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Kernel Extensions and Device Support Programming Concepts

Subcommands for the KDB Kernel Debugger and kdb Command

View a list of the KDB Kernel Debug Subcommands grouped by:

Alphabetical List of KDB Kernel Debug Program Subcommands

The following table shows the KDB Kernel Debug Program subcommands in alphabetical order:

Subcommand Function Task Category
ames VMM address map entries VMM
apt VMM APT entries VMM
asc Display ascsi SCSI
B step on branch Breakpoints/Steps
b set/list break point(s) Breakpoints/Steps
bt set/list trace point(s) Trace
btac branch target btac/BRAT
buffer Display buffer File System
c clear break point Breakpoints/Steps
ca clear all break points Breakpoints/Steps
cat clear all trace points Trace
cbtac clear branch target btac/BRAT
cdt Display cdt Basic
clk Display complex lock System Table
cpu Switch to cpu SMP
ct clear trace point Trace
ctx switch to KDB context Basic
cw clear watch Watch
d display byte data Dumps/Display/Decode
dbat display dbats bat/Block Address Translation
dc display code Dumps/Display/Decode
dcal calc/conv a decimal expr Calculator Converter
dd display double word data Dumps/Display/Decode
ddpb display device byte Dumps/Display/Decode
ddpd display device double word Dumps/Display/Decode
ddph display device half word Dumps/Display/Decode
ddpw display device word Dumps/Display/Decode
ddvb display device byte Dumps/Display/Decode
ddvd display device double word Dumps/Display/Decode
ddvh display device half word Dumps/Display/Decode
ddvw display device word Dumps/Display/Decode
debug enable/disable debug Miscellaneous
devsw Display devsw table System Table
devnode Display devnode File System
di decode the hexadecimal instruction word Dumps/Display/Decode
dp display byte data Dumps/Display/Decode
dpc display code Dumps/Display/Decode
dpd display double word data Dumps/Display/Decode
dpw display word data Dumps/Display/Decode
dr display registers Dumps/Display/Decode
dw display word data Dumps/Display/Decode
e exit Basic
exp list export tables Kernel Extension Loader
ext extract pattern Dumps/Display/Decode
extp extract pattern Dumps/Display/Decode
f stack frame trace Basic
fbuffer Display freelist File System
fifono Display fifonode File System
file Display file File System
find find pattern Dumps/Display/Decode
findp find pattern Dumps/Display/Decode
gfs Display gfs File System
gnode Display gnode File System
gt go until address Breakpoints/Steps
h help Basic
hbuffer Display buffehash File System
hcal calc/conv a hexa expr Calculator Converter
heap Display kernel heap Memory Allocator
hinode Display inodehash File System
his print history Basic
hnode isplay hnodehash File System
ibat display ibats bat/Block Address Translation
icache Display icache list File System
ifnet Display interface NET
inode Display inode File System
intr @Display int handler Process
ipc IPC information VMM
ipl Display ipl proc info System Table
kmbucket Display kmembuckets Memory Allocator
kmstats Display kmemstats Memory Allocator
lb set/list local bp(s) Breakpoints/Steps
lbtac local branch target btac/BRAT
lc clear local bp Breakpoints/Steps
lcbtac clear local br target btac/BRAT
lcw clear local watch Watch
lke list loaded extensions Kernel Extension Loader
lockanch VMM lock anchor/tblock VMM
lockhash VMM lock hash VMM
