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Motif 2.1 Widget Writer's Guide
Draws a Motif-style highlight around a given widget to show that it has
been selected
#include <Xm/DrawP.h>
void XmeDrawHighlightDisplay
*displayDrawable drawableGC
gcPosition xPosition
yDimension widthDimension
XmeDrawHighlight draws a highlight rectangle immediately inside the
boundaries of the specified drawable (which is typically a widget window). The
highlight rectangle around a widget symbolizes that the widget has the
keyboard focus.
displaySpecifies the display on which d is rendered.
drawableSpecifies the drawable on which the border highlight is to be rendered.
(Typically, this is a widget window.)
gcSpecifies the graphics context for the border highlight.
xSpecifies the x-coordinate in pixels of the leftmost point of the
highlight box. Typically, the value of x will be 0.
ySpecifies the y-coordinate in pixels of the top point of the highlight
box. Typically, the value of y will be 0.
widthSpecifies the width in pixels of the highlight box. Typically,
width will be the width of the widget.
heightSpecifies the height in pixels of the highlight box. Typically,
height will be the height of the widget.
highlight_thicknessSpecifies the thickness in pixels of the highlight box.
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