Directly manipulates address-mapping entries in the system configuration database.
hostent -a IPAddress -h "HostName..."
hostent -d IPAddress
hostent -X
hostent -c IPAddress -h "HostName..." [ -i NewIPAddress ]
hostent -s { IPAddress | "HostName" } [ -Z ]
The hostent low-level command adds, deletes, or changes address-mapping entries in the system configuration database. Entries in the database are used to map an Internet Protocol (IP) address (local or remote) to its equivalent host names.
The hostent command can show one or all address-to-host name mapping entries in the /etc/hosts file. An Internet Protocol (IP) address of a given local or remote host may be associated with one or more host names. Represent an IP address in dotted decimal format. Represent a host name as a string with a maximum length of 255 characters, and use no blank characters. Each entry must be contained on one line. Multiple HostNames (or aliases) can be specified.
You can use the System application in Web-based System Manager (wsm) to change system characteristics. You could also use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) smit hostent fast path to run this command.
-a IPAddress | Adds an IP address-to-host name mapping entry for the given Internet Protocol address in the database. Specify the host names with the -h flag. |
-c IPAddress | Changes an IP address-to-host name mapping entry in the database that corresponds to the given address specified by the IPAddress variable. Specify the changed host names with the -h flag. If you want to change the current IP address to a new address (IPAddress), use the -i flag. |
-d IPAddress | Deletes the IP address-to-host name mapping entry in the database that corresponds to the given address specified by the IPAddress variable. |
-h"HostName..." | Specifies a list of host names. Entries in the list should be separated by blanks. The -h"HostName..." flag should be used with the -a flag. The -c flag may also require the -h"HostName..." flag. |
-i NewIPAddress | Specifies a new IP address. This flag is required by the -c flag if an existing IP address is to be replaced by the NewIPAddress variable. |
-S | Shows all entries in the database. |
-s"HostName" | Shows an IP address-to-host name mapping entry matching the host name specified by the "HostName" variable. |
-s IPAddress | Shows an IP address-to-host name mapping entry matching the entry specified by the IPAddress variable. |
-X | Deletes all IP address-to-host name mapping entries in the database. |
-Z | Generates the output of the query in colon format. This flag is used when the hostent command is invoked from the SMIT usability interface. |
/etc/hosts | Contains host names and addresses for the network. |
The hostname command.
Naming in AIX 5L Version 5.2 System Management Guide: Communications and Networks.
For information on installing the Web-based System Manager, see Chapter 2: Installation and System Requirements in AIX 5L Version 5.2 Web-based System Manager Administration Guide.