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General Programming Concepts:
Writing and Debugging Programs

Manipulating Characters with Curses

You can add characters to a curses window using a keyboard or a curses application. This section describes how you can add, remove, or change characters that appear in a curses window.

Character Size

Historically, a position on the screen has corresponded to a single stored byte. This correspondence is no longer true for several reasons:

Some character sets define multi-column characters that occupy more than one column position when displayed on the screen.

Writing a character whose width is greater than the width of the destination window is an error.

Adding Characters to the Screen Image

The curses library provides a number of subroutines that write text changes to a window and mark the area to be updated at the next call to the wrefresh subroutine.

waddch Subroutines

The waddch subroutines overwrite the character at the current logical cursor location with a specified character. After overwriting, the logical cursor is moved one space to the right. If the waddch subroutines are called at the right margin, these subroutines also add an automatic newline character. Additionally, if you call one of these subroutines at the bottom of a scrolling region and scrollok is enabled, the region is scrolled up one line. For example, if you added a new line at the bottom line of a window, the window would scroll up one line.

If the character to add is a tab, newline, or backspace character, curses moves the cursor appropriately in the window to reflect the addition. Tabs are set at every eighth column. If the character is a newline, curses first uses the wclrtoeol subroutine to erase the current line from the logical cursor position to the end of the line before moving the cursor. The waddch subroutine family is made up of the following:

addch macro Adds a character to the stdscr.
mvaddch macro Moves a character to the specified location before adding it to the stdscr.
mvwaddch macro Moves a character to the specified location before adding it to the user-defined window.
waddch subroutine Adds a character to the user-defined window.

By using the winch and waddch subroutine families together, you can copy text and video attributes from one place to another. Using the winch subroutine family, you can retrieve a character and its video attributes. You can then use one of the waddch subroutines to add the character and its attributes to another location. For more information, see winch Subroutines.

You can also use the waddch subroutines to add control characters to a window. Control characters are drawn in the ^X notation.

Calling the winch subroutine on a position in the window containing a control character does not return the character. Instead, it returns one character of the control character representation.
Outputting Single, Noncontrol Characters

When outputting single, noncontrol characters, there can be significant performance gain to using the wechochar subroutines. These subroutines are functionally equivalent to a call to the corresponding waddchr subroutine followed by the corresponding wrefresh subroutine. The wechochar subroutines include the wechochar subroutine, the echochar macro, and the pechochar subroutine.

Some character sets may contain non-spacing characters. (Nonspacing characters are those, other than the ' \ 0 ' character, for which the wcwidth subroutine returns a width of zero.) The application may write nonspacing characters to a window. Every nonspacing character in a window is associated with a spacing character and modifies the spacing character. Nonspacing characters in a window cannot be addressed separately. A nonspacing character is implicitly addressed whenever a Curses operation affects the spacing character with which the nonspacing character is associated.

Non-spacing characters do not support attributes. For interfaces that use wide characters and attributes, the attributes are ignored if the wide character is a nonspacing character. Multi-column characters have a single set of attributes for all columns. The association of nonspacing characters with spacing characters can be controlled by the application using the wide character interfaces. The wide character string functions provide codeset-dependent association.

The typical effects of a nonspacing character associated with a spacing character called c, are as follows:

Implementations may limit the number of nonspacing characters that can be associated with a spacing character, provided any limit is at least 5.

Complex Characters

A complex character is a set of associated characters, which may include a spacing character and may also include any non-spacing characters associated with it. A spacing complex character is a complex character that includes one spacing character and any non-spacing characters associated with it. An example of a code set that has complex characters is ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993.

A complex character can be written to the screen. If the complex character does not include a spacing character, any non-spacing characters are associated with the spacing complex character that exists at the specified screen position. When the application reads information back from the screen, it obtains spacing complex characters.

The cchar_t data type represents a complex character and its rendition. When a cchar_t represents a non-spacing complex character (that is, when there is no spacing character within the complex character), then its rendition is not used. When it is written to the screen, it uses the rendition specified by the spacing character already displayed.

