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Files Reference

g32types.inc File


Contains Pascal API data types.


The /usr/include/g32types.inc file provides data types and structures for use with HCON Pascal-language functions. The g32types.inc file is an include file that contains the g32_api record. Each module that uses the HCON Pascal API must include the g32types.inc file.

The fields in the g32types.inc file are:

g32_api = record         /* information and parameter structure */
    lpid     : integer;  /* logical path id                     */
    errcode  : integer;  /* error code indicator                */
    xerrinfo : integer;  /* extra error information             */
    row      : integer;  /* row number                          */
    column   : integer;  /* column number                       */
    length   : integer;  /* length for patterns                 */
    eventf   : integer;  /* message queue ID/file descriptor    */
    maxbuf   : integer;  /* the maximum transfer message size   */
                         /* from the maximum IO buffer size     */
                         /* characteristic in the HCON profile. */
                         /* The user may override the default   */
                         /* value only during a call to         */
                         /* g32allc                             */
    timeout  : integer;  /* the amount of time, in seconds,     */
                         /* to wait for data from the host      */
                         /* computer.  The default value is     */
                         /* 15 seconds.  The user may override  */
                         /* the default value at anytime.       */
end; /* record g32_api */
fxs = record
   fxs_bytcnt : integer;      /* Byte count                     */
   fxs_src    : stringptr;    /* Source file name               */
   fxs_dst    : stringptr;    /* Destination file name          */
   fxs_ctime  : stringptr;    /* Destination file creation time */
   fxs_stat   : integer;      /* Status code                    */
   fxs_errno  : integer;      /* Errno                          */
                              /* Record fxs                     */
fx_s = record
   s_space     : integer;     /* Allocation space               */
   s_increment : integer;     /* Alloction space increment      */
   s_unit      : integer;     /* Unit of allocation             */
end;                          /* Record f_s                     */
fxc_opt = record              /* Options record                 */
   f_flags     : integer;     /* Flags options                  */
   f_logonid   : stringptr;   /* Address of logon id string     */
   f_lrecl     : integer;     /* Logical record length          */
   f_blksize   : integer;     /* Block size                     */
   f_inputfld  : stringptr;   /* Input mode for VSE or CICS     */
   f_s         : fx_s;        /* S option record                */
end;                          /* Record fxc_opts                */
fxc = record
   fxc_src     : stringptr;   /* Source file name               */
   fxc_dst     : stringptr;   /* Destination file name          */
   fxc_opts    : fxc_opt;     /* Options record                 */


The following example illustrates the use of the Pascal header files:

program example(input, output);
                %include /usr/include/g32const.inc
                { user's constant definitions }
                %include /usr/include/g32types.inc
                { user's type definitions }
                User_Buffer : packed array[k.1..100]k. of char;
                API_BUF_PTR : integer;
                { user's variable declarations }
        %include /usr/include/g32hfile.inc
        { user's external function declarations }
                API_BUF_PTR = addr(User_Buffer);
                { user's program }

The API_BUF_PTR declaration must be an integer and must be assigned the address of the User_Buffer declaration.

Implementation Specifics

The g32types.inc file is part of the Host Connection Program (HCON).

This file requires the use of a Pascal compiler.

Related Information

Other HCON Pascal header files are /usr/include/g32const.inc, /usr/include/g32hfile.inc, and /usr/include/g32keys.inc.

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