This document contains tips for installing or updating with low disk space in AIX 3.2 and 4.1
NOTE: If you use this option and get "BROKEN" PTFs, use the installp options documented in InfoExplorer under the installp command to correct the "BROKEN" PTFs.
Under 4.1 you have the option of storing the save-replaced files using an alternate save directory with an NFS mounted file system.
If you have installed Preventive Maintenance Package (PMP) 3240 or PMP 3250, you can use the ptfdir_clean utility to remove these files. The ptfdir_clean utility is provided by PTF U420008 (324) and U422463 (325). You can run the following command to identify how much disk space will be recovered by removing these files:
/usr/sbin/ptfdir_cleanYou can remove the files by running:
/usr/sbin/ptfdir_clean -y
If you have not installed a PMP, you can still remove these files, but you will have to remove them manually. If a PTF is committed and your system is not a diskless server or remote /usr server, you can remove the files in the directory
/usr/lpp/<LPPNAME>/inst_<PTF#>where <LPPNAME> is the basename of the LPP for the PTF and <PTF#> is the PTF number. For example, for PTF X11rte.obj, the <LPPNAME> is X11rte and the <PTF#> is U402470, so you could remove the files in directory
NOTE: Make sure to only remove files in directories of the format inst_U###### (i.e., do not remove /usr/lpp/bos/inst_root or /usr/lpp/bos/inst_ptf).
NOTE: Under 4.1, ptfdir_clean does not exist. The way that the BOS package has been restructured, ptfdir_clean is not needed. However, there is a new command: /usr/lib/instl/inurid which is part of the bos.rte.install fileset and is used for removing client install information on standalone machines (machines that are not install servers for Network Management Installation (NIM) install).
The command will set a variable in the Software Vital Product Database (SWVPD) that informs installp that this system does not need to leave client information on the system for root parts of base levels and updates. This variable is called BIRON, or blast inst_root ON. It is not as liberal in freeing space as ptfdir_clean under 3.2, but again with the restructuring that has taken place with the BOS packaging, space requirements are not as constraining as before.