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Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions, Volume 1

getportattr or putportattr Subroutine


Accesses the port information in the port database.


Security Library (libc.a)


#include <usersec.h>

int getportattr (Port, Attribute, Value, Type)
char * Port;
char * Attribute;
void * Value;
int Type;

int putportattr (Port, Attribute, Value, Type)
char *Port;
char *Attribute;
void *Value;
int Type;


The getportattr or putportattr subroutine accesses port information. The getportattr subroutine reads a specified attribute from the port database. If the database is not already open, the getportattr subroutine implicitly opens the database for reading. The putportattr subroutine writes a specified attribute into the port database. If the database is not already open, the putportattr subroutine implicitly opens the database for reading and writing. The data changed by the putportattr subroutine must be explicitly committed by calling the putportattr subroutine with a Type parameter equal to the SEC_COMMIT value. Until all the data is committed, only these subroutines within the process return the written data.

Values returned by these subroutines are in dynamically allocated buffers. You do not need to move the values prior to the next call.

Use the setuserdb or enduserdb subroutine to open and close the port database.


Port Specifies the name of the port for which an attribute is read.
Attribute Specifies the name of the attribute read. This attribute can be one of the following values defined in the usersec.h file:

Defines the initial message printed when the getty or login command prompts for a login name. This value is of the type SEC_CHAR.

Indicates whether or not trusted path processing is allowed on this port. This value is of the type SEC_BOOL.

Defines the set of ports that are synonym attributes for the given port. This value is of the type SEC_LIST.

Defines when the user can access the port. This value is of the type SEC_LIST.

Defines the number of unsuccessful login attempts that result in the system locking the port. This value is of the type SEC_INT.

Defines the time interval in seconds within which S_LOGDISABLE number of unsuccessful login attempts must occur before the system locks the port. This value is of the type SEC_INT.

Defines the time interval in minutes after which a system-locked port is unlocked. This value is of the type SEC_INT.

Defines the delay factor in seconds between unsuccessful login attempts. This value is of the type SEC_INT.

Defines the time in seconds since the epoch (zero time, January 1, 1970) that the port was locked. This value is of the type SEC_INT.

Lists the times in seconds since the epoch (midnight, January 1, 1970) when unsuccessful login attempts occurred. This value is of the type SEC_LIST.
Value Specifies the address of a buffer in which the attribute is stored with putportattr or is to be read getportattr.
Type Specifies the type of attribute expected. The following types are valid and defined in the usersec.h file:

Indicates the format of the attribute is an integer. The buffer returned by the getportattr subroutine and the buffer supplied by the putportattr subroutine are defined to contain an integer.

Indicates the format of the attribute is a null-terminated character string.

Indicates the format of the attribute is a list of null-terminated character strings. The list itself is null terminated.

An integer with a value of either 0 or 1, or a pointer to a character pointing to one of the following strings:
  • True
  • Yes
  • Always
  • False
  • No
  • Never

Indicates that changes to the specified port are committed to permanent storage if specified alone for the putportattr subroutine. The Attribute and Value parameters are ignored. If no port is specified, changes to all modified ports are committed.

Deletes the corresponding attribute from the database.

Updates all of the port database files with the new port name when using the putportattr subroutine.


Access Control: The calling process must have access to the port information in the port database.

File Accessed:

Modes File
rw /etc/security/login.cfg
rw /etc/security/portlog

Return Values

The getportattr and putportattr subroutines return a value of 0 if completed successfully. Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned and the errno global value is set to indicate the error.

Error Codes

These subroutines are unsuccessful if the following values are true:

EACCES Indicates that access permission is denied for the data requested.
ENOENT Indicates that the Port parameter does not exist or the attribute is not defined for the specified port.
ENOATTR Indicates that the specified port attribute does not exist for the specified port.
EINVAL Indicates that the Attribute parameter does not contain one of the defined attributes or is a null value.
EINVAL Indicates that the Value parameter does not point to a valid buffer or to valid data for this type of attribute.

EPERM Operation is not permitted.

Implementation Specifics

These subroutines are part of Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime.

Related Information

The setuserdb or enduserdb subroutine.

List of Security and Auditing Services in AIX 5L Version 5.1 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs.

Subroutines Overview in AIX 5L Version 5.1 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs.

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