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Commands Reference, Volume 5

trcevgrp Command


Manipulates trace event groups.


List event groups

trcevgrp -l [ event-group [ ... ] ]

Remove event groups

trcevgrp -r [ event-group [ ... ] ]

Add an event group

trcevgrp -a -d "group-description" -h "hook-list" event-group

Update an event group

trcevgrp -u [ -d "group-description" ] [ -h "hook-list" ] event-group ]


The trcevgrp command is used to maintain the trace event groups. You must be in the system group to add, delete, or change trace event groups. You may not modify or delete event groups whose type is reserved.


-a [ -d group-description | -h hook-list ] Creates a new event group. Only one event group name may be specified. Both -d description and -h hook-list must be specified when using the -a flag. If either -d or -h is not specified, an error is produced.
-d group-description Designates the hook description. A description is required for all new groups.
-h hook-list The hook list consists of trace hook IDs. The -h flag is required when using the -a flag. When updating an event group (-u flag), the hook-list, if specified, must contain all hook IDs for the group. List parameter items can be separated by commas or enclosed in double quotation marks and separated by commas or blanks.
-l event-group

The specified group(s) are listed to standard output. If no event group is specified, all are listed. The format of the listing is as follows:

group name - group-description (type) "hook list"

For example:

  • -l tidhk - Hooks needed to display thread name (reserved) "106,10C,134,139,465"
  • -l gka - GENERAL KERNEL ACTIVITY (files,execs,dispatches) (reserved) "106,10C,134,139,465,107,135,15b,12e,116,117,200,20E,20F"

-r event-group Removes the specified event-groups.
-u [ -d "group-description" | -h "hook-list" ] event-group Used to update the information for an event-group. Either -d description or -h hook-list must be specified.


  1. To get a listing of all event groups, enter
    trcevgrp -l
  2. To add a new group, enter
    trcevgrp -a -d my group description -h "500,501,502" mygrp

    This will add the group called mygrp, give it the description my group description, and will have hooks of 500, 501, and 502.

  3. To add another hook to mygrp, enter
    trcevgrp -u -d my group description -h "500,501,502,503" mygrp
    Note: It is necessary to specify all hook IDs.

    Files the event groups are currently kept in the SWserveAt ODM database.

Related Information

The trcdead command, trcnm command, trcrpt command, trcstop command, and trcupdate command.

The trace daemon.

The trcfmt file format.

Trace Facility Overview in AIX 5L Version 5.1 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs.

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