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Communications Programming Concepts

DLCETHER Link Session Initiation

Standard Ethernet data link control (DLCETHER) is initialized at the open link station as a combined station in asynchronous disconnect mode (ADM). As a secondary or combined station, DLCETHER is in a receive state waiting for a command frame from the primary or combined station. The following command frames are accepted by the secondary or combined station at this time:

SABME Set asynchronous balanced mode extended
XID Exchange station identification
TEST Test link
UI Unnumbered information - datagram
DISC Disconnect

Any other command frame is ignored. Once a SABME command frame is received, the station is ready for normal data transfer, and the following frames are also accepted:

I Information
RR Receive ready
RNR Receive not ready
REJ Reject

As a primary or combined station, DLCETHER can perform ADM XID, ADM TEST exchanges, send datagrams, or connect the remote into the asynchronous balanced mode extended (ABME) command frame. XID exchanges allow the primary or combined station to send out its station-specific identification to the secondary or combined station and obtain a response. Once an XID response is received, any attached information field is passed to the user for further action.

The TEST exchanges allow the primary or combined station to send out a buffer of information that is echoed by the secondary or combined station to test the integrity of the link.

Initiation of the normal data exchange mode, ABME, causes the primary or combined station to send a SABME command frame to the secondary or combined station. Once sent successfully, the connection is said to be contacted, and the user is notified. I-frames can now be sent and received between the linked stations.

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