AIX Documentation: Commands:

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Categorical List of Commands
X Windows
X Starts the X server.
addX11input Adds an X11 input extension record into the ODM (Object Data Manager) database.
bdftopcf Converts fonts from Bitmap Distribution Format (bdf) to Portable Compiled Format (pcf).
custom Enables users to customize X applications.
deleteX11input Deletes an X11 input extension record from the ODM (Object Data Manager) database.
dtappintegrate The Common Desktop Environment application integration tool.
dtscript Builds simple dialogs used in the X Window System environment.
explore Starts the WebExplorer World Wide Web browser.
lbxproxy Low BandWidth X proxy.
libxrx RX Netscape Navigator Plug-in.
listX11input Lists X11 input extension records entered into the Object Data Manager (ODM) database.
lsvmode Display the current video mode of the X server. Note: This command is usable only while the X server is running.
mkfontdir Creates a fonts.dir file from a directory of font files.
mwm Runs the AIXwindows Window Manager (MWM).
rgb Creates the database used by the X-Window system server for colors.
startx Initializes an X session.
uil Starts the User Interface Language (UIL) compiler for the AIXwindows system.
uimx Starts the UIM/X user-interface management system for the X Window System.
xauth Edits and displays the authorization information used in connecting to the X server.
xclock Continuously displays the current time of day.
xdm Manages a collection of X Displays with support for XDMCP.
xfindproxy Locates proxy services.
xfs Supplies fonts to X Window System display servers.
xinit Initializes the X Window System.
xlock Locks the local X display until a password is entered.
xpr Formats a window dump file for output to a printer.
xpreview Displays troff files on an X display.
xrx RX helper program.
xss Improves the security of unattended workstations.
xwd Dumps the image of an Enhanced X-Windows window.
xwud Retrieves and displays the dumped image of an Enhanced X-Windows window.