A NIM SPOT may be updated from one level of AIX to another using the update_all option of NIM's cust operation. This process will update all current SPOTs with the latest level of code on the installation media. However, this process will not automatically install new software packages or device drivers from the installation media.
Machines in the NIM environment that are being upgraded to a new level of AIX will require that new applicable device support be updated for any existing NIM SPOTs intended to support network boot and installation. This must be done after the SPOT is updated to the new level of AIX.
The new device support can be installed in the SPOT using NIM's cust operation, specifying the desired device-specific filesets in an installp_bundle resource or by using the filesets attribute. Alternatively, a fileset name of devices can be specified as the value of the filesets attribute to install all devices on the installation media. For further details on the cust operation, see cust.