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Web-based System Manager Administration Guide

Optional Filesets Available with Web-based System Manager

The following optional filesets can be installed to add additional function to Web-based System Manager:

Adds support for sight-impaired users using simulated speech technology. The Self Voicing Kit (SVK) is needed to use the simulated speech technology with Web-based System Manager. If the SVK is installed on the machine, this fileset allows the SVK to work with Web-based System Manager. For more information on how to obtain, install, and configure the SVK, go to:

sysmgt.msg.Locale Language.websm.apps
Enables the locale language to be used if the LANG environment variable is set or if the -lang argument is used with the wsm command.

Adds support for Secure Socket Layer communication between client and server. Supports 40-bit encryption. Available on Expansion Pack.

Adds support for Secure Socket Layer communication between client and server. Supports 128-bit encryption. Available on the Expansion Pack. Export and import laws could make this fileset unavailable in some countries.

The filesets in the preceding table are not installed by default as part of the base operating system (AIX 5.1). However, they can be installed in a manner similar to the one described above for installing the core Web-based System Manager images. The sysmgt.websm.security and sysmgt.websm.security-us filesets are available on the Expansion Pack CD. From the media containing the fileset, use the following command:

/usr/lib/instl/sm_inst installp_cmd -a -d /dev/cd0 \
-f desired_fileset_to_install -c -N -g -X

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