AIX Documentation: Programmer's Reference:
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Programmer's Reference
- Z
ZAXPY Computes a constant times a vector plus a vector.
ZCOPY Copies vector X to Y.
ZDOTC Returns the complex dot product of two vectors, conjugating the first.
ZDOTU Returns the complex dot product of two vectors.
ZDROT Applies a plane rotation.
ZDSCAL Scales a vector by a constant.
ZGBMV Performs matrix-vector operations with general banded matrices.
ZGEMM Performs matrix-matrix operations on general matrices.
ZGEMV Performs matrix-vector operation with general matrices.
ZGERC Performs the rank 1 operation.
ZGERU Performs the rank 1 operation.
ZHBMV Performs matrix-vector operations using a Hermitian band matrix.
ZHEMM Performs matrix-matrix operations on Hermitian matrices.
ZHEMV Performs matrix-vector operations using Hermitian matrices.
ZHER Performs the Hermitian rank 1 operation.
ZHER2 Performs the Hermitian rank 2 operation.
ZHER2K Performs Hermitian rank 2k operations.
ZHERK Performs Hermitian rank k operations.
ZHPMV Performs matrix-vector operations using a packed Hermitian matrix.
ZHPR Performs the Hermitian rank 1 operation.
ZHPR2 Performs the Hermitian rank 2 operation.
ZROTG Constructs Givens plane rotation.
ZSCAL Scales a vector by a constant.
ZSWAP Interchanges vectors X and Y.
ZSYMM Performs matrix-matrix matrix operations on symmetric matrices.
ZSYR2K Performs symmetric rank 2k operations.
ZSYRK Perform symmetric rank k operations.
ZTBMV Performs matrix-vector operations using a triangular band matrix.
ZTBSV Solves system of equations.
ZTPMV Performs matrix-vector operations on a packed triangular matrix.
ZTPSV Solves systems of equations.
ZTRMM Performs matrix-matrix operations on triangular matrices.
ZTRMV Performs matrix-vector operations using a triangular matrix.
ZTRSM Solves certain matrix equations.
ZTRSV Solves system of equations.