The following parameter block
queries statistics of a particular link station (LS):
struct dlc_qls_arg
__ulong32_t gdlc_sap_corr; /* GDLC SAP correlator */
__ulong32_t gdlc_ls_corr; /* GDLC ls correlator */
__ulong32_t user_sap_corr; /* user's SAP correlator - RETURNED */
__ulong32_t user_ls_corr; /* user's link station corr-RETURNED */
u_char_t ls_diag[DLC_MAX_DIAG]; /* the char name of the ls */
__ulong32_t ls_state; /* current ls state */
__ulong32_t ls_sub_state; /* further clarification of state */
struct dlc_ls_counters counters;
__ulong32_t protodd_len; /*protocol dependent data byte length*/
The fields of this ioctl
operation are:
gdlc_sap_corr | Specifies the generic data link control (GDLC) service access point (SAP) correlator of the target LS. |
gdlc_ls_corr | Specifies the GDLC LS correlator to be queried. |
user_sap_corr | Specifies the user SAP correlator returned for routing purposes. |
user_ls_corr | Specifies the user LS correlator, that is the user LS identifier returned for routing purposes. |
ls_diag | Contains the link station (LS) diagnostic tag. Indicates the ASCII character string tag passed to GDLC at the DLC_START_LS ioctl operation to identify the station being queried. For example, SNA services puts the attachment profile name in this field. |
ls_state | Contains the current state of this LS: |
ls_sub_state | Contains the current substate of this LS. Several indicators may
be active concurrently.
counters | Contains link station reliability/availability/serviceability
counters. These 14 reliability/availability/serviceability counters are
shown as an example only. Each GDLC device manager provides as many of
these counters as necessary to diagnose specific network problems for its
protocol type.
protodd_len | Indicates length of protocol-dependent data. This field contains the byte length of the following area. |
The protocol-dependent data contains any additional statistics that a particular GDLC device manager might provide. See the individual GDLC specifications for information on the specific fields returned. This optional data area must directly follow (or append to) the end of the dlc_qls_arg structure.
The DLC_QUERY_LS ioctl operation is selectable through the fp_ioctl kernel service or the ioctl subroutine. It can be called from the process environment only.