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Installation Guide and Reference

Create and Install a Software Bundle

Using this scenario, you can create a user-defined software bundle and install its contents. A user-defined software bundle is a text file ending in .bnd that is located in the /usr/sys/inst.data/user_bundles path. By creating the software bundle file in the /usr/sys/inst.data/user_bundles path, SMIT (System Management Interface Tool) can locate the file and display it in the bundle selection screen.

In this scenario, you will do the following:

It is recommended that you first perform a system backup to ensure safe system recovery. For instructions on how to create a system backup, refer to Creating System Backups.

The following procedure shows you how to create a software bundle and install its contents.

Step 1. Create a User-Defined Software Bundle

  1. Create a text file with the extension .bnd in the /usr/sys/inst.data/user_bundles path by running the following:

    # vi /usr/sys/inst.data/user_bundles/MyBundle.bnd
  2. Add the software products, packages, or filesets to the bundle file with one entry per line. Add a format-type prefix to each entry. For this example, we are dealing with AIX installp packages, so the format-type prefix is I:. Type the following in the MyBundle.bnd file:


    For more information on installation format types, see Software Product Packaging Concepts.

  3. Save the software bundle file and exit the text editor.

Step 2. Install the Software Bundle

  1. Type the following at the command line:

    # smitty easy_install
  2. Enter the name of the installation device or directory.
  3. From the selection screen, select the name of the user-defined software bundle, MyBundle, you created.
                                Install Software Bundle                             
    Type or select a value for the entry field.                                     
    Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.                                   
      |                         Select a Fileset Bundle                          |  
      |                                                                          |  
      | Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.                             |  
      |                                                                          |  
      |   App-Dev                                                                |  
      |   CDE                                                                    |  
      |   GNOME                                                                  |  
      |   KDE                                                                    |  
      |   Media-Defined                                                          |  
      |   MyBundle                                                              |  
      |   ...                                                                    |  
      |   ...                                                                    |  
      |                                                                          |  
      | F1=Help                 F2=Refresh              F3=Cancel                |  
      | F8=Image                F10=Exit                Enter=Do                 |  
      | /=Find                  n=Find Next                                      |  
  4. Change the values provided in the Install Software Bundle screen as appropriate to your situation. You can change the PREVIEW only? option to yes to preview the installation of your software bundle before you install it. You might also need to accept new license agreements if the software in your bundle has an electronic license.
                                Install Software Bundle                             
    Type or select values in entry fields.                                          
    Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.                                   
                                                            [Entry Fields]          
    * INPUT device / directory for software               /cdrom                    
    * BUNDLE                                              MyBundle                + 
    * SOFTWARE to install                                [all]                    + 
      PREVIEW only? (install operation will NOT occur)    no/yes                  + 
      COMMIT software updates?                            yes                     + 
      SAVE replaced files?                                no                      + 
      AUTOMATICALLY install requisite software?           yes                     + 
      EXTEND file systems if space needed?                yes                     + 
      VERIFY install and check file sizes?                no                      + 
      Include corresponding LANGUAGE filesets?            yes                     + 
      DETAILED output?                                    no                      + 
      Process multiple volumes?                           yes                     + 
      ACCEPT new license agreements?                      no/yes                  + 
      Preview new LICENSE agreements?                     no                      + 
    F1=Help             F2=Refresh          F3=Cancel           F4=List             
    Esc+5=Reset         F6=Command          F7=Edit             F8=Image            
    F9=Shell            F10=Exit            Enter=Do                                
  5. Press Enter to continue. Press Enter a second time to confirm your decision and begin the installation of your software bundle.
  6. Check the installation summary at the end of the installation output by scrolling to the end of the output. The output indicates whether the installation of your user-defined software bundle was successful.

Step 3. Verify the Installation of the Software Bundle

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