| Indicates the server at which the license database to be edited or
displayed resides. (Optional; the default value is the name of the
license server node at which the command is executed.)
| Specifies a version of a product to be operated upon.
| Specifies the license annotation.
| Debugging flag. (Prints RPC debugging information.)
| Displays command usage information. (Same as -usage)
| Displays command usage information. (Same as -h)
| Displays command version information.
| Adds a new vendor, a new product (and licenses), or more licenses for an
existing product to the license database. This is the default
If adding a vendor, specify (as
arguments to the -v option) the vendor name, vendor ID, and vendor
If adding a new product and
licenses, specify (as arguments to the -p option) the vendor name,
product name, product password, version text, and license annotation (if there
is one) as arguments. (Do not use the -r option in this
You must have previously added the vendor in order to add its product, and
you may not establish a vendor and product licenses simultaneously in a single
command line. If adding new licenses for an established version of a
product, you may not specify a license annotation unless the established
version had an annotation.
The same annotation must be used
in all licenses for a given product (identified by the product ID and
The options -a,
-d, and -s are mutually exclusive.
| Shows information about the specified license server, vendor or
product. To show information about a license server, use the
-n option with the node name as the argument. To show
information about a vendor, use the -v option with the name of the
vendor as the argument. To show information about all vendors at a
license server, use the -v option without an argument. To
show information about a product version, use the -r option with
the version text as the argument followed by the -p option with the
vendor name and product name as arguments. To show information about
all versions of a product use the -r option without an argument,
followed by the -p option with the vendor name and product name as
arguments. To show information about all versions of all products of a
vendor, use the -p option, giving the vendor name as the only
The options -a,
-d, and -s are mutually exclusive.
| Deletes a vendor or product from the license database. To delete a
vendor, use the -v option with the vendor name as the
argument. You may not delete a vendor unless you have previously
deleted all versions of all products of the vendor at the current server, nor
may you delete more than one vendor at a time. To delete a product, use
the -p option with the vendor name and product name as arguments,
followed by the license timestamp. You may not delete use-once licenses
nor compound passwords that have not expired, nor may you delete more than one
version of a product at a time. Use the -s and -p
options to get the timestamp of the specified product licenses.
The options -a,
-d, and -s are mutually exclusive.
| Copies a vendor (specified with the -v option) from the server
specified in the -f option to the server specified in the
-n option, or to the default server if no -n server is
| Specifies the vendor to be operated upon. -v or
-p and their arguments must appear last on the command line.
| Specifies the product to be operated upon. -p or
-v and their arguments must appear last on the command line.
Exit Button
| Exits from ls_admin.
Operate On:
| This menu lists the license server objects you can operate on:
Server, Vendor, Product, and
| Select Server to display a list of servers. After you
select a server, you can select Vendor to display a list of vendors
for that server, or you can select an operation to perform on the selected
server from the Operations: menu.
| Select Vendor to display a list of vendors for the server
selected in the Servers list. After you select a vendor, you can select
Product to display a list of products for that vendor, or you can
select an operation to perform on the selected vendor from the
Operations: menu.
| Select Product to display a list of products for the selected
server and vendor. After you select a product, you can select
License to display a list of licenses for that product, or you can
select an operation to perform on the selected product from the
Operations: menu.
| Select License to display a list of license records for the
selected server, vendor, and product. Each record shows the number,
type, and terms of the licenses. Select a license record and select an
operation from the Operations: menu.
| This menu lists the license database operations you can perform.
The contents of this menu vary depending on the object (Server,
Vendor, Product, or License) selected in the
Operate On: menu.
Check user file
| Verifies that the format of the file user_file, located in
the /usr/lib/netls/conf directory, is valid.
Update server list
| Updates server and/or license database information. The
information displayed is current, so it is generally unnecessary to use
Update server list unless a communications failure has been
repaired or a new server has been started since you invoked
ls_admin, or another user is currently editing a license database
with ls_admin.
Add vendor
| Adds a vendor to the selected license database. Enter the vendor
name, vendor ID, and vendor password on the pop-up; then select Add
| Provides detailed information about the selected server, including socket
information, target type, and target ID.
Add product
| Adds a product to the selected vendor at the selected server.
Enter the product name, version, product password, and license annotation (if
there is one) on the pop-up; then select Add vendor. If
you add a product to more than one server, be sure to use exactly the same
product name at all servers. Note that Add product performs
two functions: it establishes a new product, and it adds licenses for
the product. To add more licenses for an existing product, select the
product and then use Add licenses.
| Renames the selected vendor. Enter the new vendor name on the
pop-up. If you rename a vendor at one server, you should also rename it
(using the same name) at all servers where that vendor is listed.
| Deletes the selected vendor at the selected server. Select the
Delete? pop-up to confirm the operation. Move the cursor off
the pop-up to cancel the operation. You cannot delete a vendor that has
active licenses for its products.
Copy vendor
| Copies the selected vendor to another server's license
database. Select the server to which you want the vendor copied from
the pop-up that appears.
| Provides detailed information about the selected server and vendor,
including the vendor ID.
Add licenses
| Adds licenses to the selected product. Enter the license password
on the pop-up. (Use Add licenses only to add more licenses
for an existing product. If you are both establishing a new product and
adding licenses for the product, use Add product rather than
Add licenses.)
| Renames the selected product. Enter the new product name on the
pop-up. If you rename a product at one server, you should also rename
it (using the same name) at all servers where that product is listed.
| Provides detailed information about the selected server, vendor, and
product. Product information displayed includes the ID, annotation
string, and the number, type, and date of existing licenses for the