AIX Documentation: Commands:
Device Management

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Categorical List of Commands
System Management
Device Management
autopush Configures lists of automatically pushed STREAMS modules.
battery Controls or queries battery information.
cdcheck Asks cdromd daemon information about a device.
cdeject Ejects a media from a CD drive managed by the cdromd daemon.
cdmount Makes a file system available for use on a device managed by cdromd.
cdromd Automatically mounts a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM when it is inserted in a device, and provides the server function for the cdutil, cdcheck, cdmount, cdumount, and cdeject commands.
cdumount Unmounts a previously mounted file system on a device managed by cdromd.
cdutil Tells the cdromd daemon to suspend or resume management of a device.
cfgif Configures or activates one or all network interface (IF) instance(s) defined in the system configuration database.
cfgmgr Configures devices and optionally installs device software by running the programs specified in the Configuration Rules object class.
chdev Changes the characteristics of a device.
chdisp The chdisp command changes the default display being used by the Low Function Terminal Subsystem.
chhwkbd Changes keyboard attributes stored in the Object Data Manager (ODM) database.
chkbd Changes the software keyboard map to be loaded into the system at the next IPL (Initial Program Load).
chpath Changes the operational status of paths to an MultiPath I/O (MPIO) capable device, or changes an attribute associated with a path to an MPIO capable device.
defif Defines a network interface in the configuration database.
definet Defines an inet instance in the system configuration database.
devinstall Installs software support for devices.
devnm Names a device.
drslot Manages a dynamically reconfigurable slot, such as, a hot plug slot.
dumpcheck Checks to see that the dump device and copy directory are able to receive the system dump. An error is logged by default if there will likely be insufficient resources to accommodate the dump.
entstat Shows ethernet device driver and device statistics.
fdformat The fdformat command formats diskettes.
flcopy Copies to and from diskettes.
format Formats either diskettes or read/write optical media disks.
getdev Lists devices that match the specified criteria.
getdgrp Lists device classes that match the specified criteria.
listdgrp Displays devices of a device class.
lsattr Displays attribute characteristics and possible values of attributes for devices in the system.
lsconn Displays the connections a given device, or kind of device, can accept.
lscons Writes the name of the current console device to standard output.
lsdev Displays devices in the system and their characteristics.
lsdisp Lists the displays available on the system.
lsfont Lists the fonts available to the display.
lskbd List the current software keyboard map loaded into the system.
lsmcode Displays microcode and firmware levels of the system and adapters and devices.
lsparent Displays the possible parent devices that accept a specified connection type or device.
lspath Displays information about paths to an MultiPath I/O (MPIO) capable device.
lsresource Displays bus resources for available devices in the system and recommends attribute values for bus resource resolution.
lsslot Displays dynamically reconfigurable slots, such as hot plug slots, and their characteristics.
machstat Reports the value of the first 4 bits of the power status register.
mirrord Controls and monitors the mirror module for remote maintenance.
mkdev Adds a device to the system.
mkpath Adds to the system another path to an MPIO capable device.
mkramdisk Creates a RAM disk using a portion of RAM that is accessed through normal reads and writes.
mon-cxma Monitor status of 128-port asynchronous subsystem and attached devices.
mt Gives subcommands to streaming tape device.
netstat Shows network status.
ntsc Enables or disables NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) video output of the G10 Graphics with Motion Video Adapter.
panel20 Diagnoses activity between an HIA and the 5080 Control Unit.
pmcycles Measures processor clock speed.
restbase Reads the base-customized information from the boot image, and restores it into the Device Configuration database used during system boot phase 1.
rmdev Removes a device from the system.
rmpath Removes from the system a path to an MPIO capable device.
rmramdisk Removes RAM disks created by the mkramdisk command.
rmt Allows remote access to magnetic tape devices.
savebase Saves information about base-customized devices in the Device Configuration database onto the boot device.
scls Produces a list of module and driver names.
slattach Attaches serial lines as network interfaces.
strace Prints STREAMS trace messages.
strchg Changes stream configuration.
strclean Cleans up the STREAMS error logger.
strconf Queries stream configuration.
strerr Receives error log messages from the STREAMS log driver.
strinfo Displays administrative information about STREAMS activity.
strload Loads and configures Portable Streams Environment (PSE).
strreset Resets a stream.
swcons Redirects, temporarily, the system console output to a specified device or file.
sysdumpdev Changes the primary or secondary dump device designation in a running system.
sysdumpstart Provides a command line interface to start a kernel dump to the primary or secondary dump device.
tapechk Performs consistency checking on the streaming tape device.
tcopy Copies a magnetic tape.
tctl Gives subcommands to a streaming tape device.
tokstat Shows token-ring device driver and device statistics.
ucfgif Unloads an interface instance from the kernel.
ucfginet Unloads the Internet instance and all related interface instances from the kernel.
udefif Removes an interface object from the system configuration database.
udefinet Undefines the Internet instance in the configuration database.
uscsicfg List SCSI devices attached to an adapter.