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Commands Reference, Volume 4

processPtf Command


Generates the option.prereq file and lpp.doc file for each PTF.


processPtf [ -v Version -r Release -m Mod -f Fix ]


The processPtf command also generates several data files in the PTF directory. The processPtf command is invoked by the ptfpkg command to generate PTF specific files. The lpp.doc file is archived into liblpp.a for the update. The option.prereq file is included in the lpp_name file for the update. The processPtf command also generates the filenamesList, ifreqsList, coreqsList, aparsList, prereqsList, and supersedesList files in the PTF directory. The list files are data files and are not archived into liblpp.a.

The list files are generated by combining the information from the most recent fileset PTF with the information for the current PTF. The $TOP/UPDATE/$OPTION/ptfsList file identifies all PTFs since the last cum for the fileset. The last PTF in this file is assumed to be the most recent fileset PTF. The processPtf command generates the option.prereq file from the new prereqsList, coreqsList, and ifreqsList information. If the most recent cum PTF listed in the $TOP/UPDATE/$OPTION/cumsList file has a non-zero fix level, then processPtf puts an explicit prereq in the option.prereq file for the most recent cum PTF.

The processPtf command searches the $TOP/HISTORY/memo_info file for the APAR text for each APAR in the aparsList file and generates the lpp.doc file.


Note: The -v, -r, -m, and -f flags are only used to override the default version, release, mod, and fix level values. These flags are usually only used if the VRMF has been overridden in the ptf_pkg.$BLDCYCLE file which is used as input to the ptfpkg command.

-f Fix Specifies the fix level.
-m Mod Specifies the modification level.
-r Release Specifies the release number.
-v Version Specifies the version number.

Environmental Variables

BLDCYCLE Specifies the current build cycle. The build cycle identifier identifies the build in which the PTF was created.
BUILD_TYPE Specifies the type of environment this build is occurring in. Valid values are production, area, and sandbox, where sandbox builds are development level builds. The ptfpkg command requires valid APAR text in the $TOP/HISTORY/abstracts file for each APAR if the build type is production.
TOP Specifies that the $TOP environment variable is set to the base of the update tree. The PTF, HISTORY, and UPDATE directories exist relative to $TOP.


  1. To invoke the processPtf command to generate the lpp.doc, option.prereq, and list files for the current PTF using the default version, release, mod, and fix levels, type:

  2. To invoke the processPtf command to generate PTF information for a cum PTF with a non-zero fix level value, type:

    processPtf -v 4 -r 2 -m1 -f3

Input Files

cumsList The $TOP/UPDATE/$OPTION/cumsList file is created and maintained by the ptfpkg command and is not provided by the user. The cumsList file contains the list of successfully built cumulative PTFs since the base level release. The format of this file is one PTF ID per line.
memo_info The $TOP/HISTORY/memo_info file is optional. It contains information by APAR number that is included in the lpp.doc file and displayed to the user when the PTF is installed. Its format is:


After applying this PTF, the system must be rebooted. For diskless clients, the boot image of the diskless client has to be rebuilt and the diskless client rebooted for this fix to take effect. @ IX35995 Should @ IX35995 be here?

Note: Please read the file /usr/lpp/bos/README.M-ACPA for details and restrictions of the Multimedia Audio Capture and Playback Adapter (M-ACPA) for playing two monaural tracks simultaneously. @ Should @ be here?
ptfsList The $TOP/UPDATE/$OPTION/ptfsList file is created and maintained by the ptfpkg command and is not provided by the user. The ptfsList file contains the list of fileset PTFs successfully built since the most recent cum PTF. The format of this file is one PTF ID per line.
wk_ptf_pkg The $TOP/UPDATE/$OPTION/$PTF/wk_ptf_pkg file is created by the ptfpkg command from the $TOP/UPDATE/$LPP/ptf_pkg.$BLDCYCLE file. It contains the information for only the PTF currently being processed.

Output Files

The list files are generated in the $TOP/UPDATE/$OPTION/$PTF directory. The list files from the most recent fileset PTF are combined with the new information from the wk_ptf_pkg file to generate the list files for the current PTF.
lpp.doc The lpp.doc file is generated if the $TOP/HISTORY/memo_info file exists and contains APAR information for one or more APARs in the aparsList file. This file is archived into liblpp.a.
option.prereq The option.prereq file contains the ifreq, coreq, and prereq data for the current PTF. This file is copied into the lpp_name file for the update.

Related Information

The ptfpkg command.

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