An object of type cchar_t can be initialized using the setchar subroutine, and its contents can be extracted using the getchar subroutine. The behavior of functions that take a cchar_t value that was not initialized in this way are obtained from a curses function that has a cchar_t output argument.

Special Characters

Some functions process special characters. In functions that do not move the cursor based on the information placed in the window, these special characters would only be used within a string in order to affect the placement of subsequent characters. The cursor movement specified below does not persist in the visible cursor beyond the end of the operation. In functions that do not move the cursor, these special characters can be used to affect the placement of subsequent characters and to achieve movement of the physical cursor.

Backspace Unless the cursor was already in column 0, Backspace moves the cursor one column toward the start of the current line, and any characters after the Backspace are added or inserted starting there.
Carriage return Unless the cursor was already in column 0, Carriage return moves the cursor to the start of the current line. Any characters after the Carriage return are added or inserted starting there.
newline In an add operation, curses adds the background character into successive columns until reaching the end of the line. Scrolling occurs, and any characters after the newline character are added, starting at the beginning of the new line.

In an insert operation, newline erases the remainder of the current line with the background character (effectively a wclrtoeol subroutine), and moves the cursor to the start of a new line. When scrolling is enabled, advancing the cursor to a new line may cause scrolling. Any characters after the newline character are inserted at the beginning of the new line.

The filter function may inhibit this processing.

Tab Tab characters in text move subsequent characters to the next horizontal tab stop. By default, tab stops are in columns 0, 8, 16, and so on.

In an insert or add operation, curses inserts or adds, respectively, the background character into successive columns until reaching the next tab stop. If there are no more tab stops in the current line, wrapping and scrolling occur.

Control Characters

The curses functions that perform special-character processing conceptually convert control characters to the ( ' ^ ' ) character followed by a second character (which is an uppercase letter if it is alphabetic) and write this string to the window in place of the control character. The functions that retrieve text from the window will not retrieve the original control character.

Line Graphics

You can use the following variables to add line-drawing characters to the screen with the waddch subroutine. When defined for the terminal, the variable will have the A_ALTCHARSET bit turned on. Otherwise, the default character listed in the following table is stored in the variable.

Variable Name Default Character Glyph Description
ACS_ULCORNER + upper left corner
ACS_LLCORNER + lower left corner
ACS_URCORNER + upper right corner
ACS_LRCORNER + lower right corner
ACS_RTEE + right tee
ACS_LTEE + left tee
ACS_BTEE + bottom tee
ACS_TTEE + top tee
ACS_HLINE -- horizontal line
ACS_VLINE | vertical line
ACS_PLUS + plus
ACS_S1 - scan line 1
ACS_S9 _ scan line 9
ACS_DIAMOND + diamond
ACS_CKBOARD : checkerboard (stipple)
ACS_DEGREE , degree symbol
ACS_PLMINUS # plus/minus
ACS_BULLET o bullet
ACS_LARROW < arrow pointing left
ACS_RARROW > arrow pointing right
ACS_DARROW v arrow pointing down
ACS_UARROW ^ arrow pointing up
ACS_BOARD # board of squares
ACS_LANTERN # lantern symbol
ACS_BLOCK # solid square block

waddstr Subroutines

The waddstr subroutines add a null-terminated character string to a window, starting with the current character. If you are adding a single character, use the waddch subroutine. Otherwise, use the waddstr subroutine. The following are part of the waddstr subroutine family:

addstr macro Adds a character string to the stdscr
mvaddstr macro Moves the logical cursor to a specified location before adding a character string to the stdscr
wmvaddstr macro Moves the logical cursor to a specified location before adding a character string to a user-defined window
waddstr subroutine Adds a character string to a user-defined window

winsch Subroutines

The winsch subroutines insert a specified character before the current character in a window. All characters to the right of the inserted character are moved one space to the right. As a result, the rightmost character on the line may be lost. The positions of the logical and physical cursors do not change after the move. The winsch subroutines include the following:

insch macro Inserts a character in the stdscr
mvinsch macro Moves the logical cursor to a specified location in the stdscr before inserting a character
mvwinsch macro Moves the logical cursor to a specified location in a user-defined window before inserting a character
winsch subroutine Inserts a character in a user-defined window

winsertln Subroutines

The winsertln subroutines insert a blank line above the current line in a window. The insertln subroutine inserts a line in the stdscr. The bottom line of the window is lost. The winsertln subroutine performs the same action in a user-defined window.

