All variables (with their associated values) known to a command at the beginning of its execution constitute its environment. This environment includes variables that a command inherits from its parent process and variables specified as keyword parameters on the command line that calls the command. The shell interacts with the environment in several ways. When started, the shell scans the environment and creates a parameter for each name found, giving the parameter the corresponding value and marking it for export. Executed commands inherit the environment.
To display your current environment variables, use the env command. An environment variable that is accessible to all your processes is called a global variable.
For example, to list all environment variables, type:
Press Enter.
Following is an example of the output:
TMPDIR=/usr/tmp myid=denise LANG=En_US UNAME=barnard PAGER=/bin/pg VISUAL=vi PATH=/usr/ucb:/usr/lpp/X11/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/etc:/u/denise:/u/denise/bin:/u/bin1 MAILPATH=/usr/mail/denise?denise has mail !!! MAILRECORD=/u/denise/.Outmail EXINIT=set beautify noflash nomesg report=1 showmode showmatch EDITOR=vi PSCH=> HISTFILE=/u/denise/.history LOGNAME=denise MAIL=/usr/mail/denise PS1=denise@barnard:${PWD}> PS3=# PS2=> epath=/usr/bin USER=denise SHELL=/bin/ksh HISTSIZE=500 HOME=/u/denise FCEDIT=vi TERM=lft MAILMSG=**YOU HAVE NEW MAIL. USE THE mail COMMAND TO SEE YOUR PWD=/u/denise ENV=/u/denise/.env
If the listing is very long, the top portion scrolls off the screen. To display the listing one page (screen) at a time, use the env command piped to the pg command. At the prompt, type:
env | pg
Press Enter.
See the env command in the AIX 5L Version 5.2 Commands Reference for the complete syntax.