lockword VMM lock word VMM
lvol Display logical vol LVM
lwr local stop on read data Watch
lwrw local stop on r/w data Watch
lww local stop on write data Watch
m modify sequential bytes Modify Memory
mbuf Display mbuf NET
md modify sequential double word Modify Memory
mdbat modify dbats bat/Block Address Translation
mdpb modify device byte Modify Memory
mdpd modify device double word Modify Memory
mdph modify device half Modify Memory
mdpw modify device word Modify Memory
mdvb modify device byte Modify Memory
mdvd modify device double word Modify Memory
mdvh modify device half Modify Memory
mdvw modify device word Modify Memory
mibat modify ibats bat/Block Address Translation
mp modify sequential bytes Modify Memory
mpd modify sequential double word Modify Memory
mpw modify sequential word Modify Memory
mr modify registers Modify Memory
mst Display mst area Process
mw modify sequential word Modify Memory
n next instruction Breakpoints/Steps
ndd display network and device driver statistics Net
netm display the net_malloc event records Net
netstat display network status Net
nm translate symbol to eaddr Namelist/Symbol
ns no symbol mode (toggle) Namelist/Symbol
pbuf Display physical buf LVM
pdt VMM paging device table VMM
pfhdata VMM control variables VMM
pft VMM PFT entries VMM
ppda Display per processor data area Process
print Print a formatted structure at an address Namelist/Symbol
proc Display proc table Process
pta VMM PTA segment VMM
pte VMM PTE entries VMM
pvol Display physical vol LVM
r go to end of function Breakpoints/Steps
reboot reboot the machine Miscellanous
rmst remove symbol table Kernel Extension Loader
rnode Display rnode File System
s single step Breakpoints/Steps
S step on bl/blr Breakpoints/Steps
scb VMM segment control blocks VMM
scd Display scdisk SCSI
set display/update kdb toggles Basic
slk Display simple lock System Table
sock Display socket NET
sockinfo Display socket info by address NET
specnode Display specnode File System
start Start cpu SMP
stat system status message Machine Status
stbl list loaded symbol tables Kernel Extension Loader
stop Stop cpu SMP
switch switch thread Machine Status
symptom Display symptom string for a dump Machine Status
tcb Display TCBs NET
tcpcb Display TCP CB NET
test bt condition Conditional
time display elapsed time Miscellaneous
thread Display thread table Process
tpid Display thread pid Process
tr translate to real address Address Translation
trace Display trace buffer System Table
trb Display system timer request blocks System Table
trcstart Starts the system trace Trace
trcstop Stops the system trace Trace
ts translate eaddr to symbol Namelist/Symbol
ttid Display thread tid Process
tv display MMU translation Address Translation
udb Display UDBs NET
user Display u_area Process
var Display var System Table
vfs Display vfs File System
vmdmap VMM disk map VMM
vmlocks VMM spin locks VMM
vmaddr VMM Addresses VMM
vmker VMM kernel segment data VMM
vmlog VMM error log VMM
vmstat VMM statistics VMM
vmwait VMM wait status VMM
vnode Display vnode File System
volgrp Display volume group LVM
vrld VMM reload xlate table VMM
vsc Display vscsi SCSI
which Display name of kernel source file Namelist/Symbol
wr stop on read data Watch
wrw stop on r/w data Watch
ww stop on write data Watch
xm Display heap debug Memory Allocator
zproc VMM zeroing kproc VMM