wprintw Subroutines

The wprintw subroutines replace a series of characters (starting with the current character) with formatted output. The format is the same as for the printf command. The printw family is made up of the following:

mvprintw macro Moves the logical cursor to a specified location in the stdscr before replacing any characters.
mvwprintw macro Moves the logical cursor to a specified location in a user-defined window before replacing any characters.
printw macro Replaces a series of characters in the stdscr.
wprintw subroutine Replaces a series of characters in a user-defined window.

The wprintw subroutines make calls to the waddch subroutine to replace characters.

unctrl Macro

The unctrl macro returns a printable representation of the specified control character, displayed in the ^X notation. The unctrl macro returns print characters as is.

Enabling Text Scrolling

Use the following subroutines to enable scrolling:

idlok Allows curses to use the hardware insert/delete line feature.
scrollok Enables a window to scroll when the cursor is moved off the right edge of the last line of a window.
setscrreg or wsetscrreg Sets a software scrolling region within a window.

Scrolling occurs when a program or user moves a cursor off a window's bottom edge. For scrolling to occur, you must first use the scrollok subroutine to enable scrolling for a window. A window is scrolled if scrolling is enabled and if any of the following occurs:

When a window is scrolled, curses will update both the window and the display. However, to get the physical scrolling effect on the terminal, you must call the idlok subroutine with the Flag parameter set to TRUE.

If scrolling is disabled, the cursor remains on the bottom line at the location where the character was entered.

When scrolling is enabled for a window, you can use the setscrreg subroutines to create a software scrolling region inside the window. You pass the setscrreg subroutines values for the top line and bottom line of the region. If setscrreg is enabled for the region and scrolling is enabled for the window, any attempt to move off the specified bottom line causes all the lines in the region to scroll up one line. You can use the setscrreg macro to define a scrolling region in the stdscr. Otherwise, you use the wsetscrreg subroutine to define scrolling regions in user-defined windows.

Unlike the idlok subroutine, the setscrreg subroutines have no bearing on the use of the physical scrolling region capability that the terminal may have.

Deleting Characters

You can delete text by replacing it with blank spaces or by removing characters from a character array and sliding the rest of the characters on the line one space to the left.

werase Subroutines

The erase macro copies blank space to every position in the stdscr. The werase subroutine puts a blank space at every position in a user-defined window. To delete a single character in a window, use the wdelch subroutine.

wclear Subroutines

Use the following subroutines to clear the screen:

clear, or wclear Clears the screen and sets a clear flag for the next refresh.
clearok Determines whether curses clears a window on the next call to the refresh or wrefresh subroutine.

The wclear subroutines are similar to the werase subroutines. However, in addition to putting a blank space at every position of a window, the wclear subroutines also call the wclearok subroutine. As a result, the screen is cleared on the next call to the wrefresh subroutine.

The wclear subroutine family contains the wclear subroutine, the clear macro, and the clearok subroutine. The clear macro puts a blank at every position in the stdscr.

wclrtoeol Subroutines

The clrtoeol macro operates in the stdscr, while the wclrtoeol subroutine performs the same action within a user-defined window.

wclrtobot Subroutines

The clrtobot macro operates in the stdscr, while the wclrtobot performs the same action in a user-defined window.

wdelch Subroutines

Use the following subroutines to delete characters from the screen:

delch macro Deletes the current character from the stdscr.
mvdelch macro Moves the logical cursor before deleting a character from the stdscr.
mvwdelch macro Moves the logical cursor before deleting a character from a user-defined window.
wdelch subroutine Deletes the current character in a user-defined window.

The wdelch subroutines delete the current character and move all the characters to the right of the current character on the current line one position to the left. The last character in the line is filled with a blank. The delch subroutine family consists of the following subroutine and macros:

wdeleteln Subroutines

The deleteln subroutines delete the current line and move all lines below the current line up one line. This clears the window's bottom line.

