Gathers configuration, log, and trace information for the Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology (RSCT) product.
ctsnap [ -h ] [ -d Output_Directory ]
The ctsnap command gathers configuration, log, and trace information about the Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology (RSCT) components that are installed with the base operating system. These components include the following:
This command is typically executed when a problem is encountered with any of these components in order to provide information to your software-service organization.
The output of ctsnap is a compressed tar file and a log file (ctsnap.nnnnnnnn.tar.Z and ctsnap.nnnnnnnn.log, respectively, where nnnnnnnn is a timestamp). Both files should be provided to the software-service organization. By default these files are placed in the /tmp/ctsupt directory.
-h | Writes the usage statement of the command to standard output. |
-d Output_Directory | Identifies the output directory (The default directory is /tmp/ctsupt). |
0 | Command has run successfully. |
1 | Command was not successful. |
Privilege Control: Only the root user should have execute (x) access to this command.
ctsnap -d /tmp/mydir