The primary interface or the first interface (if1) is created when the master is activated, and a sequence number is used to identify the additional interfaces (if2, if3, ...) in the machine object definition. To create an additional if attribute for the master object, use either Web-based System Manager, SMIT, or the nim -o change command operation.
To create an additional if attribute for the master object, enter:
For Token-Ring:
nim -o change -a ifseq_no='NetworkObjectName AdapterHostName \ AdapterHardwareAddress' -a ring_speedseq_no=Speed master
For Ethernet:
nim -o change -a ifseq_no='NetworkObjectName AdapterHostName \ AdapterHardwareAddress' -a cable_typeseq_no=Type master
nim -o change -a ifseq_no='NetworkObjectName AdapterHostName \ AdapterHardwareAddress' master
For other networks:
nim -o change -a ifseq_no='NetworkObjectName AdapterHostName \ AdapterHardwareAddress' master
In the example, the following command is run:
nim -o change -a if2='Network2 srv1_ent 0' -a \ cable_type2=bnc master
With this syntax, another if attribute is created for the master, which tells NIM that the master has an Ethernet interface that uses a host name of srv1_ent, that the Ethernet adapter's hardware address is 0 (not used), and that the master connects to the Network2 network object.
To display detailed information about the master which will now show the if2 attribute, enter:
lsnim -l master
The command produces output similar to the following:
master: class = machines type = master Cstate = ready for a NIM operation reserved = yes platform = rs6k serves = boot serves = nim_script comments = machine which controls the NIM environment Mstate = currently running prev_state = ready for a NIM operation if1 = Network1 server1 10005AA88399 master_port = 1058 registration_port = 1059 ring_speed1 = 16 if2 = Network2 Srv1_ent 02608c2e222c cable_type2 = bnc