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Commands Reference, Volume 3

lsactdef Command


Lists (displays) action definitions of a resource or resource class.


lsactdef [-h] [-e] [-c] [-i] [-p 0] [-s i | o] [-l | -t | -d | -D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] [Resource_class [Action...]]


The lsactdef command lists the action definitions of a resource or resource class. Use lsactdef with no parameters specified to get a list of all resource class names.

By default, the resource action definitions are displayed. To see the resource class action definitions, specify the -c flag.

By default, when no actions are specified on the command line, only actions that are defined as public are displayed. To override this default, use the -p flag or specify on the command line the names of the actions whose definition you wish to display.

To see the structured data definition that is required as input when this action is invoked, specify the -s i flag. To see the structured data definition linked with the output that results from invoking this action, specify the -s o flag.

By default, for the actions that contain descriptions, the descriptions are not displayed. Specify the -e flag to display the descriptions. Because the translation of these descriptions may take some time and because some of the descriptions are very long, the default is not to display these descriptions.


If a Resource_class parameter is specified, zero or more action names may be specified. If no Action parameter is specified, the definitions for all of the actions for the Resource_class are listed. Specific action names may be entered to control which actions are displayed and in what order. Actions must be separated by spaces.

Resource class name. The name of the resource class whose action definitions you wish displayed. If no Resource_class parameter is specified, a list of all of the resource class names is displayed.


Displays the resource class action definitions. By default the resource action definitions are displayed.

Specifies delimiter-formatted output. The default delimiter is a colon (:). Use the -D flag if you wish to change the default delimiter.

-D Delimiter
Specifies delimiter-formatted output that uses the specified delimiter. Use this flag to specify a delimiter other than the default colon (:). An example is when the data to be displayed contains colons. Use this flag to specify a delimiter of one or more characters.

Expands the descriptions. By default the definitions are displayed without the textual descriptions because they can be lengthy. Specify this flag to see both the definitions and descriptions.

Writes the command's usage statement to standard output.

Specifies input format. Generates a template of the Resource Data Input file. The output is displayed in long (stanza) format. The attribute's SD element data types are displayed as the value in the Attr=value pairs. It is suggested that when you use this flag, the output of the lsactdef command be directed to a file.

Specifies long formatted output, one entry per line. This is the default display format. If the lsactdef command is issued with the -l flag, but without a resource class name, the -l flag is ignored when the command returns the list of defined resource class names.

p property
Displays actions with the specified property. By default, only the definitions for public actions are displayed. To display all action definitions regardless of the action property, use the -p 0 flag.

-s i | o
Displays the structured data definition for the action input or action response.

Displays the action input structured data definitions. This is the default.

Displays the action response (output) structured data definitions.

Specifies tabular formatted output. Each attribute is displayed in a separate column, one resource per line.

Writes the command's trace messages to standard error. For your software-service organization's use only.

Writes the command's verbose messages to standard output.

Suppresses header printing.

Exit Status

Command has run successfully.

Error occurred with RMC.

Error occurred with CLI script.

Incorrect flag on command line.

Incorrect parameter on command line.

Error occurred with RMC that was based on faulty command line input.


  1. To list the names of all of the resource classes, type:

    Output is similar to:

  2. To list the public resource action definitions for resource class IBM.AuditLog, type:
    lsactdef IBM.AuditLog

    Output is similar to:

    Resource Action Definitions for
    class_name: IBM.AuditLog
    action 1:
            action_name    = "GetRecords"
            display_name   = ""
            description    = ""
            properties     = {"public"}
            confirm_prompt = ""
            action_id      = 0
            variety_list   = {{1..1}}
            variety_count  = 1
            timeout        = 0
    action 2:
            action_name    = "DeleteRecords"
            display_name   = ""
            description    = ""
            properties     = {"public"}
            confirm_prompt = ""
            action_id      = 1
            variety_list   = {{1..1}}
            variety_count  = 1
            timeout        = 0
  3. To list the structured data definition required for invoking the action on resources in resource class IBM.AuditLog, action GetRecords, type:
    lsactdef -s i IBM.AuditLog GetRecords

    Output is similar to:

    Resource Action Input for: IBM.AuditLog
    action_name GetRecords:
    SD element 1:
            element_index     = 0
            element_name      = "MatchCriteria"
            description       = ""
            element_data_type = "char_ptr"
            display_name      = ""
    SD element 2:
            element_index     = 1
            element_name      = "IncludeDetail"
            description       = ""
            element_data_type = "uint32"
            display_name      = ""


/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/lsactdef Location of the lsactdef command.

Related Information

The lsrsrcdef command.

The rmccli General Information file.

The RSCT 2.2 Resource Monitoring and Control Guide and Reference contains more information regarding RMC operations.

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