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Guide to Printers and Printing
Embedded references and logic for
attribute values in the printer backend's database colon files are
defined with escape sequences placed at appropriate locations in the attribute
string. These escape sequences are not to be confused with printer
escape sequences. The first character of each escape sequence is always
the % (percent sign) character, which indicates the beginning of an
escape sequence. The second character (and sometimes subsequent
characters) define the operation to be performed. The remainder of the
characters (if any) in the escape sequence are operands used to perform the
specified operation.
Calculations performed by the
escape sequences can use a stack to hold integers or pointers to strings to be
operated on and can use internal variables a through z
to save integer values for later use.
Since the % character
is used to define the beginning of an escape sequence, a %
character that is part of the data must be represented in the database as two
adjoining % characters (%%). Only one
% character appears in the constructed string.
The escape sequences that can be
specified in an attribute string are listed and described in the following
table. They are based on the terminfo
file escape sequences for terminals, which have been modified and extended for
Esc. Seq.
| Description
| Generates a % (percent sign) character.
ASCII Output From Stack:
| Pops an integer value from the stack and converts it to ASCII, without
leading zeros. Produces a field width large enough to hold the ASCII
numeric digits. Similar to %d with the printf subroutine.
| Pops an integer value from the stack and converts it to ASCII. The
result is 1 to 9 characters long, depending on the digit specified before the
d. If the value does not fill the specified field width, it
is padded on the left with zeros. If the value will not fit in the
field, excess high-order digits are discarded. For example, with a
value of 243 from the stack, %4d produces
0243 and %2d produces 43. A stack
value of -243 would cause %5d to produce
Binary Output From Stack:
| Pops an integer value from the stack and discards all but the low-order
| Pops an integer value from the stack and discards all but the two
low-order bytes.
| Similar to %h, except that the two bytes from the stack are in
an alternate order: low-order byte, then high-order byte.
Input String:
| Includes the string attribute whose name is xx.
%I and can be used recursively; that is, the included string
can also contain a %I. Note that the included string does
not inherit the current stack. Instead, it is assigned a new
%I[ . . . ]
| If multiple, contiguous includes are to be done, the attribute names can
be separated by commas and enclosed with brackets. For example, the
string %Icp%Icc%IeW can be specified as
| Downloads to the printer the contents of the file whose full path name is
specified by the xx attribute. The print job must have read
access to the file. The primary use of this operator is to download
fonts to a printer.
| Pushes a pointer to the sss string constant onto the
stack. The only operation that can be performed on the string pointer
is to use %= to compare the string with another string whose
pointer is also on the stack.
| Inserts the standard output produced when the command string specified by
the xx attribute is passed to a shell. Note that ` is the
grave accent character.
"String "
| Passes the quoted string as a command to a sub shell. Any double
quotes within the quoted string must be back-quoted to prevent the internal
quotes from being read as delimiters for the string. Note that ` is the
grave accent character.
Input Integer To Stack:
| Extracts a selected portion of the string attribute named
xx. The selection criteria is defined by the pattern
"...@...". The
selection pattern consists of three parts:
- The string immediately preceding the string to be
extracted. If the prefix regular expression is missing, the extracted
string consists of the entire string preceding the pattern specified by the
suffix regular expression.
- The extracted string replaces the
%#xx"..@.." operation sequence in the
attribute currently being processed.
- The string immediately following the string to be
extracted. If the suffix regular expression is missing, the extracted
string consists of the entire string following the pattern specified by the
prefix regular expression.
No string is extracted if the
value of the string attribute is null. No string is extracted if the
prefix or suffix regular expression is nonnull and does not have a
corresponding match in the attribute value string.
Note: The ampersand (@) and quote ( " )
characters need to be surrounded with a separate pair of quotes if their
meaning is to be taken literally. Otherwise, the program reads these
symbols as delimiters.
