Generates a ccss format update image given an infofile, toc (table of contents), and a bff or tar file.
ccss_pack -p Ptf -t Toc -i InfoFile -c CcssImage [ -h ]
The ccss_pack command is invoked by the ptfpkg command to generate a ccss image when the -c flag is specified. This command generates a ccss image from a backup format file or tar PTF image. Use the gen_infofile command to generate the infofile and the gen_toc_entry command to generate the toc file.
Note: Flags specified with an asterisk (*) are required.
To use the ccss_pack command to generate a ccss format update image, type:
ccss_pack -p U439012 -t U439012.toc -i -c U439012.ptf
infofile | Use the gen_infofile command to generate the infofile in ebcdic format. |
PTF | The PTF image should be in backup or tar format. Use the ptfpkg command to generate the backup format file. Invoking the ptfpkg command with the -c flag automatically generates the ccss format image so that it is not necessary to run the ccss_pack command separately. If the PTF image is hand generated, it should include the ./lpp_name file and the liblpp.a file in the appropriate directory (relative to .). |
toc | The toc file is generally the lpp_name file. Use the gen_toc_entry command to generate the toc file from the bff or tar image. |
ccss image | The output ccss image may be used for official testing and sent through the distribution center in Boulder. |
The ccss_unpack command, gen_infofile command, gen_toc_entry command, ptfpkg command.