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Understanding the Diagnostic Subsystem for AIX



Displays menus commonly used by Diagnostic Tasks.


#include <diag/diag_screen.h>

#include <diag/diag.h>

long  diag_task_screen ( screen_info, screen_task_data, screen_task_msg )

screen_info_t *screen_info;
screen_task_t *screen_task_data;
screen_task_msg_t screen_task_msg[];


The diag_task_screen subroutine displays menus commonly used by Diagnostic Tasks.


Parameter Description
screen_info Screen Information. This structure defines the screen type.
short screen_type Screen Type.
short screen_id Screen Identifier - Not Used.
short screen_key Identifies extra function keys for screen.
  • DIAG_HELP_KEY if screen_type is INFORMATIVE
long item_selected Indicates the selected item in the list, if screen_type is SINGLE_SELECTION. First selectable item in screen_msg would have a 1 returned, second selectable item would have a 2 returned, and so on.
For a MULTIPLE_SELECTION screen_type, this field is used to keep track of the current selection for subsequent calls until the COMMIT function key is used.
screen_task_data Screen Data. This structure contains all data needed to construct the screen.
nl_catd fdes Catalog file descriptor.
long menu_number Menu number that is displayed, right-justified, as a hex number at the top-right corner of the screen.
short msg_count Total number of messages in the screen_task_msg structure.
screen_task_msg The screen_task_msg structure contains an array of setid's and msgid's used to construct the text (or body) of the screen. This includes all except the last line, or Instruction line.
short set_num The set number containing the message text.
short msg_num The message number containing the message text.
char * message Text message to use in place of < set_num, msg_num >. This is useful if string substitution was required in order to build the message text. This text will take precedence over the < set_num, msg_num > if not NULL.
short help_set_num The set number containing the message text when the HELP key is pressed. Help message text is line sensitive, and is normally used when the msg_type is set to SELECTABLE_MSG or DIALOG_MSG.
short help_msg_num The message number containing the message text when the HELP key is pressed. Help message text is line sensitive, and is normally used when the msg_type is set to SELECTABLE_MSG or DIALOG_MSG.
short msg_type Flag indicating if text is help, selectable, dialog, or information.
char leading_char A specific character to be displayed before the message text. Note that this is also used as the mechanism to determine which selectable items had been selected on a MULTIPLE_SELECTION screen.
long line_num Internal screen line number.
char op_type Type of operation allowed on this field
char entry_type type of (user) entry allowed in the field
char required
  • DIAG_NO = default
  • DIAG_YES or DIAG_YES_NON_EMPTY means display required flag
char changed DIAG_YES, DIAG_NO = default; field changed from default value
char *disp_values disp. text of allowed/default choice(s, separated by ",")
char *data_value MUST point to string (buffer) of size (entry_size + 1) if there is ANY way values may be changed (typein/list/ring)
long entry_size maximum size of (data_)value that can be entered OR returned (include a "return" of anything from disp_values)
long cur_value_index
long default_value_index 0 origin index of default value


Return Value

The diag_task_screen subroutine returns one of the following values:

Return Value Description
DIAG_OK Successful return.
DIAG_MALLOCFAILED Memory allocation was unsuccessful.
DIAG_ENTER Enter Function key was entered.
DIAG_EXIT Exit Function key was entered.
DIAG_CANCEL Cancel Function key was entered.
DIAG_HELP Help Function key was entered.
DIAG_LIST List Function key was entered.
DIAG_FAIL Invalid data structure, software error
DIAG_COMMIT Commit function key was entered.

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