-a UID
| Uses the UID parameter as the effective user ID only if a
request comes from an unknown user. The default value of this option is
Note: Root users (uid 0) are always considered "unknown" by
the NFS server, unless they are included in the root option. Setting
the value of UID to -1 disables anonymous access.
| Updates the entry in the /etc/exports file and the
exportfs command is executed to again export the directory
-c HostName [
, HostName ] ...
| Gives mount access to each of the clients listed. A client can
either be a host or a netgroup. The default is to allow all hosts
-d Directory
| Specifies the exported directory that is to be changed.
-f Exports_file
| Specifies the full path name of the exports file to use if other than the
/etc/exports file.
-h Hostname [
, HostName ] ...
| Specifies which hosts have read-write access to the directory.
This option is valid only when the directory is exported read-mostly.
| Adds an entry in the /etc/exports file so that the next time
the exportfs command is run, usually during system restart, the
directory will be exported.
| Does not modify the entry in the /etc/exports file but the
exportfs command is run with the correct parameters so that the
export is changed.
| Does not require client to use the more secure protocol. This flag
is the default.
| Specifies that the exported directory is to be a public directory.
This flag only applies to AIX 4.2.1 or later.
| Specifies that the exported directory is not a public directory.
This flag only applies to AIX 4.2.1 or later.
-r HostName [
, HostName ] ...
| Gives root users on specified hosts access to the directory. The
default is for no hosts to be granted root access.
| Requires clients to use a more secure protocol when accessing the
-t Type
| Specifies one of the following types of mount access allowed to
- rw
- Exports the directory with read-write permission. This is the
- ro
- Exports the directory with read-only permission.
- rm
- Exports the directory with read-mostly permission. If this type is
chosen, the -h flag must be used to specify hosts that have
read-write permission.
- To change the list of hosts
that have access to an exported directory and to make this change occur
immediately and upon each subsequent system restart, enter:
chnfsexp -d /usr -t rw -c host1,host3,host29,grp3,grp2 -B
In this example, the chnfsexp command changes the attributes
of the /usr directory to give read and write permission to the
host1, host3, and host29 hosts, and the
grp3 and grp2 netgroups.
- To change the list of hosts
that have access to an exported directory, to specify the path name of the
exports file, and to make this change occur immediately and upon each
subsequent system restart, enter:
chnfsexp -d /usr -t rw -c host1,host3,host29,grp3,grp2
-f /etc/exports.other -B
In this example, the chnfsexp command changes the attributes
of the /usr directory to give read and write permission to the
host1, host3, and host29 hosts: the
grp3 and grp2 netgroups; and specifies the path
name of the exports file as /etc/exports.other.