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Commands Reference, Volume 3

ls_admin Command


Displays and edits the license server database.


ls_admin [ -n NodeName] [ -r ] [ -l | -z | -h | -usage | -version ] { -a | -s | -d | -f } {{ -v | -p } Arguments}


The ls_admin command allows you to examine and edit license databases. This command description describes the command line interface to ls_admin. The graphic interface is explained separately in Related Information.


-n NodeName Indicates the server at which the license database to be edited or displayed resides. (Optional; the default value is the name of the license server node at which the command is executed.)
-r Specifies a version of a product to be operated upon.
-l Specifies the license annotation.
-z Debugging flag. (Prints RPC debugging information.)
-h Displays command usage information. (Same as -usage)
-usage Displays command usage information. (Same as -h)
-version Displays command version information.
-a Adds a new vendor, a new product (and licenses), or more licenses for an existing product to the license database. This is the default value.

If adding a vendor, specify (as arguments to the -v option) the vendor name, vendor ID, and vendor password.

If adding a new product and licenses, specify (as arguments to the -p option) the vendor name, product name, product password, version text, and license annotation (if there is one) as arguments. (Do not use the -r option in this case).

You must have previously added the vendor in order to add its product, and you may not establish a vendor and product licenses simultaneously in a single command line. If adding new licenses for an established version of a product, you may not specify a license annotation unless the established version had an annotation.

The same annotation must be used in all licenses for a given product (identified by the product ID and version).

The options -a, -d, and -s are mutually exclusive.

-s Shows information about the specified license server, vendor or product. To show information about a license server, use the -n option with the node name as the argument. To show information about a vendor, use the -v option with the name of the vendor as the argument. To show information about all vendors at a license server, use the -v option without an argument. To show information about a product version, use the -r option with the version text as the argument followed by the -p option with the vendor name and product name as arguments. To show information about all versions of a product use the -r option without an argument, followed by the -p option with the vendor name and product name as arguments. To show information about all versions of all products of a vendor, use the -p option, giving the vendor name as the only argument.

The options -a, -d, and -s are mutually exclusive.

-d Deletes a vendor or product from the license database. To delete a vendor, use the -v option with the vendor name as the argument. You may not delete a vendor unless you have previously deleted all versions of all products of the vendor at the current server, nor may you delete more than one vendor at a time. To delete a product, use the -p option with the vendor name and product name as arguments, followed by the license timestamp. You may not delete use-once licenses nor compound passwords that have not expired, nor may you delete more than one version of a product at a time. Use the -s and -p options to get the timestamp of the specified product licenses.

The options -a, -d, and -s are mutually exclusive.

-f Copies a vendor (specified with the -v option) from the server specified in the -f option to the server specified in the -n option, or to the default server if no -n server is specified.
-v Specifies the vendor to be operated upon. -v or -p and their arguments must appear last on the command line.
-p Specifies the product to be operated upon. -p or -v and their arguments must appear last on the command line.

Information on Graphic Interface

The following describes the options on the graphical user interface version of ls_admin.


Exit Button Exits from ls_admin.
Operate On: Menu This menu lists the license server objects you can operate on: Server, Vendor, Product, and License.
Server Select Server to display a list of servers. After you select a server, you can select Vendor to display a list of vendors for that server, or you can select an operation to perform on the selected server from the Operations: menu.
Vendor Select Vendor to display a list of vendors for the server selected in the Servers list. After you select a vendor, you can select Product to display a list of products for that vendor, or you can select an operation to perform on the selected vendor from the Operations: menu.
Product Select Product to display a list of products for the selected server and vendor. After you select a product, you can select License to display a list of licenses for that product, or you can select an operation to perform on the selected product from the Operations: menu.
License Select License to display a list of license records for the selected server, vendor, and product. Each record shows the number, type, and terms of the licenses. Select a license record and select an operation from the Operations: menu.
Operations: Menu This menu lists the license database operations you can perform. The contents of this menu vary depending on the object (Server, Vendor, Product, or License) selected in the Operate On: menu.


