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Motif 2.1 Widget Writer's Guide

The Software You Will Need

In order to write your Motif widget, you do not need the source files for the standard Motif widgets. In other words, you can develop Motif widgets even if you do not have a Motif source license. (Of course, if you do have a Motif source license, you will probably find it somewhat easier to develop widgets.)

You must have the following software in order to create a Motif widget:

  1. A C or C++ compiler. If you are programming in the C language, an ANSI C compiler is required.

  2. The Motif applications programmer's development software. (This comprises all the header files necessary for developing Motif applications, plus the libXm.a library.)

    Although not a requirement, we strongly recommend that you have access to the Exm Motif demonstration widget set. The source code for this widget set is stored online in the demos/lib/Exm directory that accompanies Motif. This widget set illustrates how to code many commonly used Motif widget features. Figure 1 shows the class hierarchy of the Exm demonstration widget set.

    Figure 1. Hierarchy of Exm Demonstration Widget Set.

    View figure.

    If you are writing a Motif widget that is to be accessible from a User Interface Language (UIL) application, then you will also need to have the following software:

    1. A UIL compiler.

    2. The wml/tools directory.

    3. Motif Resource Manager (MRM) software. This comprises several header files plus a runtime library named libMrm.a.

      You can develop Motif widgets from any operating system that supports Motif. Ideally, the widget source code you write should compile without modification on any operating system that supports Motif.

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