Getting Characters

Your program can retrieve characters from the keyboard or from the display. The wgetch subroutines retrieve characters from the keyboard. The winch subroutines retrieve characters from the display.

wgetch Subroutines

The wgetch subroutines read characters from the keyboard attached to the terminal associated with the window. Before getting a character, these subroutines call the wrefresh subroutines if anything in the window has changed: for example, if the cursor has moved or text has changed. If the wgetch subroutine encounters a Ctrl-D key sequence during processing, it returns.

The wgetch subroutine family is made up of the following:

getch macro Gets a character from the stdscr
mvgetch macro Moves the cursor before getting a character from the stdscr
mvwgetch macro Moves the cursor before getting a character from a user-defined window
wgetch subroutine Gets a character from a user-defined window

To place a character previously obtained by a call to the wgetch subroutine back in the input queue, use the ungetch subroutine. The character is retrieved by the next call to the wgetch subroutine.

Terminal Modes

The output of the wgetch subroutines is, in part, determined by the mode of the terminal. The following list describes the action of the wgetch subroutines in each type of terminal mode:

DELAY mode Stops reading until the system passes text through the program. If CBREAK mode is also set, the program stops after one character. If CBREAK mode is not set (NOCBREAK mode), the wgetch subroutine stops reading after the first newline character. If ECHO is set, the character is also echoed to the window.
HALF-DELAY mode Stops reading until a character is typed or a specified timeout is reached. If ECHO mode is set, the character is also echoed to the window.
NODELAY mode Returns a value of ERR if there is no input waiting.
When you use the wgetch subroutines, do not set both the NOCBREAK mode and the ECHO mode at the same time. Setting both modes can cause undesirable results depending on the state of the tty driver when each character is typed.
Function Keys

Function keys are defined in the curses.h file. Function keys can be returned by the wgetch subroutine if the keypad is enabled. A terminal may not support all of the function keys. To see if a terminal supports a particular key, check its terminfo database definition. The following table lists the function keys defined in the curses.h file:

Name Key Name
KEY_BREAK Break key (unreliable)
KEY_DOWN Down arrow key
KEY_UP Up arrow key
KEY_LEFT Left arrow key
KEY_RIGHT Right arrow key
KEY_HOME Home key (upward + left arrow)
KEY_BACKSPACE Backspace (unreliable)
KEY F0 Function keys. Space for 64 keys is reserved
KEYF(n) Formula for fn.
KEY_DL Delete line
KEY_IL Insert line
KEY_DC Delete character
KEY_IC Insert character or enter insert mode
KEY_EIC Exit insert character mode
KEY_CLEAR Clear screen
KEY_EOS Clear to end of screen
KEY_EOL Clear to end of line
KEY_SF Scroll 1 line forward
KEY_SR Scroll 1 line backward (reverse)
KEY_NPAGE Next page
KEY_PPAGE Previous page
KEY_STAB Set tab
KEY_CTAB Clear tab
KEY_CATAB Clear all tabs
KEY_ENTER Enter or send
KEY_SRESET Soft (partial) reset
KEY_RESET Reset or hard reset
KEY_PRINT Print or copy
KEY_IL Home down or bottom (lower left) keypad
KEY_A1 Upper left of keypad
KEY_A3 Upper right of keypad
KEY_B2 Center of keypad
KEY_C1 Lower left of keypad
KEY_C3 Lower right of keypad
KEY_BTAB Back tab key
KEY_BEG Beginning key
KEY_CANCEL Cancel key
KEY-CLOSE Close key
KEY_COMMAND Command key
KEY_COPY Copy key
KEY_CREATE Create key
KEY_END End key
KEY_EXIT Exit key
KEY_FIND Find key
KEY_HELP Help key
KEY_MARK Mark key
KEY_MESSAGE Message key
KEY_MOVE Move key
KEY_NEXT Next object key
KEY_OPEN Open key
KEY_OPTIONS Options key
KEY_PREVIOUS Previous object key
KEY_REDO Redo key
KEY_REFERENCE Reference key
KEY_REFRESH Refresh key
KEY_REPLACE Replace key
KEY_RESTART Restart key
KEY_RESUME Resume key
KEY_SAVE Save key
KEY_SBEG Shifted beginning key
KEY_SCANCEL Shifted cancel key
KEY_SCOMMAND Shifted command key
KEY_SCOPY Shifted copy key
KEY_SCREATE Shifted create key
KEY_SDC Shifted delete-character key
KEY_SDL Shifted delete-line key
KEY_SELECT Select key
KEY_SEND Shifted end key
KEY_SEOL Shifted clear-line key
KEY_SEXIT Shifted exit key
KEY_SFIND Shifted find key
KEY_SHELP Shifted help key.
KEY_SHOME Shifted home key
KEY_SIC Shifted input key
KEY_SLEFT Shifted left arrow key
KEY_SMESSAGE Shifted message key
KEY_SMOVE Shifted move key
KEY_SNEXT Shifted next key
KEY_SOPTIONS Shifted options key
KEY_SPREVIOUS Shifted previous key
KEY_SPRINT Shifted print key
KEY_SREDO Shifted redo key
KEY_SREPLACE Shifted replace key
KEY_SRIGHT Shifted right arrow key
KEY_SRSUME Shifted resume key
KEY_SSAVE Shifted save key
KEY_SSUSPEND Shifted suspend key
KEY_SUNDO Shifted undo key
KEY_SUSPEND Suspend key
KEY_UNDO Undo key
Getting Function Keys

