id |
The ID or name of the object. The id of the
associated dialog or selector header object can be used as a fast path to
this and other dialog objects in the dialog. The value of id is a string with a maximum length of 64 characters. All dialog objects
that appear in one dialog must have the same ID. Also, IDs should be unique
to your application and unique within the particular SMIT database used. |
id_seq_num |
The position of this item in relation to other items on the dialog; sm_cmd_opt objects in a dialog are sorted on this string
field. The value of id_seq_num is a string with a maximum
length of 16 characters. When this object is part of a dialog screen, the
string "0" is not a valid value for this field.
When this object is part of a selector screen, the id_seq_num descriptor must be set to 0. |
disc_field_name |
A string that should match one of the name fields in the output of
the cmd_to_discover command in the associated dialog
header. The value of disc_field_name is a string with
a maximum length of 64 characters.
The value of the disc_field_name descriptor can be defined using the raw or cooked name
from a preceding selector instead of the cmd_to_discover command in the associated header object. If the descriptor is defined
with input from a preceding selector, it must be set to either "_rawname" or "_cookedname", or to the corresponding sm_name_hdr.cooked_field_name value or sm_name_hdr.raw_field_name value if this was used to redefine the default
name. |
name |
The string that appears on the dialog or selector screen as the field
name. It is the visual questioning or prompting part of the object, a natural
language description of a flag, option or parameter of the command specified
in the cmd_to_exec field of the associated dialog
header object. The value of name is a string with a
maximum length of 1024 characters. |
name_msg_file |
The file name (not the full path name) that is the Message Facility
catalog for the string, name. The value of name_msg_file is a string with a maximum length of 1024 characters. Message
catalogs required by an application program can be developed with the Message
Facility. Set to "" (empty string) if not used. |
name_msg_set |
The Message Facility set ID for the string, name. The value of name_msg_set is an integer. Set
to 0 if not used. |
name_msg_id |
The Message Facility message ID for the string, name. The value of name_msg_id is an integer.
Set to 0 if not used. |
op_type |
The type of auxiliary operation supported for this field. The value
of op_type is a string. Valid values are:
"" or "n" - This is the default case. No auxiliary
operations (list or ring selection) are supported for this field.
"l" - List selection operation provided. A pop-up window
displays a list of items produced by running the command in the cmd_to_list field of this object when the user selects the F4=List function of the SMIT interface.
"r" - Ring selection operation provided. The string in the disp_values or aix_values field is interpreted
as a comma-delimited set of valid entries. The user can tab or backtab through
these values to make a selection. Also, the F4=List
interface function can be used in this case, since SMIT will transform the
ring into a list as needed.
The values "N", "L", and "R" can be used
as op_type values just as the lowercase values "n", "l", and "r". However, with the uppercase values, if the cmd_to_exec command is run and returns with an exit value of 0, then the corresponding entry field will be cleared to an empty string. |
entry_type |
The type of value required by the entry field. The value of entry_type is a string. Valid values are:
or "n" - No entry; the current value cannot be modified
via direct type-in. The field is informational only.
"t" - Text entry; alphanumeric input can be entered.
"#" - Numeric entry; only the numeric characters 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 can be entered.
A - (minus sign) or +
(plus sign) can be entered as the first character.
"x" - Hex entry; hexadecimal input only can be entered.
"f" - File entry; a file name should be entered.
"r" - Raw text entry; alphanumeric input can be entered. Leading and
trailing spaces are considered significant and are not stripped off the field. |
entry_size |
Limits the number of characters the user can type in the entry field.
The value of entry_size is an integer. A value of 0 defaults to the maximum allowed value size. |
required |
Defines if a command field must be sent to the cmd_to_exec command defined in the associated dialog header object.
The value of required is a string. If the object is
part of a selector screen, the required field
should normally be set to "" (empty string). If
the object is part of a dialog screen, valid values are:
"" or "n" - No; the option is added to the command
string in the cmd_to_exec command only if the user
changes the initially-displayed value. This is the default case.
"y" - Yes; the value of the prefix field and the value of the entry field are always sent to the cmd_to_exec command.
