percent of the total time that a nonzero number of threads waited on the lock.
W Average waitq depth; the average number of threads waiting on the lock, equivalent to the average time each waiting thread spends in this state.

splat will use the specified criteria to sort the lock reports in descending order.


Other types of locks, such as VMM, XMAP, and certain Java-specific locks are not analyzed.


/etc/bin/splat Simple Performance Lock Analysis Tool (splat). Provides kernel and pthread lock usage reports.

Related Information

The simple_lock(3), simple_unlock(3), disable_lock(3), unlock_enable(3), trace(1), trcrpt(1), trcfmt(5), gennames(1) and bosboot(1) daemons.

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