When embedding a %#
operator within a regular expression portion of another %#
operator, the ampersand ( @ ) and quote ( " )
characters cannot be used for their literal meaning. To avoid this
situation, place the embedded %# operator in a separate attribute
value and include the new attribute within the regular expression of the outer
%# operator.
| Gets the integer attribute whose name is xx and pushes it onto
the stack. If the attribute is a string instead of an integer, the
string is assumed to be an ASCII integer. It is converted to a binary
integer using the atoi subroutine and pushed
onto the stack.
| Pushes character constant c onto the stack, where it becomes
the low-order byte of an integer value. The high-order bytes are set to
0 (zero).
| Pushes integer constant nn onto the stack. The constant
is a decimal value and can be either positive or negative.
Internal variables a
through z are integer variables for use by %P,
%Z, and %g. They are initialized to zero and
their values change only if a %P or %Z changes
them. There are two independent sets of these variables: one set
is used by the piobe command for building
pipelines, while the other set is used exclusively by a formatter. The
values for a formatter's set are maintained for the duration of the
formatter's processing.
| Pops an integer value from the stack and stores it in the specified
internal variable. For example, %Pf moves an integer value
from the stack to variable f.
| Zeroes the specified internal variable. For example,
%Zg stores a value of 0 in variable g.
| Pushes the value of the specified internal variable onto the
stack. The value of the internal variable is not changed. For
example, %gb reads the integer value in variable b and
pushes it onto the stack.
Arithmetic Operators:
%+ %- %* %/ %m
| Pushes the result onto the stack.
| Adds the first two values popped off the stack. For example,
%{5}%{6}%+ pushes a value of 11 onto the stack.
| Subtracts the first value popped off the stack from the second value
popped off the stack. For example, %{12}%{3}%- pushes a
value of 9 onto the stack.
| Multiplies the first two values popped off the stack. For example,
%{2}%{3}%* pushes a value of 6 onto the stack.
| Divides the first value popped off the stack into the second value popped
off the stack. For example, %{6}%{2}%/ pushes a value of 3
onto the stack.
| (modulus) Similar to %/, except that the remainder, instead of
the quotient, is pushed onto the stack. For example,
%{17}%{9}%m pushes a value of 8 onto the stack.
Note: The first
value to be popped off the stack is the last one to be pushed onto the stack,
and the second value to be popped off the stack is the one that was pushed
onto the stack first.
Relational and Logical Operators:
%= %> %< %!
| Pushes a value of 1 if true, or 0 if false, onto the stack.
| Are the first two values that are popped off the stack equal? For
example, %{2}%{2}%= pushes a value of 1 (true) onto the stack, and
%{2}%{3}%= pushes a value of 0 (false) onto the stack.
| Is the second value popped off the stack greater than the first value
popped off the stack? For example, %{2}%{3}%> pushes a value of
0 (false) onto the stack.
| Is the second value popped off the stack less than the first value popped
off the stack? For example, %{2}%{3}%< pushes a value of 1
(true) onto the stack.
| Negate the value popped off the stack and push the result onto the
stack: nonzero value to 0; 0 value to 1. For example,
%{0}%! pushes a value of 1 (true) onto the stack, %{1}%!
pushes a value of 0 (false) onto the stack, and %{2}%! pushes a
value of 0 (false) onto the stack.
Note: The first
value to be popped off the stack is the last one to be pushed onto the stack,
and the second value to be popped off the stack is the one that was pushed
onto the stack first.
Bitwise Logical Operators:
%& %| %^ %~
| Pushes the result onto the stack.
| ANDs the first two values popped off the stack. For example,
%{6}%{3}%& pushes a value of 2 onto the stack.
| ORs the first two values popped off the stack. For example,
%{6}%{3}%| pushes a value of 7 onto the stack.
| EXCLUSIVE ORs the first two values popped off the stack. For
example, %{6}%{3}%^ pushes a value of 5 onto the stack.
| ONE'S COMPLEMENTs the first value popped off the stack and inverts
the value of each bit. For example, %{-1}%~ pushes a value
of 0 (all bits off) onto the stack (assumes two's complement notation for
Conditional (if-then-else) Operators:
%? expr %t thenpart %e elsepart
| %t pops a value off the stack and tests it. If the
value is TRUE (nonzero), thenpart is run.