Task Category List of KDB Kernel Debug Program Subcommands

The kernel debug program subcommands can be grouped into the following task categories:

Basic Subcommands

Subcommand Function
h help
his print history
e exit
set display/update kdb toggles
f stack frame trace
ctx switch to KDB context
cdt Display cdt

Trace Subcommands

Subcommand Function
bt set/list trace point(s)
ct clear trace point
cat clear all trace points
trcstart start the system trace
trcstop stop the system trace

Breakpoints/Steps Subcommands

Subcommand Function
b set/list break point(s)
lb set/list local bp(s)
c clear break point
lc clear local bp
ca clear all break points
r go to end of function
gt go until address
n next instruction
s single step
S step on bl/blr
B step on branch

Dumps/Display/Decode Subcommands

Subcommand Function
d display byte data
di decode the hexadecimal instruction word
dw display word data
dd display double word data
dp display byte data
dpw display word data
dpd display double word data
dc display code
dpc display code
dr display registers
ddvb display device byte
ddvh display device half word
ddvw display device word
ddvd display device double word
ddpb display device byte
ddph display device half word
ddpw display device word
ddpd display device double word
find find pattern
findp find pattern
ext extract pattern
extp extract pattern

Modify Memory Subcommands

Subcommand Function
m modify sequential bytes
mw modify sequential word
md modify sequential double word
mp modify sequential bytes
mpw modify sequential word
mpd modify sequential double word
mr modify registers
mdvb modify device byte
mdvh modify device half
mdvw modify device word
mdvd modify device double word
mdpb modify device byte
mdph modify device half
mdpw modify device word
mdpd modify device double word

Namelist/Symbol Subcommands

Subcommand Function
nm translate symbol to eaddr
ns no symbol mode (toggle)
ts translate eaddr to symbol
print Print a formatted structure at an address
which display name of kernel source file

Watch Break Point Subcommands

Subcommand Function
wr stop on read data
ww stop on write data
wrw stop on r/w data
cw clear watch
lwr local stop on read data
lww local stop on write data
lwrw local stop on r/w data
lcw clear local watch

Miscellaneous Subcommands

Subcommand Function
time display elapsed time
debug enable/disable debug
reboot Reboot the machine

Conditional Subcommands

Subcommand Function
test bt condition

Calculator Converter Subcommands

Subcommand Function
hcal calc/conv a hexa expr
dcal calc/conv a decimal expr

Machine Status Subcommands

Subcommand Function
stat system status message
switch switch thread
symptom display symptom string for a dump

Kernel Extension Loader Subcommands

Subcommand Function
lke list loaded extensions
stbl list loaded symbol tables
rmst remove symbol table
exp list export tables

Address Translation Subcommands

Subcommand Function
tr translate to real address
tv display MMU translation

Process Subcommands

Subcommand Function
ppda Display per processor data area
intr @Display int handler
mst Display mst area
proc Display proc table
thread Display thread table
ttid Display thread tid
tpid Display thread pid
user Display u_area

LVM Subcommands

Subcommand Function
pbuf Display physical buf
volgrp Display volume group
pvol Display physical vol
lvol Display logical vol

SCSI Subcommands

Subcommand Function
asc Display ascsi
vsc Display vscsi
scd Display scdisk

Memory Allocator Subcommands

Subcommand Function
heap Display kernel heap
xm Display heap debug
kmbucket Display kmembuckets
kmstats Display kmemstats

File System Subcommands

Subcommand Function
buffer Display buffer
hbuffer Display buffehash
fbuffer Display freelist
gnode Display gnode
gfs Display gfs
file Display file
inode Display inode
hinode Display inodehash
icache Display icache list
rnode Display rnode
vnode Display vnode
vfs Display vfs
specnode Display specnode
devnode Display devnode
fifonode Display fifonode
hnode Display hnodehash

System Table Subcommands

Subcommand Function
var Display var
devsw Display devsw table
trb Display system timer request blocks
slk Display simple lock
clk Display complex lock
ipl Display ipl proc info
trace Display trace buffer

Net Subcommands

Subcommand Function
ifnet Display interface
ndd Display network device driver statistics
netm Display the net_malloc event records
netstat Display network status
tcb Display TCBs
udb Display UDBs
sock Display socket
sockinfo Display socket information
tcpcb Display TCP CB
mbuf Display mbuf

VMM Subcommands

Subcommand Alias
vmker VMM kernel segment data
pfhdata VMM control variables
vmstat VMM statistics
vmaddr VMM Addresses
pdt VMM paging device table
scb VMM segment control blocks
pft VMM PFT entries
pte VMM PTE entries
pta VMM PTA segment
apt VMM APT entries
vmwait VMM wait status
ames VMM address map entries
zproc VMM zeroing kproc
vmlog VMM error log
vrld VMM reload xlate table
ipc IPC information
lockanch VMM lock anchor/tblock
lockhash VMM lock hash
lockword VMM lock word
vmdmap VMM disk map
vmlocks VMM spin locks

SMP Subcommands

Subcommand Function
start Start cpu
stop Stop cpu
cpu Switch to cpu

bat/Block Address Translation Subcommands

Subcommand Function
dbat Display dbats
ibat Display ibats
mdbat Modify dbats
mibat Modify ibats

btac/BRAT Subcommands

Subcommand Function
btac Branch target
cbtac Clear branch target
lbtac Local branch target
lcbtac Clear local branch target

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