IPC (Inter-Process Communication) Limits


About This Document
Shared Memory Segments

About This Document

This document describes how to set limits for IPC mechanisms and applies to AIX Versions 3.2.5, 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3.0.

Shared Memory Segments

On some UNIX systems, users edit /etc/master and set their own limits for IPC mechanisms (semaphore, shared memory segments, and message queues). The problem with this method is that the higher the limits are set, the bigger the kernel gets, and performance can be adversely affected. AIX uses a different method.

In AIX, upper limits are set for IPC mechanisms, and the individual IPC types are dynamically allocated/deallocated up to these upper limits. These are not configurable in AIX.

Therefore, the kernel grows and shrinks in size as IPC types are allocated, so any performance hit is only for the life of the IPC type.

This difference in methods sometimes confuses users who are installing or using databases. In AIX, IPC limits are handled for users. The limit that may cause a problem is the maximum number of shared memory segments per process (10).

The structures containing IPC limits are defined in three files in /usr/include/sys/: sem.h, msg.h, and shm.h. The structures themselves are called seminfo, msginfo, and shminfo, respectively. Only the structures are defined--not the contents.

The following is a list of values for AIX 3.2.5, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3.0 4.3.1 and 4.3. None of these values can be modified.

Before AIX 4.2.1

AIX Version 4.2

AIX Version 4.3.0

AIX Version 4.3.1

AIX Version 4.3.2

AIX VERSIONS                      3.2.5 - 4.2.0  4.2.1   4.3.0   4.3.1  4.3.2
                                  -------------  ------- ------  ------ ------
Maximum number of semaphore IDs          4096     4096     4096   4096  131072
Maximum semaphores per semaphore ID     65535    65535    65535  65535   65535
Maximum operations per semop call        1024     1024     1024   1024    1024
Maximum undo entries per process         1024     1024     1024   1024    1024
Size in bytes of undo structure          8208     820      8208   8208    8208
Semaphore maximum value                 32767    32767    32767  32767   32767
Adjust on exit maximum value            16384    16384    16384  16384   16384
Message Queues:
Maximum message size                    65535    65535    65535  65535   65535
Maximum bytes on queue                  65535    65535      4MB    4MB     4MB 
Maximum number of message queue IDs      4096     4096     4096   4096  131072
Maximum messages per queue ID            8192     8192     8192   8192    8192
Shared Memory:
Maximum segment size                    256MB    256MB    256MB    2GB     2GB
Minimum segment size                        1        1        1    1        1  
Maximum number of shared memory IDs.     4096     4096     4096   4096  131072
Maximum number of segments per process     10       11*      11*    11*     11*

* See the information in preceding sections of this document about the differences between the various versions.

IPC (Inter-Process Communication) Limits: ipc.limits.325-430.cmd ITEM: FAX
Dated: 99/05/28~00:00 Category: cmd
This HTML file was generated 99/06/24~12:42:07
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