Otherwise, elsepart (if present) is run.
else-if construct
%? c1 %t b1 %e c2 %t b2 %e c3 %t b3 %e b4 %;
where c1,
c2, c3 denote conditions and b1, b2,
b3, b4 denote bodies. For example,
%?%{1}%t%{2}%e%{3}%; pushes a value of 2 onto the stack, and
%gx%{6}%?%=%t%{2}%e%{3}%;%d outputs a value of 2 if the value
of the internal variable x is 6. If value of x is
not 6, a value of 3 is output.
When developing complex logic, it
is sometimes useful to show it in structured form. The preceding
example, in structured form, might look like this:
| Pushes the value of x onto the stack
| Pushes a value of 6 onto the stack
| If the stack values are equal then
| pushes a value of 2 onto the stack
| else
| pushes a value of 3 onto the stack
| endif
| Outputs
the value in ASCII format
| (The piocmdout subroutine call
only.) Pass through from input to output the number of bytes specified
by the passthru argument to the
piocmdout subroutine.
| While loop. Whenever a matching %; is
reached, the value of the internal variable x (x can be
a through z) is decremented by one. If the result
is greater than 0, execution is transferred to the character following
| Starts using only original default values from the database instead of
values that may have been updated from the command line (or during formatter
| Returns to using the values that were being used before
Pipeline Overrides:
| Indicates where to embed the prefix-filter pipeline in the main
pipeline. If not present, it is assumed to be at the beginning of the
main pipeline. Ignored if the first character of the attribute name is
not i (that is it is not a main pipeline)
| Indicates where to embed the pioout string (device-driver
interface routine) in the main pipeline. If not present, it is assumed
to be at the end of the main pipeline. If the first character of the
attribute name is not i (that is, it is not a main pipeline), it is
| Can be specified only in a prefix filter string (that is, the first
character of the attribute's two-character name is f).
The x variable represents a pipeline identifier character.
The %ix variable specifies that the attribute name for the main
pipeline should be ix instead of iy, where y
is the parameter specified (or defaulted) for the -d flag.
As a special case %i! specifies that a null string should be used
as the main pipeline.
These operators are usually used
in pipeline definitions, where they apply to flags specified by the print job
submitter. If specified in attribute strings used by a formatter, they
apply to the flags passed to the formatter. Valid flag letters are
a through z, A through Z, and
0 through 9.
| Pushes a value of 1 (true) onto the stack if flag y was
specified on the command line. Otherwise, pushes a value of 0 (false)
onto the stack.
%Fxy or
| Shorthand for %?%Cy%t-x %I_y%;. If the
y flag was specified on the command line, generates
-x yarg, where yarg is the argument specified
for the y flag. If ! is specified for
x, -x will not be generated. If yarg
contains an unprotected (not immediately preceded by an odd number of back
slashes) single or double quote, an error message will be issued and the print
job terminated.
If multiple flags are to be specified
using %Fxy, and each flag's x and y
values are identical, a list of flag letters can be specified in
brackets. For example, %Faa%Fbb%Fcc can be specified as
The values referenced by y
or [ . . . ] have attribute
names whose first character is _ (underscore) and whose second character is
y or a character in the string
[ . . . ].
%fxy or
%f[ . . . ]
| Similar to %Fxy and
%F[ . . . ], except that no
space is placed between the flag name and the argument, unless the argument is
a null string.
%vxy or
| Similar to %fxy and
%f[ . . . ], but used only in
the command string for the pioout command, the Device Driver
Interface Program, to generate flags and arguments for override values
specified by the piobe command, the Print Job
Manager. Flags are not generated when their arguments are equal to
predefined default values.
With %v, the values referenced
by y or [ . . . ]
have attribute names whose first character is @ (at sign) and whose
second character is y or a character in the string
[ . . . ].
or %U[ . . . ]
| Indicates to the piobe command that the
x flag (or each flag in the string
[ . . .]) is actually referenced
even though it is not referenced by a pipeline; for example, the
x flag may be referenced by a printer command instead of by a
filter in a pipeline. This prevents the piobe command from
rejecting the flag when specified on the command line.
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