How to Collect and Submit an SNA Testcase


About This Document
    Related Documentation
IBM Communications Server Version 4.2 for AIX
    Preparing before Tracing
    Tracing the Problem
    Collecting getsnapd
IBM eNetwork Communications Server Version 5 for AIX
    Preparing before Tracing
    Tracing the Problem
    Collecting getsnapd

About This Document

During the process of sna problem determination, it often becomes necessary to submit trace information to IBM SNA technical support. IBM Communications Server for AIX includes a getsnapd script which facilitates the collection of many traces and logs into a single compressed tar file. This file is referred to as a "testcase". The purpose of this document is to provide the basic steps involved in collecting an sna testcase. Specific steps are provided for both Version 4.2 and Version 5 of IBM Communications Server for AIX.

This document is relevant to AIX Version 4.1.5 and subsequent versions.

Related Documentation

For additional information about IBM Communciations Server, see the IBM Communications Server home page:

IBM Communications Server Version 4.2 for AIX

Preparing before Tracing

Whenever possible, stop sna and delete old sna logs and traces. Then, before starting sna, reconfigure the logs and start new traces. This process will require space in both the /tmp and /var file systems. Please make sure there is plenty of free space (more than 30MB) in both file systems. Please use the following commands to stop sna and prepare for tracing:

    sna -t off
    sna -stop sna    
    rm /var/sna/*    
    verifysna -U
    sna -setlogs  -i '/var/sna/snatrace' -zi '0'
    sna -setlogs  -f '/var/sna/snafailure' -zf '0'
    sna -setlogs '-s' '/var/sna/snaservice' -zs '10000000' -w '3'
    sna -t on -l 'MYLS' -a 'off' -c 'off' -e 'tpcreate opint session pc_trace'

NOTE: The word 'MYLS' in the above command should be replaced with the name of YOUR linkstation. If needed, multiple linkstation names may be given (separated by spaces).

If IBM technical support has requested an API or CPI-C trace, the words following the -a flag and -c flag in the preceding command should be changed from 'off' to 'on'.

Tracing the Problem

In the preceding step, the sna logs were reconfigured and several sna traces were started while sna was inoperative. Now, start sna, make sure the traces are active, and reproduce the problem. Use the following commands to accomplish these tasks:

   sna -start sna
   sna -s l -p MYLS   <---- use the name of YOUR linkstation instead of MYLS
   sna -d l
   sna -d trace

---> At this point, reproduce the problem.
---> Once the problem has recurred, continue with the following step.

Collecting getsnapd

Once you have reproduced the problem, run this command:


The file pd.tar.Z will be created in the current directory. Rename the file to XXXXXX.tar.Z (where XXXXXX is your Problem Record Number opened with IBM SNA Support). Then, ftp the file to; log in as anonymous and use your email address as the password. Using BINARY transfer mode, put the file in the /aix directory.

IBM eNetwork Communications Server Version 5 for AIX

Preparing before Tracing

Whenever possible, stop sna and delete old sna logs and traces. Then, before starting sna, reconfigure the logs and start new traces. This process will require space in both the /tmp and /var file systems. Please make sure there is plenty of free space (more than 30MB) in both file systems. Communications Server V5 has an SNA DAEMON, which must be active, and an SNA NODE, which must be inactive. Use the following commands to prepare for tracing.

NOTE: These commands are only vaild for SNA or greater. Please apply the latest PTFs for sna before proceeding.

    sna start
    snaadmin term_node
    rm /var/sna/*    
    verifysna -U
    snaadmin set_global_log_type, audit='YES', exception='YES'
    snaadmin set_global_log_type, succinct_audits='NO', succinct_errors='NO'
    snaadmin add_dlc_trace, resource_type=ALL_RESOURCES
    snaadmin set_trace_type, trace_flags='ALL', api_flags='ALL'

Tracing the Problem

In the preceding step, the sna logs were reconfigured and several sna traces were started while the SNA NODE was inoperative. Now, start the NODE, make sure the traces are active, and reproduce the problem. Use the following commands to accomplish these tasks:

   snaadmin init_node
   snaadmin set_tn_server_trace, trace_flags='ALL'
   snaadmin status_all
   snaadmin query_trace_type

---> At this point, reproduce the problem.
---> Once the problem has recurred, continue with the following step.

Collecting getsnapd

Once you have reproduced the problem, stop the traces and collect the testcase by running these commands:

         snaadmin remove_dlc_trace, resource_type=ALL_DLC_TRACES
         snaadmin set_trace_type, trace_flags='NONE', api_flags='NONE'
         snaadmin set_tn_server_trace, trace_flags='NONE'
         cd /tmp 
         getsnapd XXXXXX   <----- where XXXXXX is your PMR# with IBM Support

You will be asked to provide a brief problem description. Once you are finished with the problem description, press ctrl-d to continue. You will then be asked if the testcase will include a CORE file or a DUMP file. After you answer these two questions, the process will proceed to completion.

The file XXXXXX.tar.Z will be created in the current directory. If the PMR# is not given with the getsnapd command, the file pd.tar.Z will be created in the current directory. In the latter case, rename the file to XXXXXX.tar.Z (where XXXXXX is your Problem Record Number opened with IBM SNA Support).

Then, ftp the file to; log in as anonymous and use your email address as the password. Using BINARY transfer mode, put the file in the /aix directory.

How to Collect and Submit an SNA Testcase: testcase.V5.sna ITEM: FAX
Dated: 99/03/05~00:00 Category: sna
This HTML file was generated 99/06/24~12:42:00
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