"+" - The value of
the prefix field and the value of the entry field
are always sent to the cmd_to_exec command. The entry
field must contain at least one non-blank character. SMIT will not allow
the user to run the task until this condition is satisfied.
"?" - Except when empty; the value of the prefix field and the value of the entry field are sent to the cmd_to_exec field unless the entry field is empty. |
prefix |
In the simplest case, defines the flag to send with the entry field
value to the cmd_to_exec command defined in the associated
dialog header object. The value of prefix is a string
with a maximum length of 1024 characters.
The use
of this field depends on the setting of the required field, the contents of the prefix field,
and the contents of the associated entry field.
Note: If the prefix field is set to -- (dash dash), the
content of the associated entry field is appended to the end of the cmd_to_exec command. If the prefix field
is set to --' (dash dash single quotation
mark), the contents of the associated entry field is appended to the end
of the cmd_to_exec command in single quotes. |
cmd_to_list_mode |
Defines how much of an item from a list should be used. The list
is produced by the command specified in this object's cmd_to_list field. The value of cmd_to_list_mode
is a string with a maximum length of 1 character. Valid values are:
"" or "a" - Get all fields. This is
the default case.
"1" - Get the first field.
"2" - Get the second field.
"r" - Range; running the command string in the cmd_to_list field returns a range (such as 1..99)
instead of a list. Ranges are for information only; they are displayed in
a list pop-up, but do not change the associated entry field. |
cmd_to_list |
The command string used to get a list of valid values for the value
field. The value of cmd_to_list is a string with a
maximum length of 1024 characters. This command should output values that
are separated by \n (new line) characters. |
cmd_to_list_postfix |
The postfix to interpret and add to the command string specified
in the cmd_to_list field of the dialog object.
The value of cmd_to_list_postfix is a string with a
maximum length of 1024 characters. If the first line starts with # (pound sign) following a space, that entry will be made non-selectable.
This is useful for column headings. Subsequent lines that start with a #, optionally preceded by spaces, are treated as
a comment and as a continuation of the preceding entry. |
multi_select |
Defines if the user can make multiple selections from a list of valid
values produced by the command in the cmd_to_list field of the dialog object. The value of multi_select is a string. Valid values are:
"" - No; a
user can select only one value from a list. This is the default case.
"," - Yes; a user can select multiple items from the list.
When the command is built, a comma is inserted between each item.
"y" - Yes; a user can select multiple values from the list.
When the command is built, the option prefix is inserted once before the
string of selected items.
"m" - Yes; a user can
select multiple items from the list. When the command is built, the option
prefix is inserted before each selected item. |
value_index |
For an option ring, the zero-origin index to the array of disp_value fields. The value_index number indicates
the value that is displayed as the default in the entry field to the user.
The value of entry_size is an integer. |
disp_values |
The array of valid values in an option ring to be presented to the
user. The value of the disp_values fields is
a string with a maximum length of 1024 characters. The field values are separated
by , (commas) with no spaces preceding or following
the commas. |
values_msg_file |
The file name (not the full path name) that is the Message Facility
catalog for the values in the disp_values fields,
if the values are initialized at development time. The value of the values_msg_file field is a string with a maximum length of 1024 characters.
Message catalogs required by an application program can be developed with
the Message Facility. |
values_msg_set |
The Message Facility set ID for the values in the disp_values fields. Set to 0 if not used. |
values_msg_id |
The Message Facility message ID for the values in the disp_values fields. Set to 0 if not used. |
aix_values |
If for an option ring, an array of values specified so that each
element corresponds to the element in the disp_values
array in the same position; use if the natural language values in disp_values are not the actual options to be used for the command. The
value of the aix_values field is a string with
a maximum length of 1024 characters. |
help_msg_id |
Specifies a Message Facility message set number and message ID number
with a comma as the separator or a numeric string equal to a SMIT identifier
tag. |
help_msg_loc |
The file name sent as a parameter to the man
command for retrieval of help text, or the file name of a file containing
help text. The value of help_msg_loc is a string with
a maximum length of 1024 characters. |
help_msg_base |
The fully qualified path name of a library that SMIT reads for the
file names associated with the correct book. |
help_msg_book |
Contains the string with the value of the name file contained in
the file library indicated by help_msg_base. |