7318 TCP/IP Directed Boot Configuration


About This Document
Remote Booting
Assumptions and Terms
Checking the Interface
Checking the tftp Daemon
Checking the tftp File Access Permissions
Configuring the 7318's NVRAM for a Directed Load
Boot the 7318

About This Document

The purpose of this document is to assist with configuring an IBM 7318 model P10 or model S20 to boot using an TCP/IP directed load configuration. This document was designed for AIX System Administrators with a knowledge of AIX administration and the 7318. Using this document, a TCP/IP directed boot configuration takes about 25 minutes.

In a directed load configuration, the 7318 requests its load image and configuration file from a specific host on the network. Configuring the 7318 to boot using the directed load method requires saving load parameters in the 7318's NVRAM (Non-Volatile RAM, which can be edited through a BIOS Console session). The host must be configured to communicate with the 7318 and allow the 7318 to access certain directories.

This document applies to AIX versions 3.2.5 through 4.3.

NOTE: Since boot parameters are specified in the NVRAM, the 7318 boots faster (compared to a broadcast configuration) because it does not have to search for the correct boot settings.

Remote Booting

The 7318 was originally designed to boot and operate locally to a RS/6000 (i.e. the RS/6000 and 7318 are on the same LAN). Frequently the 7318's functionality is needed in a remote network (i.e. the RS/6000 and 7318 are on separate networks, linked by a gateway or router). The 7318 is capable of booting while remote from the RS/6000, but special care needs to be taken for the communication channel. REMOTE BOOTING tips will be listed throughout this document when a remote configuration is different than the normal configuration.

Assumptions and Terms

Before using this document, the following is assumed:

Terms used in this document:


To use this document effectively, you must:

Checking the Interface

The host communicates with the network through an interface (tr0, en0, et0, fi0). To configure an interface for TCP/IP, the interface must be active (the words <UP, RUNNING> appear in the flags when the ifconfig command is run).


  1. Verify that the communications interface is active using the ifconfig command and the adapter name.

    For a Standard Ethernet Interface configured on ent0, execute:

       ifconfig en0 

    Sample output is as follows:

       inet netmask 0xffffffc0 broadcast 

    For a Standard Token Ring Interface on tok0, execute:

       ifconfig tr0 

    Sample output is as follows:

       inet netmask 0xffffffc0 broadcast 

    If the interface is active (the words <UP, RUNNING> appear in the flags list), then continue to the next section. If the words <UP, RUNNING> do not appear in the flags list, then configure the interface through SMIT, execute:

       smit inet 

Checking the tftp Daemon

tftp is the daemon that services file requests from the 7318 using UDP/IP. This service must be active on the host to send the load image and configuration file to the 7318.

  1. Verify that tftp is active, execute:
       lssrc -ls inetd | grep tftp 

    Sample output is as follows:

       tftp    /usr/sbin/tftpd         tftpd -n        active 

    If the process is active, proceed to the next section. If the process is inactive or is not listed, continue to start the process.

  2. To activate the tftp daemon, open the /etc/inetd.conf file with a text editor, and search on tftp.

  3. If the entry is commented out, uncomment the entry by removing the # sign. An uncommented, sample tftp entry will look as follows:
       tftp    dgram  udp     wait    nobody  /usr/sbin/tftpd      tftpd -n 

  4. Save any modifications and exit the file.

  5. Open the /etc/services file with your favorite text editor, and search on tftp.

  6. If the entry is commented out, uncomment (remove the # sign) the entry. An uncommented, sample tftp entry will look as follows:
       tftp 69/udp 

  7. Save any modifications and exit the file.

  8. Refresh the inetd daemon to implement file modifications, execute:
       refresh -s inetd 

    NOTE: For AIX 3.2.5 systems, first run the command inetimp.

  9. Refer to step 1 above to check for an active tftp process once more. Continue to the next section, "Checking the tftp File Access Permissions", when the process is active. If you are unable to start tftp, please contact an IBM AIX Technical Specialist.

Checking the tftp File Access Permissions

tftp must have permission to access the directories in which the boot image and configuration file reside. The /etc/tftpaccess.ctl file contains the directories tftp is allowed to access. If /etc/tftpaccess.ctl does not exist, then tftp can access any directory.

  1. Open the /etc/tftpaccess.ctl file with an editor.

    NOTE: If the /etc/tftpaccess.ctl file does not exist, either create the file (and allow tftp access to the directories in which the files reside) or continue to the section "Choosing the Boot Method for the 7318". If the /etc/tftpaccess.ctl file does not exist, then tftp is allowed access to all directories.

  2. Specify the directories to which tftp is allowed access (uncomment or add allow:/usr/lib/cns directory).

    The following is a sample /etc/tftpaccess.ctl file entry with tftp allowed access to the /usr/lib/cns directory.