If your program enables the keyboard with the keypad subroutine, and the user presses a function key, the token for that function key is returned instead of raw characters. The /usr/include/curses.h file defines the possible function keys. Each define statement begins with a KEY_ prefix, and the keys are defined as integers beginning with the value 03510.

If a character is received that could be the beginning of a function key (such as an Escape character), curses sets a timer (a structure of type timeval that is defined in /usr/include/sys/time.h). If the remainder of the sequence is not received before the timer expires, the character is passed through. Otherwise, the function key's value is returned. For this reason, after a user presses the Esc key there is a delay before the escape is returned to the program. Avoid using the Esc key where possible when you call a single-character subroutine such as the wgetch subroutine. This timer can be overridden or extended by the use of the ESCDELAY environment variable.

The ESCDELAY environment variable sets the length of time to wait before timing out and treating the ESC keystroke as the Escape character rather than combining it with other characters in the buffer to create a key sequence. The ESCDELAY value is measured in fifths of a millisecond. If the ESCDELAY variable is 0, the system immediately composes the Escape response without waiting for more information from the buffer. You may choose any value from 0 to 99,999. The default setting for the ESCDELAY variable is 500 (1/10th of a second).

To prevent the wgetch subroutine from setting a timer, call the notimeout subroutine. If notimeout is set to TRUE, curses does not distinguish between function keys and characters when retrieving data.

keyname Subroutine

The keyname subroutine returns a pointer to a character string containing a symbolic name for the Key argument. The Key argument can be any key returned from the wgetch, getch, mvgetch, or mvwgetch subroutines.

winch Subroutines

The winch subroutines retrieve the character at the current position. If any attributes are set for the position, the attribute values are ORed into the value returned. You can use the winch subroutines to extract only the character or its attributes. To do this, use the predefined constants A_CHARTEXT and A_ATTRIBUTES with the logical & (ampersand) operator. These constants are defined in the curses.h file. The following are the winch subroutines:

inch macro Gets the current character from the stdscr
mvinch macro Moves the logical cursor before calling the inch subroutine on the stdscr
mvwinch macro Moves the logical cursor before calling the winch subroutine in the user-defined window
winch subroutine Gets the current character from a user-defined window

wscanw Subroutines

The wscanw subroutines read character data, interpret it according to a conversion specification, and store the converted results into memory. The wscanw subroutines use the wgetstr subroutines to read the character data. The following are the wscanw subroutines:

mvscanw macro Moves the logical cursor before scanning the stdscr
mvwscanw macro Moves the logical cursor in the user-defined window before scanning
scanw macro Scans the stdscr
wscanw subroutine Scans a user-defined window

The vwscanw subroutine scans a window using a variable argument list. For information about manipulating variable argument lists, see the varargs macros in AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions Volume 2.

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