Check user file Verifies that the format of the file user_file, located in the /usr/lib/netls/conf directory, is valid.
Update server list Updates server and/or license database information. The information displayed is current, so it is generally unnecessary to use Update server list unless a communications failure has been repaired or a new server has been started since you invoked ls_admin, or another user is currently editing a license database with ls_admin.
Add vendor Adds a vendor to the selected license database. Enter the vendor name, vendor ID, and vendor password on the pop-up; then select Add vendor.
Describe Provides detailed information about the selected server, including socket information, target type, and target ID.


Add product Adds a product to the selected vendor at the selected server. Enter the product name, version, product password, and license annotation (if there is one) on the pop-up; then select Add vendor. If you add a product to more than one server, be sure to use exactly the same product name at all servers. Note that Add product performs two functions: it establishes a new product, and it adds licenses for the product. To add more licenses for an existing product, select the product and then use Add licenses.
Rename Renames the selected vendor. Enter the new vendor name on the pop-up. If you rename a vendor at one server, you should also rename it (using the same name) at all servers where that vendor is listed.
Delete Deletes the selected vendor at the selected server. Select the Delete? pop-up to confirm the operation. Move the cursor off the pop-up to cancel the operation. You cannot delete a vendor that has active licenses for its products.
Copy vendor Copies the selected vendor to another server's license database. Select the server to which you want the vendor copied from the pop-up that appears.
Describe Provides detailed information about the selected server and vendor, including the vendor ID.


Add licenses Adds licenses to the selected product. Enter the license password on the pop-up. (Use Add licenses only to add more licenses for an existing product. If you are both establishing a new product and adding licenses for the product, use Add product rather than Add licenses.)
Rename Renames the selected product. Enter the new product name on the pop-up. If you rename a product at one server, you should also rename it (using the same name) at all servers where that product is listed.
Describe Provides detailed information about the selected server, vendor, and product. Product information displayed includes the ID, annotation string, and the number, type, and date of existing licenses for the product.


Delete Deletes the selected license record. This enables you to get rid of expired licenses. Select the Delete? pop-up to confirm the operation, or move the cursor off the pop-up to cancel.
Describe Provides detailed information about the selected server, vendor, product, and license record. License information displayed includes the number, type, date, and timestamp.


In the following examples, argument items represented by terms such as VendorName and ProductName must appear in the command line separated by spaces. If a given argument item contains spaces, it must be enclosed in double quotes ("). For example, a VendorName like Acme Firmware, Inc., must appear in the actual command line as "Acme Firmware, Inc." Also, vendor and product names must be capitalized correctly.

  1. To add a vendor:

    ls_admin [-n NodeName] -a -v VendorName VendorID VendorPassword
  2. To add a product or additional licenses:

    ls_admin [-n NodeName] -a [-l Annotation] -p VendorName 
    ProductName ProductPassword ProductVersion

    Note: The -l Annotation parameter must be included for those products having annotations.
  3. To show servers:

    ls_admin [-n NodeName] -s
  4. To show vendors:

    ls_admin [-n NodeName] -s -v VendorName

    Note: If VendorName is not specified, this command shows all vendors at the specified server. If no server is specified, all vendors at the default server (the one on the node the command is run from) are displayed.
  5. To show all products for a single vendor at the specified server:

    ls_admin [-n NodeName] -s -p VendorName
  6. To show all licenses for all versions of a specified product of a specified vendor:

    ls_admin [-n NodeName] -s -p VendorName ProductName
  7. To show a specified version of a specified product of a specified vendor:

    ls_admin [-n NodeName] -r Version -s -p VendorName ProductName
  8. To copy a vendor from another server:

    ls_admin -f NodeName -v VendorName
  9. To delete a vendor:

    ls_admin [-n NodeName] -d -v VendorName

    Note: You cannot delete a vendor who has products listed (that is, you must delete all the products first).
  10. To delete a product:

    ls_admin [-n NodeName] -d -p VendorName ProductName TimeStamp 

    Note: Products must be deleted one at a time and are distinguished by their timestamps.

Related Information

The drm_admin command

The glbd daemon, llbd daemon, nrglbd daemon.

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