       #       The following example, when uncommented, only    # 
       #       allows access to the Diskless Client boot files. # 
                  allow:/tftpboot allow:/usr/lib/cns 

  3. Save any modifications and exit this file.

  4. Change to the directory in which the load image and configuration file reside.

  5. Verify that the permissions for the files are world-readable, execute:
       ls -l | more 

    Correct sample file permissions are as follows:

       -r--r--r--      1 root     system    442532 Jul 24 01:56 cns-p10 
       -r--r--r--      1 root     system   1240228 Jul 24 01:56 cns-s20e 
       -rw-r--r--      1 root     system     17539 Sep 09 1995 p10.cfg 
       -rw-r--r--      1 root     system     43120 Jul 24 01:56 s20.cfg 

  6. If the file is not world-readable, change the permissions, execute:
       chmod 444  

  7. Continue to the next section.

Configuring the 7318's NVRAM for a Directed Load

Configure the 7318 model P10 or S20 to request its boot files from a specific host. These boot parameters are saved in the 7318's NVRAM (Non-Volatile RAM), which can be modified through a BIOS Console session. A BIOS Console session can be accessed by connecting a terminal (IBM3151) to one of the ports on the front of the 7318 with an RJ-45 cable and a null-modem adapter.

  1. Verify the terminal connectivity and configuration. The terminal should be connected to any one of the 16 ports on front of the 7318. The terminal should emulate an ASCII terminal with the following settings:
       9600 baud       8 data bits     no parity       1 stop bit 

  2. To start a BIOS Console Session, recycle the power on the 7318 by unplugging and replugging the power cord. When the 7318 is powered back on, hold the Shift key and press 3 (the # sign) repeatedly until four # signs scroll across the screen of the terminal.

    NOTE: You can access a BIOS Console between the time the 7318 is first powered on and the ready light (second light) starts blinking. If the ready light begins blinking, you have missed the window to enter the BIOS Console and must recycle the power and try again. Once four # signs scroll across the screen, the 7318 will begin a BIOS Console session.

  3. To make changes to the NVRAM, change to the administrative user, execute:

  4. Display the current contents of the NVRAM, execute:

  5. Specify the boot parameters using the set command.
    1. Specify the Load image. Set the load image for the 7318. Default load images (in the /usr/lib/cns directory) are as follows:
      • cns-p10
      • cns-s20
      • cns-s20e

      Sample command to set the load image for a P10 is as follows:

         set loadimage /usr/lib/cns/cns-p10 
    2. Specify the Configuration File. Set the configuration file for the 7318. Sample command to set the configuration file for 00406ef000f0 is as follows:
         set config /usr/lib/cns/00406ef000f0.cfg 

      NOTE: If the 7318's configuration file has not been created, copy the 7318's default configuration file and name it 00406eXXXXXX.cfg where XXXXXX refers to the last six digits of the 7318's hardware address. The default configuration files in the /usr/lib/cns directory are s20.cfg and p10.cfg. You can use the default configuration to boot the 7318 but DO NOT MODIFY THE DEFAULT CONFIGURATION FILE.

    3. Specify the Load Interface. Use the set command to specify the load interface. The 7318 can be forced to use either the AUI or 10BaseT Ethernet interface instead of searching for the attached interface. If unsure, leave the default value.

      Sample command to set the load interface is as follows:

      set interface 1

      • 0 - auto (default)
      • 1 - 10BaseT Interface
      • 2 - AUI Interface

      NOTE: This may be needed if the HA feature is being used and the system to load from is on the AUI port (the 10BaseT is checked first). Otherwise, leave the default value.

    4. Specify the Frametype. Use the set command to specify the packet type. The 7318 can be forced to use a packet type by setting the frametype parameter. If unsure, leave the default value.

      Sample command to set the frametype is as follows:

      set frametype 1

      • 0 - auto (default)
      • 1 - Ethernet Version 2
      • 2 - Ethernet SNAP
      • 3 - Ethernet 802.3
      • 4 - Ethernet 802.2

      NOTE: This feature is most useful for speeding up the boot process. If the frametype is specified, the 7318 will not search for the frametype needed.

    5. Specify the Protocol. Use the set command to specify the protocol. The 7318 can be forced to use either IPX (1) or UDP (2) to load. If unsure, leave the default value.

      Sample command to set the protocol is as follows:

      set protocol 1

      • 0 - auto (default)
      • 1 - IPX
      • 2 - TCP/IP

      NOTE: Since IPX is tried first, specifying this parameter speeds up the boot process for a 7318 using TCP/IP (UDP). No time will be wasted looking for an IPX boot host when one doesn't exist.

Boot the 7318

Now that we have made the necessary configuration changes, boot the 7318. The 7318 can be rebooted in two ways. Choose the most convenient method from the following.

  1. Recycle the 7318's power by unplugging and re-plugging the power cord.

  2. Execute the load command from the BIOS Console Session on the 7318.

    After approximately 20 seconds, the light sequence on the front of the 7318 should be either 1110 or 1101. If the sequence is (1 Flash 1 0) or (1 Flash 0 1), verify the boot configuration methods used above. If booting the 7318 is unsuccessful, please contact an IBM AIX Technical Specialist.

7318 TCP/IP Directed Boot Configuration: 7318.direct.boot.32-41.com ITEM: FAX
Dated: 99/04/06~00:00 Category: com
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