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Motif 2.1 User's Guide

Maximizing Windows

Maximizing a window makes the window its largest allowable size. A window's largest possible size can be limited by the application program or by configured resources.

To maximize a window, position the pointer on the maximize button on the far right of the window frame and click Button 1. The client window expands to the maximum size set by either the application program or the configured resources. By default, the maximized window fills the screen.

Once the window is maximized, the large square image on the maximize button appears pressed into the screen. Clicking Button 1 on the recessed maximize button restores the window to its previous size and position.

You can also maximize a window by selecting Maximize on the Window Menu or pressing the accelerator Alt F10. You can restore a maximized window by selecting Restore on the Window Menu or by pressing the accelerator Alt F5.

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